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Dear Reader

I'm a big fan of following the lunar calendars of the world and constantly refer 2 to 3 different ones to find moon positions. Being a student and teacher of astrology, exact positions of planets, especially of the moon becomes very significant, for all purposes of astrology and other related disciplines.

For the longest time, I have noticed that Vedic calendars do not include the signs of moon transit, example, Moon in Taurus on so and so days.

Conversely, the western ephemeris of the moon has never charted the Vedic nakshatras or 27 lunar mansions, aka asterisms of the moon, in the same document.

Researching on this topic, we find that there are 2 systems in practice today, which are the 27 asterisms and the 28 asterisms.

What is 12* 51’ 3/7 = 360 divided by 28 days.

That number is 12.8571428571428

7 days multiplied by 4 weeks = 28 days

How many hours does the moon’s movement through each nakshartha take, in Sun hours?

We know the moon takes 2 and a half days to transit through a sign. The asterism count happens to be approximately 1 day of 24 hours, but because we have more days than 28 in the solar calender, I think the moon transit of 12* 51 accounts for the rest of the days.

The actual time taken by the Moon to go around the Earth = about 27.32 days

Earth revolves around the Sun, and we move through 30 degrees of the zodiac in one month, making 360 degrees through 12 months.

360 divided by 12 = 30

360 divided by 12* 57’ = 28

Moon ellipsis of 360 divided by 28 is 12* 51 minutes and 3/7 seconds

1 degree = 1 day of the Earth's movement around the Sun through 360 degrees of Earth's ellipsis.
Similarly, 1 degree is 1 day of the Moon's movement through 360 degrees of Moon's ellipsis.
We know that the moon takes 2 ½ days to move from one sign to next sign ( as in, from an Aries to a Taurus, not to be confused with Nakshatra or asterism).Within this time, it also comprises of movement through a nakshartha and the padas of each nakshartha, which comes to 12*51’ 3/7 of its elliptic. While we have an ephemeris to chart the course of the Moon through the 360 degree ellipsis of the zodiac signs, we don’t yet have an open source ephemeris of the Moon’s movement through the 28 asterisms. This ephemeris also varies since some use the 27 system and some use the 28 system. I am here, using the 28 asterism or 28 nakshartha system, with 'Abhijit'- which is the star Vega in astronomical logs.

Mayasura or Mayan, describes various time units, in the Atharvana Veda. He writes that a "prana" is a duration of 4 seconds. He then continues with a discussion of a number of time units with progressively long durations made up of the shorter time units all composed of a number of pranas. Amongst those time units are something he calls "nakshatra". For example: 15 pranas are in a minute; 900 pranas in an hour; 21600 pranas in a day; 583,200 pranas in a nakshatra.

Prana here is a unit of time, but in modern yoga, we know that prana means something closer to breathing, when we use the word in terms like pranic healing. Prana also means life force or vital force of life in this context of yoga. In short, here we discover that a unit of time also means life.

But what does this term nakshatra mean and where does it come from?

Naksh meaning some say, in Sanskrit is Moon, Artha means meaning, related to English word Earth, so Naksh + Artha actually simple means Moon and Earth. Did this word become Nakshatra?

Instead of Naksh + artha= Naksharthaa which would mean Moon of Earth.

Let us pay attention here, because I think I’ve stumbled onto the real origin of it's meaning. Naksh also means ‘approach’ or ‘encounter’ and is found in Latin as Nactum, and this related to the English word ‘Next’, Old English nēhsta ‘nearest’, superlative of nēah ‘nigh’; compare with Dutch naast and German nächste. So Naksh + Artha would mean Next to Earth or Nearest to Earth or even Next Earth?

The popular colloquial use of this term has become corrupted already, as we can see in the suffix of this word Nakshartha, from the interchanging of ARTHA with ATHRA.

Arth in Sanskrit is ‘meaning’ and ‘arthaath’ is used to explain what the significance or total takeout is...for instance, of an argument, or a hypothesis or the purport of a stanza or verse or prose, one could say, the deduction of what we consider when we analyze facts and stories.

When we engage in this, we find ourselves as having a certain meaning, in relation to others and this ontological exercise coincides with the world of relativity in this way.

But I think this ‘Artha’ is related also, to the word Tamil, Sanskrit ‘Vaarthai’and ‘Vac’, which is ‘Word’ in Old Norse English and in current usage.

So why is this word ‘Artha’, also the word for ‘Earth’?

The origin of the word Earth is found in many older civilisation, with the use of words like ‘Aroo’, from which comes ‘root’.

Aloha, a word used in Hawaii, is a version of Aroo, and if we place r in Aloha, we get Aroha, where in the pronunciation, much like the Chinese everywhere, the l and r have been swapped. Aloha is a greeting meaning ‘Hello’, and this word ‘Hello’ is a further dilution of the same word- which means, when we say Hello- we are really all the time saying, ‘Aroo’ or ‘Earth” or introducing ourselves by placing our geographical coordinates as a greeting.

In Tamil, there is the word, ‘Aalayam’ which is close to Aloha, which means home. So here, we find the reference to the Earth from Aroo and then Aloha and in Aalayam as home.

For instance, the word Malayalam, ( this is the name given to the language spoken in Kerala in Southern India) means, malai and aalayam, which is actually home = alayam in the malai =hills, which is the word ‘malai’. This word for the language describes where people come from, their home. Alam in the suffix is a shorter form of Alayam, so it is actually MALAYALAYAM.

A lot of geographical places have names which describe the nature of the place and this combined description of a place and what happens there forms the body of the language itself. More on this later.

So here, in a first after many moons (sigh) of wanting this information together in one place, I have put it together and plan to update you with this special moon calendar month by month, available to anyone, free of cost. Every month, I will publish a link you can click on below in this same update.

Starting with zodiac year 2018 and to be more practical, from April 1st 2018 (although the zodiac year commenced on March 18, 2018), we will now be able to see a 'married' calendar of all the above information we need about the moon.

Almost all. She still has ingresses and void of course movements, which other brilliant creators and calculators of farmer's almanacs, like our friends at Astrodienst in Switzerland and Thomas in Australia, are already charting.

Thanks all for the inspiration and motivation to get this out. Hope you find it as useful as we do, for your work and projects.

Click here to view our specially designed combined Western and Vedic monthly moon calendars*:













Special acknowledgements for these amazing resources:

Ephemeris source for Moon positions in tropical zodiac: Astrodienst

Lunar asterisms: Drik Panchang, Lunar calendar & Vaishnava Calendar
This is a really good link, with inputs from Mayasura who is said to have written the Surya Siddhanta and brought the knowledge of the measurement of time, in the Vedas. This is useful if you are into time measurements, understanding the composition of time in units of measurements other than the hour, minute, second. It shows how time is measured in 6 other units, and I think it goes from Prana to Yojana to Yuga, with a few more intercessions of units of measurement in that stack.

* To say that only these 2 systems ( Western moon sign and Vedic moon sign and asterisms) have been considered would be way off-- this data is also corroborated by Mayan, American Indian, Aboriginal, Chinese, Ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Norse, Gaelic, Vaishnava, Alberuni and many other countless time systems, to the best of our observations and knowledge. This calendar aspires to be more accurate than either of the systems considered by themselves and also because it includes the nakshatra Abhijit at position asterism no 22, which is left out of other calculations.


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