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Welcome to this special blog on Jupiter's transit through Scorpio in 2018. One of the places on the web where there are a great many writers interpreting transits( plus a wonderful go-to resource, for their 'chat over a coffee style') is Cafe I wanted a brisk update about how this particular transit pans out for people, and especially me, since I have a Sun in Scorpio in the 10th house and my natal Jupiter in is in Libra in the 9th House. I also want to collect something very special that has been happening, which I record here below along with the interpretations offered by our friend Annie at Cafe Astrology. 

Here's what I found:

Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10th, 2017 and stays in this fixed water sign until November 8th, 2018.

Annie says, with Jupiter in Scorpio, we attract the most success and good fortune when we put our “all” into a project or undertaking, and when we use our magnetic powers to heal others.

Jupiter’s zeal can supersede moderation at times. It can expand the more negative qualities of a sign, just as it can expand the positive traits. Its zeal and enthusiasm are well-intentioned, but it can blind us to our immoderate behavior. In Scorpio, we can be obsessive. If it feels good, we just go for it.

However, the “higher” vibration of Jupiter looks for perspective. Jupiter’s perspective isn’t a detached, analytical, or detailed look at any given situation, but an overview–a look at the “big picture.” With Jupiter, ideally, we can rise above pettiness, mundane concerns, and inconveniences. Where Jupiter is currently transiting in your own chart is where you are inclined to find your “joy” at this stage in your development. This area of your life expands and improves in some manner. There is also a need for new tools to develop these areas of life. In order to develop, we need to pursue our goals with confidence and optimism, without going overboard. It's absolutely wonderful to have this transit show me where those tools are, since some of them are actually being created as we speak. In the context of the artisanal revival and a shift towards more and more people stepping into their creativity, it is really wonderful to find the support we need in the community, to lay the foundations for a much better experience of our lives.

During this Jupiter in Scorpio cycle, we particularly value decisiveness, intensity, willpower, commitment, and strength. We’re less focused on what’s fair or polite and more interested in getting to the bottom of a matter. Status and social standing are less important to us than personality and character. Personally, I can't tell you how true this is, especially the part about personality, the cult of personality winning over everything else. I've been paying a lot of attention lately to musicians, to particular styles of writers, to the way actresses or actors develop their unique style and what that must be like. It really feels like an enriching few hours to do this and I come away with a lot of respect for people and their devotion to their craft. As a trickle down effect, I find my own expression in both writing and painting and even discussions with friends enlivening with something that comes from a very intrinsic space from me, and I've never felt more authentic or unapologetically myself before.

Jupiter not only likes to expand, but it also loves to learn, so when Jupiter is paired with Scorpio, we may be more interested and enthusiastic about deeper studies and meanings as well as all that is taboo, hidden, or mysterious. Science and research may be prosperous avenues. There can be a stronger desire to solve problems and cut right to the chase. We can develop a larger interest in psychology and human resources. In the media, we may find there’s more interest in “badass” characters. Here, I find that although many people see a disconnect owing to Jupiter's expansive, light hearted energies and Scorpio's deep and darker probing being at odds, there is really more to this, and this is a shallow appreciation of the synergy at work here.

Scorpios do endlessly psychoanalyse themselves ( true for anyone with planets in Scorpio in their charts), as a way of refracting their inner light properly, with Jupiter's expansive overview of things, something as intricate as this too becomes more applicable on a wider scale, to other subjects, to more people and projects- making Scorpios way more relatable, which is unusual for this usually 'my private space is precious' individuals and dare I say, even brings them an 'everyman' aura- it's like all of a sudden, everyone else too is going through the internal x-ray process which traditionally, Scorpio's tend to think happens only to them. And most of the time, this kind of probing all the rooms and the spaces of the psyche ends with something like a tragicomic spin, which in pop culture finds people laughing on cue about shared experience, but here and now, under the Jupiter transit, it does feel like someone more significant than all others is listening and participating and also like there's more to it than couch comfort with that inner therapist.

Annie also adds- This is a fabulous period for looking at the darker corners of life — and of ourselves — from a new perspective or for purging, depending on what we find! It can also be a time for finding valuable resources that were hidden from our view or that we previously overlooked, as well as for awakening talents within ourselves and, perhaps especially, within others.

This can be a powerful time for healing, improving, and transforming. With Scorpio, there is transformation. We’re not interested in band-aid fixes, and we’re more willing than usual to enter into a crisis so that we can effect change. Middle of the road is no longer attractive to us at this time. Themes include sex, money, and power, as well as death and rebirth, and we can be particularly fascinated with these topics during Jupiter’s thirteen-month transit of Scorpio. Here, there is a golden recognition- the fact that the people with the ability to change something willingly enter into crisis to do so. In my life, most of my family and friends have never been able to understand why this is a no-brainer for me or other Scorpio Sun/moon/rising individuals. It's not because we're trying to be heroic or martyrs or because we're dumb. It's because having Mars ruling is like jumping the gun into the fray- at all times and it simply can't be helped. Its a running joke in my mind that I don't even come alive until crisis demands me to- and this is true on many levels.

In my experience of what happens in a crisis, I have come close to understanding my full purpose and somehow, part of the mystery that keeps us going, is that there is a domino effect that has been set up, to find ourselves all falling into place and many of us have this reported feeling of pure deep intuition kicking to know exactly what to do, without any actual prior idea about it. Somewhere, in a sense that is way too deep to delve into here, there seems to be a constant part of ourselves that's silently working away at this unseeable part of existence. But this year, it's like all of this has come out of the woodwork and, it is sure a nice feeling to know that other people too find themselves swimming in the deep, where they cannot feel the ground anymore. It's always nice to make friends in these places- I guess they are the more meaningful and memorable.

Here is the link to the full article and also how this transit affects everyone with different sun signs:

I had also previously written in a blog on exaltation of all the planets, about Jupiter's exaltation in Cancer, which I reprise here for you. I feel there is a magical synergy between the water triplicity signs- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and their unique relationships with Jupiter, which I've tried to articulate to the best of my ability, following this reprisal. 

Jupiter exalted in 15* Cancer

Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer, owing to the fact that Cancer is a sign of creature comforts and tends to stick to what matters to him. Jupiter is a benefic planet and his benefactory work is accentuated best when his comfort does not leave him wanting. This is as good as the ability to manifest whatever one wishes for. Austin Coppock says, "In Jupiter’s case, the blessing is abundance, and the signs that are most strongly poised to receive it, Sagittarius and Pisces, (Jupiter rules these signs) are also the most likely to squander it. Both Sagittarius and Pisces are generous to a fault, and when the good times start rolling, they tend to expect them to continue into eternity. Cancer is different. In Cancer, Jupiter teaches the wisdom of mutual nourishing. The man feeds the land, the land feeds the man. A well nourished heart offers its abundance of love naturally, while a well nourished mind offers genius. Abundance is a necessary pre-condition for sustainable generosity."

Jupiter is its sign of debilitation in Capricorn, ruled by his opposite. It is easy how expansive Jupiter would find it hard to be frugal and why this is a constrictive limiting influence of this sign for him.

Positive attributions: Generous, expresses great good will, genius, nurturing, longevity of relationships, well being, very well traveled, has a vast and deep knowledge of many subjects, lifelong learning, well-loved teachers, great wit, great sense of humor.

Negative attributions: Refusal to admit limitations, impatient when things don't go as expected.


I for one, have had very beautiful relationships with these signs- in which I find that our connections and conversations take us to very interesting places that are not obvious or manifest. Yet.

Roots, ancestry,  the comfort of being home in every sense, which become manifest by Jupiter exalted in Cancer provides a sort of sanctuary and it holds the space for the other water signs- their stories, mythologies, dreams and revelations, treasure hunts and finds, their flow into and out of worlds, between the here and now- and every other place. These all tend to pre-occupy the other water signs and it is only now, in my third Jupiter return at age 36 that I'm actually discovering all the reasons why this planet is exalted in a water sign, and moreover, how this benefits me and why Jupiter is associated with the word 'expansive'. In the past, I have always tried to understand how this planet works by sort of 'going out' to meet him- in the sense that people interpret the energy to mean travelling, higher study, meet more people, read more books etc, but only now, a part of him is starting to reveal a secret to me- that he is actually a more abundant version of himself, the more rooted he is. See how 'being rooted and secure' could come across as somewhat of an anti-thesis of 'expansive'? But on closer inspection, being rooted and comfortable actually makes it easier to join all the dots, act purposefully when that needs to happen and also 'brings it home'- if we've been looking for something or a way to do something or have worked for years and years to complete a certain grand idea. Look for this gift in your life.

This realization has changed me in some ways. For instance, now I like having people over, I like having things come to me- rather than seeking them out all the time, which I used to do (thanks to Mars ruling)- and with this a great part of me has stepped into more confidence. How? The prevailing perception could be that somehow having things 'come to us' could cue passive, lazy or unfriendly. Jupiter's energy challenges this perception. Let's break it down with a simple example:

For instance, I'm planning a get-together of some friends and previously, I would've fussed all over the guest list, the preparations and the thought about 'what they might think' if, and given the whole exercise way too much 'servile' time and energy- which a lot of people do. So, at what point do we become organic about this, if we're always so lost in the to-do lists and the 'administrative' stuff of our lives? At what point does a meeting of friends turn into something unique, memorable and a chance to experience ourselves 'communing' with others? The stuff of meant-to-be?

So now, I just tell myself, when they come, it's all here. Because I'm here in the fullest sense- and that's mostly all that matters. With this shift, the most amazing confluences are automatically taking place- because it's a new-found confidence. There's something about the way Jupiter works your confidence and as he transits through all the signs, it is interesting and instructive to note how this happens. I'd love to hear from others who have kept a little note of this too.

And moreover, this lesson, in greater confidence, I think, is coming with all the attendant art of timing - when everybody seems to be experiencing a great drain of energy from so many distractions- other people, other's businesses and our social lives bombarding our phones and lives for attention. I have to tell you, that not bombarding people and also 'switching off' is actually bringing out a more home-grown sort of- 'no fuss' individuality in me, which others find far more comfortable, genuine and relatable.

This is really, at the heart of the 'artisanal' way of life, which says no to the un-involved and shallow and un-thinking approaches of the non-artisanal way of life. A movement to be part of if we're really talking about living better. More on this is in a wonderful new book by the author of 'Black Swan', Nassim Nicholas Taleb in 'Skin in the Game', which I plan to read soon. Our featured author, Nassim Nicholas Taleb spent twenty-one years as a risk taker before becoming a researcher in philosophical, mathematical, and (mostly) practical problems with probability. Although he spends most of his time as a flâneur, meditating in cafés across the planet, he is currently Distinguished Professor at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering. His books, part of a multi volume collection called Incerto, have been published in thirty-six languages. Taleb has authored more than fifty scholarly papers as backup to Incerto, ranging from international affairs and risk management to statistical physics. Having been described as “a rare mix of courage and erudition,” he is widely recognized as the foremost thinker on probability and uncertainty.

Coming back to our learnings, there's way more that I could share but I'm totally in the middle of it and I'll need some time to digest it all. There's everything going on in this space from shamanism to understanding what quantum entanglements, to poetry, dance and music, loving animals, and a yummy grubby kind of learning too, like fab new recipes :-)


Jupiter Retrograde ( Rx) in Scorpio 2018

Jupiter also, according to the people who are so good with these complex calculations, spends some part of the transit retrograding in Scorpio from March 8“ June 9th 2018 in Scorpio.

There is a very good article by someone at this link here on exactly what the Jupiter Rx means and what to expect here:

Capturing a part of the full article here for you:

Jupiter Retrograde isn't like Mercury Retrograde. It doesn't actually screw up things. It doesn't make messes, and it doesn't make things stop working. So, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have bad luck for three months, or you don't get a raise, or you do poorly in university studies, or that you get stranded on your overseas vacation. It actually means that all of the expansion, luck, growth, winning, and good things that happen with Jupiter happen on the inside. This can mean a few things.

Literally, it could mean you don't burn the calories you're putting in and you start to grow, from the inside out. It's always a good idea to watch your diet during a Jupiter Retrograde. In fact, if you're starting a restrictive diet or a new eating lifestyle, one of the best times to do it is during a Jupiter Retrograde. Jupiter likes to indulge in the finer things, but it's easier to be picky during the Retrograde and to say no to indulgences.

But more likely, you're growing as a person. You're maturing, and it's not the coming-of-age that warms the heart, but the kind that breaks it. You don't get what you want when you want it, but what you do get is often unexpected and much better. How this will happen in your life depends on where Jupiter is going retrograde.
For example, if transiting Jupiter is going retrograde through your 7th house, your relationships may not go so smoothly, but you will get something out of it. You might endure a hardship with your partner that brings the two of you closer together. Or, you may realize they aren't right for you and you find someone who is right for you. Or, you may find that you make professional partnerships with people you wouldn't have worked with before, but in the end, it works out well for you.

You didn't want the experience, but the experience enriches your life in a way you couldn't have created for yourself.






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