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Dear Reader

I woke up today after a messy night of disturbed sleep, which at one point had me staring into the figure of a lady in white standing upside down. Now since I work with astral energies a lot, I could recognize that this was Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, (old ruler Saturn). Also represented as the star card in the Tarot. I also must add that I have over the course of my whole life, worked with Uranian energy very closely. Apart from Uranus, we have our asteroid Urania who is considered patron goddess of Astronomy. For those of you don't know, asteroid positions can also be charted using ephemerides that chart their courses. Our dear friend Roderick Kingston who passed away has worked all his life to study asteroids and their energies on the birth chart. Demetra George in her book ' Astrology for Yourself' also details some of the energies of asteroids like Vesta, Juno, Pallas Athene- who all are said to bring finer energies to play in the charts.

Coming back to Uranus, It is in my 11th house cusp in the sign of truth loving Sagittarius. Last night, as I said, was pretty rough. But fun.

When we think about it, a lot of the rough tough love and truth about our lives can be difficult to work with. But Uranus through his transit of Aries in the last 7 years has revealed some truly remarkable things and with his imminent entry into Taurus in May 2018, he is leaving us with some very significant things to think about and act upon.

I woke up to the headlines that a satellite sent by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has malfunctioned and is basically not transmitting any signals only a few hours after launch. What struck me here is that it boils down to a basic power supply issue.

In recent days and weeks, as everyone knows,Tesla's Elon Musk has been making headlines.

Something in my mind started to connect a few dots.

So I go on YouTube and started discovering for the next few hours, what many people in the world are waking upto right now. That Tesla's inventions around electricity could have helped humanity about 100 years ago and for so long, a greedy bunch of people have been trying to keep it all a secret to make more and more money out of doing so.

Now, I started investigating (typically Scorpio of my natal 10th house Sun in Scorpio) and started to piece together something truly remarkable. And totally leading to a questionable reality.

First, I youtubed a video that explained how radio frequencies are actually a form of light. Heinrich Hertz discovered this back in the late 18th century but died soon after before he could proceed with his work. (rather a young man, at only 36- which is how old I am today). Now, I consider myself pretty well-educated, but this was never in any textbook, let alone explained in high school. I remember we used to draw the flow of current and learnt about 'ohms' but no one ( and I believe this is true even today) explains how these inventions came to be, which is now changing thanks to wiki, google, youtube on which I see a lot of comments from people who all say the same exact thing- why did we never learn about these things in school?

Then, another video explains that Marconi used the radio to send 'communication' ( Mercury at work) to the other side of the Atlantic, while Tesla was using the same technology to create 'power' (Pluto), and built the Tesla coil. Both of them under the inspiration of Uranus, who is the muse of all scientists, inventors, artists and dreamers. Marconi succeeded in his efforts and went on to win the Nobel prize, while Tesla did not- which is now largely seen as an unfair thing to have happened. especially since Tesla was the more esoteric inventor who also had a larger number of patents for many inventions which have not yet seen the light of day, in the way he probably envisioned for them. He has become hyper relevant to the now, for very good reasons. The reason for his failure then ( namely, not pandering to the greedy pigs) will now end up changing the world for the better. The more one reads about him, the more one has to admire his perseverance.

How is this going to change the world?

Read this link by Jessica Adams, who tells of her 'three days that will shake the world' coming up in May 2018. Much needed shake up of the old banking system, which will hopefully create lasting changes based on the simple truth that we are all finding we can no longer just ignore.

It is interesting to note that both of those technologies, radio and electricity originate in the same 'electro magnetic' (EMR) technology but one was promoted for use in the military for the war propaganda of the powers of the time, and subsequently became a free resource to the public, whereas, the other, electricity became monetized and is not free to us, in the way the radio is. Although it should have been. That we still pay enormous amounts for basic electricity is a huge shame on the part of all of our world's leaders in government and business, and this has to change. This is no longer ethical. The ongoing saga of Tesla ( brought to life by Elon Musk) is playing out in a very big way, and I feel that the Uranus transit of Aries, is finishing and passing on the torch to Venus ruled Taurus with a very big problem to solve: that of free basic electricity since this is now overdue, by all accounts. This in turn will impact world markets and that is the connection between Uranus (electricity ) and the markets (Taurus).

And more significantly- what are our personal values around money- which is ruled by (Taurus)?

If our values do not support all the ugly shameful practices of the big moneylenders, the banks and their corruption and disregard for human values- then they will close down. We all know the truth about money. There simply is no cattle making more cattle to afford the 'interest' and all the governments are in debt and wasting resources on war. Lending, according to the old world rules is definitely over.

From this gaping hole to the other bigger and smaller crimes - of the arbitrary nature of the differences in currencies of the so-called poorer nations, which keeps them in a vicious debt and poverty cycle. When are the third world countries going to step up and declare what they are worth? Not according to others, but according to themselves? (this innate sense of worth is definitely going to change a lot - since Taurus is concerned with this idea in a big way (individual worth).

The focus is also on the systematic clean out-  like cheating us out of savings by charging inappropriate fees and unaccountable superannuation funds which will shamelessly tell you there is nothing there when you get to retirement. Everything about the old world money system is being challenged by the younger people and no one of the younger generation is anymore invested in these ideas. Everyone of us is hungry for equality ( an ongoing theme across gender, marriage, laws, and now money, with the idea of universal basic income already a serious contention in many countries) and I wouldn't be surprised at all when these things happen. In fact, we'll be sitting down, a beer in hand cheering and celebrating. Basically, long overdue.

So that is the nature of generational planets like Uranus who create lasting long term changes, regardless of the fact that it looks disruptive and unstable. The mythologies describe Uranus as a masculine planet, who married the Earth (Gaia) and whose son castrated him.

According to the mythologies, there is also a more detailed story on why his son, Kronos or Saturn, the lord of time ( Kronos -from the Greek for time) castrated him.

I have for the longest time, communed with this planetary energy, or rather an asteroid, knowing her as Urania, or Ourania, from the Greek, patron Goddess of astronomy. This truth about Urania is that she is one of the nine muses. She is a muse. Not an overlord. Not an authority figure. Not a headmaster. Not at all like anything in any other 'box', which is probably where the sign of Aquarius gets its 'don't box me' attitude from. She is a muse, who will inspire us. She is unconventional, strident, and amazingly omniscient, who can make all of our lives truly amazing, every second of our lives, if we only heed her presence, her messages and what she calls us to be inspired about.

It turns out that Urania is the great grand daughter of Uranus, and both the asteroid and the planet are associated with astronomy and the associated arts of poetry, star gazing and are said to uplift people into the heavens.

While all this happening, and why this is relevant is because we must remember that the nodal axis is on NN Leo and SN Aquarius. For all of the great Uranian revolution to happen, 'ego', 'pride' have to be replaced with the 'majesty' and the 'purpose and grandeur' of universal benevolence of the Sun ruled Leo energy who has the power to totally make this happen.

Take for instance, the ISRO example I quoted earlier, at the outset of the blog. India, is a Sun in Leo country (taking 15th August, 1947) as the event chart, a country whose power structures are crumbling in the wake of the Uranian energy and moving in support of the younger generation. Launching a satellite worth some 270 crores when it has serious poverty issues domestically, in an ill-advised space race, with its power supply malfunctioning hours after a launch. Is this a chance to correct the imbalance here and take its lessons- can we invest in free education instead? Free electricity for its villages and cities instead? And can we look at how the 'innate' sense of worth which is turning into futile 'nationalistic pride and ego' can instead be channeled into a useful and productive conversation by the finance ministry around 'a more decent appraisal of the worth of the currency's value (ruled by Jupiter in Scorpio), which could truly create more equality and better opportunities. Again, long overdue.

With that, as they say, may the force be with us.


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