What's up in March 2013 for those of us living in northern hemisphere should actually read as what's down in March 2013,' cos all the planets except for Saturn are in the southern hemisphere. For those of you who like to sky gaze at night, pull out your noses from under the sheets and poke it at the sky. Even with a basic telescope, this month's sky will have you wondering, 'cos the horizon this month offers us an exciting view of Sagittarius rising in the east and Gemini in the west, which only happens this time of the year! After the vernal equinox on March 22, we begin the new zodiacal year with the Sun in Aries. More on that next month. Now read on about the life aquatic of Pisces.
March 2013
Moods: Buoyant, driven, passionate, sexy, private,
ruthless, compelling
Colours: Indigo, Deep Purples, Teals and deep maroon and bright yellows.
Symbol: Two Fish united by a cord.
Claim to Fame: Albert Einstein.
The Piscean Personality
"Fish are slippery"
Pisceans are paradoxical people. The contradictions of life are ever present in their lives, before their very eyes, all of the time. Now this is difficult to understand unless you are a Piscean yourself or unless you have a string affinity with them, because planets of your own chart contain either Neptune or Jupiter or the Moon in the constellation of Pisces.
There's a very high level of interactivity between Piscean and what surrounds them, on both a material, plaint o see eye level and quite naturally, also on a hallucinatory almost, what cannot be seen level.
Pisceans are often boozy too, for this reason and quite often connoisseurs of a variety of experimental drugs of all kinds. They tend to sub-atomize things that other people might not see for what it could be...a rock may be a rock, but for some, it isn't just a rock, it could be a place where a disco ball party could be actually happening.
Pisceans are also masters at dreaming up reality. They discover this about themselves at an early age, as children often and are quite out of touch with what is 'normal' for this reason. Most of them adapt, because they're quick learners and understand survival, although they won't care if they're pushed to be responsive to needs and routines. They'll rather contend with being kicked and pushed around, and for this reason, Pisceans are often, in art portrayed as martyrs.
It is poorly understood, the bridge between the spiritual and the material and it is as though they need to find this bridge and walk on it, time and time again and it consumes them.
To some people, indeed most people, this can be a phase, at most?? To them, it is happening at an obsessive scale.
Lessons learned the hard way
Pisceans are miserable company. They have none of the enterprise of Leos, the fire of Sagittarians or the ability to make fun of themselves like Arians can, or the light hearted-ness of Librans, to pull themselves out of their own sorrowful positions, which they think is essential to themselves. They own their sorrow quite gracefully, and this is why they make really awesome painters, writers, pianists, actors and scientists. Something about the wintery sorrowful, quiet space fosters the kind of ground breaking creativity that they know is essential to themselves. In this sense they are bound to the term 'suffering'. They are watery people, often phlegmatic and teary and brutally funny when they get their heads out of the water.
While Sagittarians and Capricorns are considered the teachers of the zodiac, Pisceans often teach, in a way that often takes interested people way outside of the class rooms. They like to abstract, they like to puzzle and quiz and allow a kind of learning that isn't a logical factual linear tuition. Both these elements are equally necessary for us and March borns are the kind of students who never ever study, but ace their exams anyway. If you've ever had a Piscean friend, you know I mean.
‘Follow me where the silence goes, where eyes are all that speak.’
People who've been out on dates with Pisceans tell me that they are quite fun loving, playful and happy in relationships. They're not afraid of commitments; commitments are afraid of them, rather. They get along quite intuitively with July-borns and November-borns. They have a lot in common, in terms of the watery, emotional field of experience and life. If in a coward of people on a morning train, there are people busying in the queue for a coffee, or picking up a newspaper for the journey ahead, or making pleasant ordinary everyday small talk, often the intuitive watery types won't be doing these things. The typical Piscean is the one day dreaming because there's a light on the roof of the dock and off in the sequence of a story about its origin and so on....In relationships, Pisceans benefit from a grounding presence, someone who can give them plain simple instructions, like ' Can we please finish this by 4 pm?' or ' Martha, do this by Thursday for me please.' It keeps them connected to their polar identity, that of the Virgo, who is always full of things to do, busying himself or herself with things to be completed and do that too. This axis of the dreamer and the doer is one of their greatest advantages and for those who happen to know a Piscean in his or her element, know that you've witnessed something quite amazing about human nature. They are always a fantabulous story in the making. Nothing ordinary here at all.
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