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I had a break of a month in September 2018 from writing my regular updates. It was a busy month that saw my Mars going direct and me moving, in more ways than one.

Many internal shifts took place in September and some continue, under the influence of Jupiter in Scorpio overseeing the general direction, thanks to its 9th house position in my chart.

This month I come with a renewed sense of self, priorities and a better sense of the harmonies. Without taking any more of your time, here is this month's big news, discoveries and contemplative points to take.

As we know, Saturn has recently entered Capricorn, his own sign. This is after 29 years of transiting other signs for about 3 years each. He is a builder and acts inn the long term interest. The last time Saturn was in Capricorn, in 1990, the world over, we observed many changes like free trade opened up between countries, globalisation started influencing hitherto conservative economical policies to create more inclusion. We observed an acceleration in technological products becoming more and more advanced but available for everyone to use, all the same. These changes took place over a long time and probably many heated discussions, since bringing something entirely new which changes day to day aspects of our lives could have met with transition challenges.

Now we are on the cusp of a similar long-term building initiative. We also have Uranus in recently  entered Taurus which I've written about before, to stay there for the next seven years. Together the areas where we can expect their building and novel ideas are in food safety and security since Taurus rules security of the basics. Saturn literally also rules building and structures and this could be anything from coding structures to actual projects like the proposed hyperloop train connection which will bring the whole together by rail.

But now, this month we feel a change in energy to lighter things, since Venus, the planet of love, beauty, the aesthete of the planetary family has a bit to say, especially to her counterpart, Mars, who has emerged from a retrospective retrograde period most of the past few months. Surely his many changed views could be altering their relationship and for people in relationships, this can ofcourse mean many things. Some that have outgrown a shared purpose may see that and move to the next chapter. But here, Mars in Aquarius this month and Venus in Scorpio alongside Jupiter in these fixed signs are all holding on to something in their famously stubborn ways- but this could be a good thing, like hope, like the idea of progress itself or maybe even just a way of doing things which has given them results in the past. Both signs are tenacious and they'd rather not fight battles they have already won. To progress the harmonies of what they together hope to achieve, they have Mercury currently in Libra, who will soon join Jupiter in Scorpio.

Now you must understand that Mercury is very here and now, but his relationship with Jupiter is one of student-teacher, and these roles often reverse in this relationship. Mercury is master of wit and detail, Jupiter is a great seer and tethers those gifts to a higher purpose. This kind of mood suits the Mars-Venus position right now, because they are both a bit beyond the self- Aquarius has a humanitarian lens for its guests and Scorpio has the gift of a probing mind. Their collaboration can produce things like scientific advancement, a technological breakthrough for medicine, and their relationship is big enough to hold its friendship aloft, to put a greater purpose ahead of personal needs and wants. 

Thanks to the Mars retrograde, he is in a good position to take matters forward through to their logical end- cause let's not forget, Aquarius is a very logical sign and their unemotional detached frame of mind accomplishes a lot, paradoxically, since looking at them you wouldn't think it was all about things like world hunger, an end to war and its crisis ( and very nuanced solutions to all this) etc- because they don't get swayed by the emotional minefield. And what it takes for them to take others along is something Venus in Scorpio is completely capable of. While she can emote, she can also reason through her research and findings and she has that feeling of coming home to be with the one she loves, since Mars rules Scorpio. Neptune in Pisces adds something truly glorious this month, like a beautiful lute player in the background sprinkling a bit of magic for the garnish.

The other generational influences are Chiron who has also recently entered Aries- about which I've written in detail before. This healer will also spend the next years in Aries. Its a time to heal issues around self-worth, how we think about ourselves and perhaps pay attention to head injures more closely since Aries rules the head. On a broad level, mental well being will become a much much more talked about in these years since the healer tries to bring in lasting changes using the energies of the sign he is in. For instance, during his last transit through Pisces, we saw a lot of focus groups and help that made drug problems less of a taboo and more out in open so people could avail care, respite, and healing techniques that also emerged anew. He works by opening up our sore wounds and often unexpectedly, but if we know how to work with Chiron, we can be part of a generation that finally knows how to solve something that has eluded us so far. So its not all boring, its a good time to share, get ideas, try new things and surprise yourself once in a while.

The mid-month full moon in Aries this month illuminates many things- its a time to feel the synergy and celebrate joie-de-vivre since Aries is impulsive sign with lots to offer. This month will see a blend of many things coming together in a great harmony. If you get the time, just close your eyes or tune into some good music to feel this harmony.

Finally, this month sees the beginning of the transit of the North Node from its home for the past eight months in the sign of Leo. It has been a remarkable year for those born with the North Node in Leo and also, generally since this sign loves its drama. Everyone would a felt their lives blow up into soap operas and full lengths features from time to time this past year. Yes, it has exasperated some, but its also brought out some of our truer colours, the ones we tend to let slip in the grind. If you have a Leo in your life who has made this year special for you, this is a good time to thank them for accompanying you on your journey. You will begin feel their influence wane. It could have been a benevolence you never knew before, if could have elevated you to feel quite special, you may felt like a sunny sense of happiness always buzzed around you- they are ruled by the Sun. You may have seen yourself grow and mature as a person and you might have noticed that you played a lot- and developed a very acute sense for understanding the way people are, their nature and play by that.

The North Node in home-loving Cancer is a transit we will feel soon and this transit is about tribe, family ties and keeping these things together. It promises to be a welcome transit  of the next 8 months, for those who may have felt like their family needs more attention that they have been able to give it.

Heart-warming times ahead.


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