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Dear reader

Coming back after a month-long hiatus from updates. It's something of a tradition for me to skip February predictions, I've noticed, from the few years of practice I have of writing updates. I noticed that the reason this happens is related to February itself. Aquarian ruled energies of the month tend to take me away into a very interesting zone of developing debates, arguments and often, new ideas that no one has ever heard of, from this pool of scientist-skeptic party goers- in a nutshell, I find the act of writing or concluding thoughts in a blog or anywhere else a pretty challenging thing to do in Feb. I'm actually writing this in March, but this will also be my update for February 2018.

Let me bring you up to date with my sojourns, having many 11th house planets myself, especially with Uranus in Sagittarius in it. Following where it took me, during February's Aquarian wavelengths all coming at me at the speed of light,  I have found that many ideas from Cancerian R Buckminster Fuller (born 12 July 1895) from his thoughts on the design science revolution in his works including the Critical Path and Synergetics have had an extremely compelling world view that many have adopted, many continue to adopt and for those who are new to it, you really should give it a read. To anyone who has read his works, the combination of a revolutionary spirit, a humanitarian heart and the scientific intellect attributed to Aquarius becomes evidenced, as do the many ramifications thoroughly described in the books. In his chart ( included here, thanks to astrodienst who have his birth chart in their databank) we can observe a combination of Aquarius on the10th House cusp, with Uranus ( modern ruler of Aquarius) exalted in the sign of Scorpio in the 6th house. The 6th and 10th houses have traditionally been about our routine day to day work and our public standing and position in the world. the supportive position of ruler of the 10th house in this case, planet Uranus in Scorpio in exaltation in the 6th house, can be attributed to the amazing powers of thinking and deduction of scientific ideas in a practical way- all of which form the very basis of all his works and his life.
Also, there is a clear sense of the Sun in Cancer, also conjunct Jupiter in the 3rd house, shines through his published works (publishing ruled by 3rd house), which you readily relish when you read them. As an astrologer/ astronomer, it is delightful to me, to study from his life, and to glean from his chart and his works, a sense for what these particular planetary energies can effect, can produce, can actually mean.

From his mention of his life circumstances in 1929 during the great crash, his marriage, his daughter, his experiences of losing jobs and then being forced in a sense to think about how to solve those problems, in the extraordinary way that he describes it and did solve it, placing himself in a context which he fully maps, seemingly easily drawing from a great and vast resource of individual and collective memory, connecting multiple factors, coining and re-purposing the language itself to describe as close to his intuitions as possible his scientific discoveries, what he felt and how he then acted upon it - all of this is a remarkable work of the action in his 3rd house, 10th house, and the anchorage of his North Node in Pisces, in the 'humanitarian' 11th house. Sun in Cancer individuals are often associated with remarkable powers of intuition, which we hear never fails them, and here we have one of 20th century's greatest thinkers, patently telling us about how his 'intuitive wisdom' alone created all the success that he manifested in his life. For many astrologers, an example of the workings of an Exalted Uranus in Scorpio is not easy to find. Many have guessed at it exhaustively, since both energies are seriously serious. Here, it is wonderful to find a manifested example to use as a point of reference for this influence. You can get a sense of these working when you see the drawings of the many heretofore never been drawn artefacts that he talks about.

Having Pluto in the first house- "the end is the beginning' is a sentiment he conveys throughout all his works and his life philosophy and having Neptune conjunct Pluto gives us not a foreboding sense of the doom that you might expect with this position, but a vividly imaginative exercise of plumbing the depths (a very Pluto thing) and sailing far and wide ( a very Neptune thing), alternatingly, in the backdrop of a chatty Gemini on the cusp here. That a lot of his logos is based on a naval sciences and the history of circumnavigation' and his deriving the idea of a similar analogy for 'Spaceship Earth' as he calls it, is a remarkable outcrop of such a Neptune placement in the chart. The Moon in Pisces conjunct the north node in the 11th house squares these interesting first house planets, making that 'intuition' very sharp.

I'm still digesting the Critical Path and I'm page 263 of this 510 page book and I'm learning a lot from this. Around almost 13 years back, I met a group of interesting people outside the mainstream, in Australia's subversive cultural pockets comprised of self taught improvisationary individuals who put together the 'down to earth' festival during Christmas and Easter holidays, in which, a whole and complete 'way of life' more in keeping with design science principles, was evident. From bush camping to river side recreation, to communal kitchens, to healing spaces and workshops in understanding 'new age' therapies, to fire powered sauna tents that detox, to just breathing in the beautiful tea tree infused air under which all of this flurry took place, had deeply left me with a longing to return to it - a most simple way of life. It is here that I first encountered people who used to get together in the sunny afternoon ( down under its Summer during Christmas) and talk of 'Bucky' and they were people who had grown up with these ideas and a great sense of familiarity with them. Of course, everyone would return to their 'day job' lives after the festival and look forward to the next break.

Many people, however, would never make the journey back to the their day job lives ever, and instead go on to re-create the amazing beauty of that way of life, which they had tasted, in many other parts of the world, sometimes completely and in even better ways, and sometimes in bits and pieces. I'm just so grateful to have been a beneficiary of exposure to this way of life early on, and to be rooted to it in longing, and be in however significantly or insignificantly, an influence, a reminder, and a carrier of this longing among the circles I move in- which could in turn be helping people have access to alternative ways of thinking and living, for which I find validation in my experience.

Considering we still have a lag going on in the world, as we're behind where we need to have all been together, by now, as foreseen by Bucky 100 years ago now, and considering one of the biggest reasons for this lag is still around money, inspite of many grand ideas and a grand reality which is possible for all, I have no choice, but to sign off with one of his quotes from his experiment "Qbnoxico".

"You have to decide whether you want to make money or make sense, because the two are mutually exclusive."

Great sense of humor and timing in that quote unquote. I'm hoping that generational planets Pluto and the newly returned-home Saturn in Capricorn  for the next 3 years), with a Neptune in Pisces and the Uranus in Aries, all anchored by a North Node in Leo will mean progress in the right direction, despite what the news says and what we're lead to believe. A chart of the moment shows here, the entrepreneurial, self-oriented energies of Aries with Uranus in it (inventor/ scientist) at play - Aries hasn't traditionally been known for altruistic intent. But Mars ruled Aries is independent for very good reasons- the status quo is his enemy and while this is fuelled by Aries' independent strike-out fire energies, it may well end up benefitting everyone anyway, even if he doesn't 'intend' it so. Aries people, in their specifically innocent 'I don't want to know' way, often end up doing the right things for the right reasons.

Consider Tesla, the launch of Space X, by now, you would think that this news, of significant scientific advancement wouldn't have to come to us  in a never-changing backdrop of nuclear war and bombings and ever greater threats of mass extinction one way or another by man made disasters and climate change. The paradoxical nature of the context has to change to become a more synergistic and supportive context for unanimous and uniform advancement. Interestingly, Elon Musk, (born June 28, 1971 in Pretoria), is another Sun in Cancer, Ascendant Aries individual with a strong Mars in Aquarius in the 11th House. His chart also has some rare to find planetary placements ( in my years of looking through charts anyway) like Saturn and Venus in Gemini. Going back, this is an example to show how the current transit of Uranus in Aries can pan out, in what seems like a really good time for Space X, since Musk has his natal Mars in Aquarius, making these planets sit in what is called a mutual reception for him- in which the ruling planets of either sign is found in the other's sign.) More on this in another blurb soon to become a blog. 

The north node in Leo is a benevolent position for bringing about the reality associated with the biblical imagery of 'the lion that sat with the lamb', among other things. This is a nodal position which is here to bridge the energies of the past year until the end of 2018 to put us all in touch with this benevolence and as we know, the nodal points are our collective karmic path- which at the moment and for the year ahead is in the nodal axis of NN Leo-SN Aquarius.  

But, let's watch what happens. We follow the entourage of Mercury and Venus during their annual transit with the Sun in Pisces.  As we ceremoniously end a highly eventful zodiac year- will they culminate what has been on the cards the whole past year? Venus exalted conjunct Chiron in the final degrees of Pisces- does Chiron have a final gift of healing to make to womankind? Will they become an even bigger story in the new year? Or will there be a last song from the wailers? We begin a new zodiac year at the end of this month with a Uranus-Sun conjunction in Aries, and spontaneous ruler Mars in Sagittarius (the philosopher general), making his way into serious Capricorn, joining the heavyweights Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn- will he be able to make his case and turn their caprice in favor of all and not just the powerful few? 

Many thanks and much love to everyone :-) 
Keep gazing skywards. 
See you next month!

Resources:,_Buckminister by Wayman Stewart

Nodal Astrology by Jan Spiller


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