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Dear reader

I've decided to write a special blog focusing only on the very interesting transit of Venus in Pisces this month March 2018. Venus transits all the signs as she moves in the zodiac, and arrived in her sign of exaltation which is Pisces on February 17, 2018.

From what I observe, there was an exact conjunction of Venus and Chiron in 27' Pisces around exactly 5th March 2018, where Chiron has been. Chiron being a slower moving planet, from our point of view on Earth, has been in Pisces since April 2010. 27* Pisces is the exact degree of exaltation for Venus in Pisces. Most astrologers will consider a planet as being exalted anywhere in the sign, but each planet is actually fully exalted in a particular degree of the 30 degrees. What are the odds that this conjunction of Chiron with exalted Venus happens to be in the exact 27' degree of Pisces? Once in forever.

So , pay attention.

I have long been a fan of classical interpretations of Venus by artists like Botticelli and the mythical relevance of her stories in art. I have also in the past noted and blogged about Anthony Aveni's exhaustive studies in following the sometimes elusive planet Venus, since her revolutions have, according to him, varied greatly in some years to others, placing the number of days at anything between 263 and 564.

Astronomical observers however, don't agree with Aveni's research, or at least any that I know of, so far.

A healthy dose of the skeptic's observations (mostly from the astronomical community and other scientists) doesn't hurt astrologers and traditionally, while they have been at opposite poles, now, in the last 20 years of my involvement with both communities, there has been a healthy sharing of views and insights, which especially have been beautiful, excruciatingly funny at times, and mostly 'too interesting to ignore' to witness- the bridge between seemingly inorganic rocks on the one hand and their enormous, 'divine' powers to affect human life and the goings on in the mundane.

Point being, it is from this overview, that I venture here, to present a hypothesis about Venus conjunct Chiron this month, with empirical collections of world events that can help us prognosticate further events. Or just consume those potato chips.

On our planet, we've had in the last year great upheavals in understanding the feminine, which is a Venus rulership subject, with the moon being the other feminine aspect of astrological forecasts and considerations.

I have great respect for writers of the feminist genre, and the entire movement of the past 100 years, and more, and the literature I've read or been exposed to so far has left deeply a thought-provoking space, as it has I'm sure for many.
Now, we have on the world stage, a version of an age old debate, a war of the sexes, being played out, in which the voice of reason is desperately trying not to get choked by the dilutionary effects of stereotyping, name calling, trivializing, mental and emotional laziness and such other 'evolutionarily immature' behavioral approaches to the dialogue. From my observations, what used to be the rare 'sensitive guy' in a room of this debate taking wings, has given way to many more moustachioed men in that room, willing to listen, to be affected by what women say or don't say and we are discovering among many other things, that it takes us collectively to places we never had access to before and that these 'experiential places' in the collective conscious and subconscious is, in and of itself, a healthy exercise to be a part of. An end that justifies the means.

Men are now more than ever, willing to have those second thoughts on their so far thought-to-be- natural drives ( which lead to mansplaining) and encourage moreover to let those second thoughts show them another way. According to the partriarchal logos and its set of considerations, it is easy for many things concerning the feminine to fall by the way side, and the so far easy to be rationalised thinking that 'it was for everyone's good' has come up for review since good-intentioned pathways that we've been following for millenia don't seem to have added up to what we must have set out to create for 'everyone's good.'

In this context, a cackle of women have started to do what they do: complain. Only more of it. And louder. She's not going to rest until she feels we're at a new place that none of us actually 'get', but from all history's lessons and our intuitive wisdom, we know that this place exists.

Let's put the past year's events through this prism, and we know now that only yesterday at the Oscar's, something new emerged out of the cacophony. A demand for inclusivity, diversity and intersectionality. Of course, these are not new concepts, but these are concepts whose time has come. It is now no more page 100 of a 100 page contract, but the first and foremost 'demand' of a new generation who're getting new shiny jobs, it is the 'demand' of experienced people and on their watch this is not going to be easy to overlook or shimmy over to the side. There are attendant statistics to this slide of my blog, which altogether will spit out an ugly spat on the needless-to-mention puny numbers that'll skew your emotions to sympathy, and pew the feminine gender's under-represention. Clearly, time's up for tissues over these issues.

Now, as a student of astrology, obviously, I look for the unique patterns that make all this possible, the timing of the auspices under which something like a movement on a global scale affecting everyone on the planet gets curated by leading planets whose attributions, place them centrally at the heart of this dialogue.

As I've pointed out before, Venus, considered a feminine planet, transits all the signs as she moves in the zodiac, and she arrived in her sign of exaltation which is Pisces on February 17, 2018. I think anyone with only a very cursory glance kind of interest in astrological matters can easily deduct from all this that these events including women and their empowerment has to do with Venus. But what you may not know, is that a planet in its sign of exultation, tends to give out a lot more, greater results, perform better- it's like Wonder Woman on coke.  

It is my earnest belief, that by studying the planets more intimately, with all their astrological attributions, 
( without constantly veering away from those attributions because of nerdy inconclusivity or a sense of the overwhelming infinity of it which challenges the skeptic ( or anyone's) mind to either disown built-up infrastructural references altogether or to continue in the direction of the inorganic matter based thinking) helps us uncover that there are more interesting dimensions in this two-dimensional gender centric debate. 

We now take a digression from Venus as a planet whose attributions concern solely the feminine, in the sense that the feminine is a woman. 

Astrologically, planets have rulerships of the signs of zodiac. Venus for instance, rules the signs of Taurus and Libra. Now there are obviously as many men who are Venus ruled Taureans and Librans as there are women, or more. There is no data as yet available to us, of how many men and women are Taurus and Libra natives (being born in the months of May and October). 

Conversely, Mars, considered to be the masculine astrological opposite of Venus, rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio. Again, there are women who are also ruled by a so-called masculine planet while there are also those men who are ruled by this planet, when these people ( natives) are born in the months of April and November. 

Also, in astrology, Mercury is considered a genderless or androgynous planet, who rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo. Now, that doesn't mean that people born in the months of June and September are genderless. They also happen to be men and women. 

Astrologically, there is ample space and context for people to explore their gender identities and non-gender identities, and therefore try and see things from vastly more spacy, interesting, considerate points of view, remembering that these planets and their attributions are supposedly in effect on us, as we walk around drinking cups of tea or what have you. 

At the very least, there are greater implications of such considerations, which, by our collective exercise of 'freedom of thought' could lend itself to more ideas, more democracy within, more cohesion of gender identity and other identities towards ever greater confusion, ever louder cacophonies and finally, a greater harmony, even though the Wikipedia Thesaurus define such an exercise of 'freedom of thought' as: 

freedom of thought - the right to hold unpopular ideas

I for one, can vouch, that the whole community of astrologers, by virtue and because they contain the vocabulary and the attributions associated with their vocabulary consisting of planets and their positions in specific houses and signs ( with attendant attributions), are collectively inside of a much more enriching experience of these events and the various opinions, studies and points of view and associations made by people.

I often feel only like a voyeur in the world where, a very polar and two dimensional things are said. I acknowledge the inconvenient truth about the implications of considering a multi-dimensional-identity- based dialogue here- that it can seem extremely scholastic to be mouthable and practical, and rather it may end up tainting the discipline of astrology as being too rarefied or just dubious, far from being of any use for any layman's understanding, which in its own historical journey, it has been trying to walk away from. There is as we speak, a deliberate attempt by the astrological community to pare things down and interpret in the most suitable ways, what our vocabularies are trying to get us to translate. 

So, bear with me. 

In the meantime, as I was walking through these thoughts last evening, it occurred to me, that among the LGBTQ people and movement, the Q part which stands for Queer, is the kind of state of mind that natives in my aforementioned groups of rulerships of Venus, Mars and Mercury, must feel like they belong to, if they were to really think about it. 

As a mars ruled Scorpio woman, I feel Queer, more than I feel like anything else in LGBTQ and I feel much less affinity with anything whatsoever in the severely reductionist 'male' female' gender classification system. In the course of meeting, for instance, a girl, who happened to tell me she has an Aries Sun, I've observed that she's queer too, like me. And there are many like us, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. 

So, it follows that female Aries and Scorpios are queer, just like male Taureans and Librans are also queer. And born queer, at that. And all the Geminis and Virgos hold all the cards, are at the head of the table at this dinner.  

While you consider and mull over this hot thought, it seems like my interesting blog must come to an abrupt end with this little whopper. For now. I'll come back with more as things as they develop in the wide wide world of. ( Development 1 in Post Script below) 

For now, I'm especially interested in the song of Chiron for Venus as he bids adieu to her in the beautifully healing seas of Pisces through all of March 2018, among of course all the other terribly important things of international importance like equal pay, women getting together in a global disarmament movement and such other preoccupations of the whole progressive community of the world. 

My particular pet peeve as all this is unravelling: The fretman. No, he's not a guy who makes fret boards. Not yet anyway. He is a child- man who frets. Screws up his eyebrows into a fret position as soon as he gets up. Frets until his nerves have singed, his wits are at an end, and his head, bald. He frets about everything, not knowing in any grippy sense, of where anything is going to go.The news, which I take great pleasure in delivering everyday to him, is that no-one else actually does either. And the answer to the world's survival is as much in his special-case 'god's gift to-mankind' amateur astrologer girlfriend find, as it is in the hands of a UN or what have you. But certainly not in his fretting.

While he continues to do that anyway, meanwhile, I'm busy figuring out an organic way of encouraging hair re-growth on his head. And how not to blow his brains off until its pieces stick to the wall like in Kill Bill.
Which should be enough to iron out his fret and quieten, what I've started to call his patriarchial fears. Until he weans off of me anyway. The challenge is to do this in a nuclear diasarmanment way. More on this in POST SCRIPT. 

Signing off.

Listening to 'Mehram' 
Reading Jeanette Winterson 'Oranges are the only fruit'


Planetary Positions:

Venus enters Pisces Feb 17, 2018

Mercury enters Pisces Feb 18,2018
Venus enters Aries. Daylight Saving Time begins Mar 17, 2018

Chiron dips into Pisces from April 20th 2010 to July 20th 2010 and then from February 08th, 2011 until April 2018.

Someone is still cooing in my ears: 

Matri lineal society and finding new words and therefore entirely new concepts for 'anti hierarchy'.

Further data:What is interesting to note is that Venus is in the anaretic 29th degree of Pisces now. A planet in the anarectic degree, which is the last degree of 30 degrees of each sign, behaves in a very different way than when in other degrees of the sign. It has been noted that there is a greater sense of urgency to resolve unresolved matters.



DISCLAIMER: The following part is for mature audiences above the age of 18 years.

While I was younger, ( this is in the interest of keeping my now fast-becoming-redundant membership of the group of young adults in the universe), I recall a lover I once had. He invited me to watch him in his passionate embraces of another lover and I remember how I politely refused. In the context of all the sludge coming out now, I re-visited that particular moment, and looked at my prudish exit from that room. I now think to myself, I've lost an opportunity to be an organic part of an organic anti-porn movement apart from other things, which at the time I didn't have the lightning flash to recognize. I didn't have the flash to recognize it because the sludge works in this way- it doesn't allow you to understand what is going on, until it always is much too late. Far from it, it tells you what to think, and what would be 'appropriate' for you think, before you can think for yourself. And so, you have one of those 'many years later' realisations of 'what is going on'. The sludge works in this way because that is what the sludge does- the sludge of patriarchal ask-no-questions- with its 'inherence air' of 'what is right' and gasps and coughs silencing, altogether the need for thought, in which nothing that could have come out of that thought ever sees the light of day.

What being a voyeuristic dreamer artist and breaking barriers ( a la Erica Jong in the Fear of Flying) could've done, for me, is taken me then, organically to the society of emancipated bonobo monkeys. Which had to be re-formatted to fit me and level of absorption, in the form of a wildlife documentary with an Attenborough style narration, of this level of emancipation.

Then, the bells did ding.

I realise that a highly emancipated society of artists has always lived in these parts, where things like an orgiastic exercise in pure form expression of human desire is not an 'eyebrow raiser'. Far from from it. I also realise that we are not bonobo monkeys. Furthermore, it brings me to acknowledge that most of us don't get to live in these parts, the natural habitats of artists and bonobo monkeys.

But why?

Some of the reasons why I wasn't a naturally uninhibited participant in the experience of human desire, especially of the flesh, at the time, included a jealousy and envy of the male lover's entitlement-full direct and expression of his desire. Why, as a girl, did I never think in this way? Why, as a girl, was I never considering even for a moment, that I could muster up the guts and the words to say,' Make love to me' and you over there, 'I would like you to watch it.' Far fetched. Even then, as a younger woman with a greater libido than I can ever hope to have now, growing up an an eclectic world in which all kinds of points of view were prevailing, what won at the end of the day, and what prevailed over all others, was a patriarchy-infused insidious and immediate dissociation, followed by prudish self-talk which sits within me, wearing a sulk now.

The anti-porn movement has great and deep ramifications on how far away from the bonobo monkeys we have come, in a bad way. Our genetically close relatives have something to show us, so that we remind ourselves that our centuries old patriarchal constructs haven't helped us and won't help us live in peace and love. Indeed, they have only created a vast and near-uncontrollable subversive reality in which the men who don't support it and who cannot support it moreover (since it has no basically life supporting logic to it) find themselves in a tizzy.

This is the crux of his tizzy: There is a culture of 'Ubermansch' or the superman, in the sense that his desires of the flesh are to be forever controlled or else, his elevation into a so-called greater sphere of life in which his brains are falling out of his head and he is continuously agreeing with another fat pot bellied person who has done the same before him for many thousands of years so he must be right- will never happen. This version of his so-called evolution and moreover, his civility is circulated across cultures through various dubious agents of spirituality and organized religion and society and culture.

Point is, at heart, we all remain curious little monkeys. And no-one to date, has created a habitat for us to grow healthily into what we could grow into. Since there is so little of this habitat, we are just frustrated little monkeys now.

He is frustrated because he is in this tizzy. And she is frustrated because she cannot understand what's to be done about it.

The real loss here, for women, is that most of us, out there are apprehending men without the knowledge that these men are also in a tizzy. We assume that they are pig-headed, sex freaks, and aggressive if their needs are not met. Therefore, we adapt and become submissive or we blame them and look for sympathy. We create monsters and victims and we're very happy to pay for movie tickets which feed into these constructs. What if, we pull out all the stops and just dealt with the truth as it is??

Vested interests have kept men and women from truly being open and sharing and experiencing what life on earth, as a close relative of the monkey, is like. We have been told to become one another's arch nemesis, and jokes aside, it is because some dubious agents want it that way, for the wrong reasons. All or at least most of the points of view offered up in the entire patriarchy versus the feminists debates are ALL still pandering to that vested interest, unbeknownst to them, excepting a few people who're still holding the 'sense-making' card. Or branch, like the monkey. Those extremely vocal views, aired publicly and erroneously, are forcing all of us into rather difficult positions that we all actually and inherently, do not subscribe to, cannot subscribe to, if even one layer is peeled back for a closer look.

What if we, both men and women, were to express our needs and (non-needs as well) better and not take ourselves too seriously and started to truly encourage a culture of open sharing of our simple human needs, for sex, for caresses, for love, for affection, for play, for a laugh, for curiosities, for honest fun? What if we recognise that everything else is a subversion of the truth and decided not to be a part of something that makes a simple thing so tedious and hectic?

As a first step, still, for most of us, who're not in the artist and the monkey habitat, this should get the bells
dinging ding ding ding.


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