Dear Reader
I'm really delighted to be presenting this April's forecast for a few good reasons, good because we are working with some truly amazing planetary energies, and also because some of the insights from working with Aries people in the past have soaked and matured well, yielding something truly remarkable that I wish to share with you.
This month, from around March 18th to April 18th, the Sun transits through the sign of Aries ( anciently, from Ares- the Greek god of war). The Sun is exalted in Aries, and moreover, Mars, ruler of Aries, is also exalted in Capricorn, all month!
I have in past blogs researched the mythologies surrounding the Ram, the animal that represents this sign- since I was curious about this docile animal, (as opposed to a ferocious one) chosen to represent something terrifying like war. It turns out that the ram ( from whose horns comes the symbol for Aries) is actually a symbol for the story of how warring tribes wagered peace for themselves and this animal shows how the tribes began animal husbandry and further, agriculture and farming to stop warring with other tribes over resources. I bring this up early on in this blog, in support of many battle- weary Ariens, and as an astrologer- researcher, who has been studying this energy for well over 20 years now. I too am tired of the superficial stereotyping of ' Mars' as aggressor, and these wonderful people as the zodiac 'war mongers'. This, as can be seen from understanding what the symbol of the ram means and signifies, is a fallacy.
Now, I realise, that despite correcting this fallacy, Mars has to account for some aggression, since prevailing associations don't fully support Mars, simply as a planet of intensity, and not so much aggression. So, I'll admit, it's not like they are the most peace loving wallflowers on the planet. They do strut about, all raw and fuming....if you've been close to an Aries. In classic interpretation, Mars in Capricorn also rules the armed forces, protection agencies like the Police force and the guards at the gates of our national borders and the firewalls of our digital fortresses. It also rules champions in sport and athletics, especially endurance sport.
Mars in Capricorn is a great opportunity to study how conflicts can be resolved using the guiding hand of teaching planet Saturn and his influence on a youthful and exuberant Mars.
Let's clear the air around this topic.
On an individual level,
1. Not everyone who gets angry or rages is always an Aries.
2. Anybody who deals with their anger by letting it out in front of others is not always wrong, or in need of therapy. Well yes, they may need to settle down and look at what's bothering them so much, but let us not emasculate the rage or take away from that anger in a negative way. Let us understand what is so wrong, for someone, in their life, instead of always adopting, culturally, the attitude that anger is a wrong emotion, one that has to be controlled to the point of making it disappear.from our emotional experience- this is not going to happen and it shouldn't either. And we are not talking about gun violence here, just ordinary angry outbursts or acts of verbal assertiveness which involve expletives and telling someone where to go. As for all the violence against people, I will say that if Mars ruled energies are seen as a cause of this, then this is rooted in obsolete ideas about what Mars represents- a point which I have made at the outset of this blog.
3. Although many teachers, parents, scientists and philosophers, artists are all invested with understanding this emotion, not enough of us and the media are doing enough to truly embrace our 'Mars' personality.
Mars is the part of us which is a great ball of energy, and in Aries, he brings a lot of spontaneity, a bubble of enthusiasm and greatly energizes everyone around him to get us going. Aries is like an innocent child who sometimes does get angry, because things are supposed to keep going in that spontaneous direction and something happens (usually a limitation) which denies the child what he/she wants. This is a behaviour which informs our adult lives, about how we set up expectations throughout our lives and go about getting what we want. Now, this is not to take this discussion into an infantile zone, where grown men and women are merely, children with tantrums. This is an earnest attempt to touch the point of truth about all of us- we do all get very upset when we don't get what we want. Some of us brood, some of us get low, some of us get angry. We all have a way of dealing with it and since anger tends to be an explosive emotion (as opposed to going quiet and disinterested) Mars ruled Aries tends to draw more attention to themselves as people who supposedly can't deal with their anger. But dear reader, can you see the double standards and the hypocrisy? Why does one group of people 'dealing' with anger in a certain way get to call other people 'dealing' with their anger in their way, wrong? Because Mars in Capricorn is exalted all this month, we are called to see this for what it is, and we can awaken to this, which is what I mean by embracing your Mars personality. Of course, the greater point here is, to collectively transcend the anger by solving the conflict at its heart.
But allow me to stay with the emotion itself here a while longer- I propose that the anger, this fiery temper of Aries, could be the better emotional first response to these situations, since it is not only a visceral release then and there, which helps innocuously close the matter also, then and there as opposed to mulling and dwelling for ages. This could be helping people move on very quickly.
But what makes these people so angry? I have observed that it is often the angry guy on the phone or an angry woman 'throwing a fit' at the supermarket who is actually questioning what is unfair, arguing for the right thing to do and correcting what's wrong. I have classic examples of these things happening all the time. For example, you buy a product and it is faulty, or you take your car for service and it comes back to you as a shoddy job. You'll often find Aries people, or anyone with a significant Mars in their chart, spending hours on the phone with customer service and escalating it all the way to the CEO and making them accountable for it, at great cost to their own image, their own work, and their own priorities. Most people would 'let it be'- which never changes anything for anyone. Most people end up choosing complacency under the hood of 'peace' or 'that's just the way it is' and have a very big page to borrow off the book of Aries, where taking the matter seriously is very commonplace, once it ends up in their hands. The buck truly stops here, for a lot of BS of this nature and it goes to speak for how diligently Aries people can also use the Mars energy to avoid being taken advantage of, simply for being a good natured person. If all the businesses started thanking these people in dollars for the hours they spend making them accountable and therefore a better business, Mars ruled people would be very rich.
At the end of the day, any breach of the expected happiness that was already coming their way really makes them angry. Do be nice to them and apologise for whatever was actually making that impossible and tell them what it was truthfully, and they will find a way to understand it. No matter what it is.
On the world stage, many astrologers who study classic interpretations often (and in my opinion, very irresponsibly) make sweeping forecasts about Mars as an aggressor. I would point out to them that Mars in Capricorn is a great opportunity to study how conflicts can be resolved using the guiding hand of teaching planet Saturn and his influence on an youthful and exuberant Mars in earthy Capricorn. This is an influence of sagacity, of deep insights, serious thought, and could signify a new chapter in co-operation for many nations states. The sign of Capricorn is where Mars is exalted because he gets to fully disown the sword for the pen, where he gets to ditch the battle field for the classroom, he gets to sharpen his intellect, drop the knife.
Capricorn is a karmic sign and people in conflict zones have to see how we 'reap what we sow' but also take the time necessary to walk with teaching planet Saturn, as he shows us, in great detail, exactly what happened that lead us to where we are now and exactly what needs to change in the future to get us all to drop our weapons.
World over, people are moving to recognise the injustices against indigenous people who were called 'savages' and annihilated by invasion. Who really are the savages?
Women are coming out universally to bring feminine wisdom to actually take its place in all areas of life, with far reaching changes afoot on how we will think about these matters in the future, as a collective. How are we showing our support of these values?
Trade and commerce is moving from its reliance on dirty fuel to clean energy and sustainability, which is driving all people insane. How do we figure out what that actually means on so many levels?
So much is going to be new. New here is a magic word, as far as Aries is concerned. They are totally at home in the 'new'.
Fairness, justice, equality ruled by Venus in opposing sign Libra, tackles Mars ruled Aries. While this is always true, by virtue of their opposition in the zodiac wheel, we have an opportunity now which gives us a new direction to follow, while Mars is in a new, highly instructive and constructive phase in Capricorn.
What matters to her (Venus), ultimately also matters to him (Mars) and they are not always at odds- which is why I don't agree with many astrologers who misread into Mars energy without fully understanding what's eating him and what he actually wants out of a conflict. If you talk to Aries people, it is often true that they 'own' conflicts that are not even their own and they are simply fighting someone else's war, like the people in the front lines, either because they are drawn into it or because there is some other caveat, like working at a thankless job to pay off for college funds. Point is, they don't even want to be there. If Mars people could be truly open and honest with someone they are close to, and disclose where it is they DO want to be, I'm sure people will actually help them. They have an Achilles heel, of thinking that they need to 'get there on their own' and seldom really reach out and ask others for help. Not as often as they could. This asking for help can mean a world of difference between them achieving their heart's true purpose and getting sidelined by things that take up their time meaninglessly. Like conflict- which has a way of finding them.
Mars is considered a planet of great intensity, force and Aries are often described as head strong people. They have great mental strength and persistence with ideas they have and often, they work exclusively at the level of the mind, before they act. When they do act, it is extraordinarily focused and to the point and they do tend to be natural masters of the art of finishing with a flourish. It is rare to see the combination of mental acuity and strength and also have the physical 'doership' necessary to actually manifest a reality. Most others in zodiac actually have to outsource one or the other, strictly speaking. Of course, in reality, all of us have Aries in our birth charts and can tap into this ability and probably do all the time- when we see that amazing moment of things coming together from the mental plane into the physical plane. So we all really have Aries to thank, for sharing these gifts with others. If you do know any Aries in your close circle, you would know these two things about the gift of their spirit- which we acknowledge here with deep gratitude:
1. They never give up on themselves, which tends to rub off on those around them.
2. They is no 'fear' in their dictionary. They are the most daring people on the planet.
Now this month, Mars who rules Aries is in his sign of exaltation in Capricorn and that too in the first house- making them appear truly, very very ready. Ready for what? If you've been thinking about making an appearance of some sort, entering a whole new group or level of expertise, this is the time. A long term project that you shelved many years ago could see the light of day. This is a great time to build on it. Literally building a new house or office or studio could also be the case.
Add to this, the exalted Sun in Aries and this is a whole month of absolute brilliance for native Ariens. Most of you have had to struggle in the past year with a tough situation that has brought out many issues like integrity, ethics and dealing with who we all are, in relation to developments around the world. This can be disconcerting for innocent, child-like Aries, who just wants to be told, that everything is really just fine. Some of you have also been internally juggling the balancing act between your own inner child ( who likes to win) and the adult ( who has to contend with a less-than perfect realities.)
There is more good news. You have a beautiful Moon in Aries coming at you mid-month, completely consolidating all your emotions ( and do share them, let them out freely) supported by chatty Mercury in Aries as well. This wonderful confluence is also situated in your fourth house of family, roots and ancestry. many of you will be thinking of your closest relationships and bringing newer and more revelatory things to light. It could be that you wish to be more transparent, be more yourself and true to your ideas of what your life should look like and feel like. No time like this month, because exalted planets can and do create better realities. To give you an example, let's take a sport. A planet in its own sign is home, and it feels like a comfort zone but it's also what you are familiar with. Rewards match the effort, outcomes pan out as expected, given all the considerations. But an exalted planet is like an ultra-luxury comfort zone. It has all the comfort of what you like about familiarity but it also has some of your dream-come-true comfort. It puts you in control of those very considerations which make your outcomes happen, and gives you a pool side experience of this.
It is also about can reap greater ( not necessarily more) rewards and not always get bogged down by the old-school thought that it always is your effort that needs the work. So go make the most of the shining confidence that the Sun is giving you and the steady focus and determination that Mars is also giving you, all month- with brilliant moon beams in Aries to top it off, exactly mid-month.
WAIT! The biggest of all news is that Chiron enters Aries on April 17th 2018, here to stay until June 19th 2026. Chiron, the wounded healer, whose energies help us heal, both individually and collectively, will make his home in the sign of Aries for the next eight years. This is amazing news for all Aries natives since it truly offers you growth as a soul, and connects your spirituality with your life as you live it, in unprecedented ways. I have a feeling Chiron is really going to enjoy this gig and bring all of us, world over humanity, some much needed relief and healing where are most desperate for it. This is also great news for mental health, an area in which we will make great progress, since Aries rules the head and 'mental' is associated with the head, although many writers have spoken of the mind as being more of a generalized component of the mind-body-soul triad. Indeed, one of my Aries friends, who studied medicine and became a doctor, only last week posed a very pertinent question, in a discussion around healing methods and why a lot of them don't seem to work all that well and are having to re-invent to become holistic. He put it very eloquently when he said, 'the power of the mind has up to now been and is even now, a largely 'unquantifiable' part of healing.' A lot of people who experience healing and describe it as a 'mind over matter' thing, or faith healing. But modern medicine has failed to truly understand how this works. I also remember mumbling to my friend that a day is not far away when this power of the mind does become a quantifiable, measurable part of our healing. And I can almost see it- the day when a meditative state of mind has become a therapeutic index of mental health, with measurable values just like a blood pressure or a therapeutic heart rate is today, which could enable us to be more objective about mental health on the whole and help us manage it better. Chiron is Aries is great and awesome news- watch this space as it blooms into all the things people have been saying for decades now about our collective evolution into 'higher consciousness.' At the very least, this transit of Chiron will end up by teaching us to 'keep a good head on our shoulders.' And that can't be bad.
Also this wonderfully well-researched article on the same topic, because you love being in the know: Radiant True Heart. by wonderful astrologer Catherine, who offers her interpretation of the political landscape with focus on the nodal axis this year.
This particular nodal axis is arguably one of the most playful, entertaining and interesting of all- and it has a beautiful energy to it. Anyone who works with this axis and people born with this nodal axis in their charts are finding themselves called to come out and be a part of the changing world. Our friends at say: Last time we had the Nodes in Leo/Aquarius was from September 1998 to April 2000. Go back to 1999, 1980, 1962, years when we had the Nodes in Leo/Aquarius to get a feeling about what to expect in the next 1 year and a half.
While a lot is being said about 'embracing our true self' and accelerating our shift into higher consciousness, and while all that is true, to most people still, this comes across as a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. Decoding the nodal axis is an art and a science, i'll admit. But do give it a go, it can be a truly interesting pursuit once you start getting the hang of it. My own analysis of the nodal axis has me quipping thusly:
Aquarius is a lot of crazy ideas that should make our lives better on a global scale from a far distant future while Leo is a lot of self-centered, self-interested energy, a sign who likes to keep their flamboyant energy self-directed - for them it only works as long as the applause is coming towards them. We're all at a point when the curtains are down, and we can clearly see that these two energies need to start working together. The one needs to convince the other that applause will come, provided we do what it takes to make all of humanity better. The Aquarian energy also benefits from the wise counsel of the Leo rulership, which does always have at its heart, what is best for the people. If we take what's happening in the 'delete facebook' movement as an example of this, initiated by Elon Musk, we have here, clearly a very Aquarian idea to connect people all over the world using technology ( Facebook) which has become now a questionable infringement upon people's privacy or worse, if the media is to be believed. The question is whether it is actually still helping anyone. in this context, a Leo rulership intercession happens- with Elon Musk, whom we can regard as being the current technology and otherwise also, an influential 'leader', if you will- he has called out whether something that started out to help people, is actually currently doing so and if so, at what cost?
Let's find out.
Signing off for now from my little corner. Have a great month and you are welcome to share your experiences with us. Just leave a comment or email me. It truly is going to be an incredible NEW zodiac year:-)
I'm really delighted to be presenting this April's forecast for a few good reasons, good because we are working with some truly amazing planetary energies, and also because some of the insights from working with Aries people in the past have soaked and matured well, yielding something truly remarkable that I wish to share with you.
This month, from around March 18th to April 18th, the Sun transits through the sign of Aries ( anciently, from Ares- the Greek god of war). The Sun is exalted in Aries, and moreover, Mars, ruler of Aries, is also exalted in Capricorn, all month!
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Now, I realise, that despite correcting this fallacy, Mars has to account for some aggression, since prevailing associations don't fully support Mars, simply as a planet of intensity, and not so much aggression. So, I'll admit, it's not like they are the most peace loving wallflowers on the planet. They do strut about, all raw and fuming....if you've been close to an Aries. In classic interpretation, Mars in Capricorn also rules the armed forces, protection agencies like the Police force and the guards at the gates of our national borders and the firewalls of our digital fortresses. It also rules champions in sport and athletics, especially endurance sport.
Mars in Capricorn is a great opportunity to study how conflicts can be resolved using the guiding hand of teaching planet Saturn and his influence on a youthful and exuberant Mars.
Mars in Capricorn: The Army man goes philosopher
My close relationships with many Aries people, both men and women ( as well as my own Mars co-rulership of my Sun sign in Scorpio) all have thrown a lot of light around this very important subject of 'aggression' with great ramifications for relationships, for peace and progress. This is relevant for any people who find themselves angry or in rage and conflict with ideas or circumstances in their lives. And not just the people we meet and know, but also entire communities in other places, war affected international lands and seas in dispute, etc.Let's clear the air around this topic.
On an individual level,
1. Not everyone who gets angry or rages is always an Aries.
2. Anybody who deals with their anger by letting it out in front of others is not always wrong, or in need of therapy. Well yes, they may need to settle down and look at what's bothering them so much, but let us not emasculate the rage or take away from that anger in a negative way. Let us understand what is so wrong, for someone, in their life, instead of always adopting, culturally, the attitude that anger is a wrong emotion, one that has to be controlled to the point of making it disappear.from our emotional experience- this is not going to happen and it shouldn't either. And we are not talking about gun violence here, just ordinary angry outbursts or acts of verbal assertiveness which involve expletives and telling someone where to go. As for all the violence against people, I will say that if Mars ruled energies are seen as a cause of this, then this is rooted in obsolete ideas about what Mars represents- a point which I have made at the outset of this blog.
3. Although many teachers, parents, scientists and philosophers, artists are all invested with understanding this emotion, not enough of us and the media are doing enough to truly embrace our 'Mars' personality.
But allow me to stay with the emotion itself here a while longer- I propose that the anger, this fiery temper of Aries, could be the better emotional first response to these situations, since it is not only a visceral release then and there, which helps innocuously close the matter also, then and there as opposed to mulling and dwelling for ages. This could be helping people move on very quickly.
But what makes these people so angry? I have observed that it is often the angry guy on the phone or an angry woman 'throwing a fit' at the supermarket who is actually questioning what is unfair, arguing for the right thing to do and correcting what's wrong. I have classic examples of these things happening all the time. For example, you buy a product and it is faulty, or you take your car for service and it comes back to you as a shoddy job. You'll often find Aries people, or anyone with a significant Mars in their chart, spending hours on the phone with customer service and escalating it all the way to the CEO and making them accountable for it, at great cost to their own image, their own work, and their own priorities. Most people would 'let it be'- which never changes anything for anyone. Most people end up choosing complacency under the hood of 'peace' or 'that's just the way it is' and have a very big page to borrow off the book of Aries, where taking the matter seriously is very commonplace, once it ends up in their hands. The buck truly stops here, for a lot of BS of this nature and it goes to speak for how diligently Aries people can also use the Mars energy to avoid being taken advantage of, simply for being a good natured person. If all the businesses started thanking these people in dollars for the hours they spend making them accountable and therefore a better business, Mars ruled people would be very rich.
At the end of the day, any breach of the expected happiness that was already coming their way really makes them angry. Do be nice to them and apologise for whatever was actually making that impossible and tell them what it was truthfully, and they will find a way to understand it. No matter what it is.
On the world stage, many astrologers who study classic interpretations often (and in my opinion, very irresponsibly) make sweeping forecasts about Mars as an aggressor. I would point out to them that Mars in Capricorn is a great opportunity to study how conflicts can be resolved using the guiding hand of teaching planet Saturn and his influence on an youthful and exuberant Mars in earthy Capricorn. This is an influence of sagacity, of deep insights, serious thought, and could signify a new chapter in co-operation for many nations states. The sign of Capricorn is where Mars is exalted because he gets to fully disown the sword for the pen, where he gets to ditch the battle field for the classroom, he gets to sharpen his intellect, drop the knife.
Capricorn is a karmic sign and people in conflict zones have to see how we 'reap what we sow' but also take the time necessary to walk with teaching planet Saturn, as he shows us, in great detail, exactly what happened that lead us to where we are now and exactly what needs to change in the future to get us all to drop our weapons.
World over, people are moving to recognise the injustices against indigenous people who were called 'savages' and annihilated by invasion. Who really are the savages?
Women are coming out universally to bring feminine wisdom to actually take its place in all areas of life, with far reaching changes afoot on how we will think about these matters in the future, as a collective. How are we showing our support of these values?
Trade and commerce is moving from its reliance on dirty fuel to clean energy and sustainability, which is driving all people insane. How do we figure out what that actually means on so many levels?
So much is going to be new. New here is a magic word, as far as Aries is concerned. They are totally at home in the 'new'.
Fairness, justice, equality ruled by Venus in opposing sign Libra, tackles Mars ruled Aries. While this is always true, by virtue of their opposition in the zodiac wheel, we have an opportunity now which gives us a new direction to follow, while Mars is in a new, highly instructive and constructive phase in Capricorn.
Aries in Relationships:
No discussion about busy Mars this month, exalted in Capricorn, a transit that goes from March 17th through to May 16th, 2018 is complete without talking about his polar opposite Venus, who is in a healthy trine aspect in Taurus, where she will be from April 17th to May 13th, 2018. Both Taurus and Capricorn are earthy signs, which brings this trine aspect between the two relationship planets to bear out along very grounded energies. This is a great time generally, to make commitments that honor your relationships. It is also a relatively good time to enter business with a partner, to read through and sign contracts, to start on projects that require long term commitment from all parties involved- since the grounded energy of these signs bestow upon especially Aries and Venus natives and also anyone with these as your rising signs- an ability to make decisions from a carefully considered headspace as opposed to becoming influenced by other things which may not work out in the long run.
More on why you are so special this month, Aries...
Mars is considered a planet of great intensity, force and Aries are often described as head strong people. They have great mental strength and persistence with ideas they have and often, they work exclusively at the level of the mind, before they act. When they do act, it is extraordinarily focused and to the point and they do tend to be natural masters of the art of finishing with a flourish. It is rare to see the combination of mental acuity and strength and also have the physical 'doership' necessary to actually manifest a reality. Most others in zodiac actually have to outsource one or the other, strictly speaking. Of course, in reality, all of us have Aries in our birth charts and can tap into this ability and probably do all the time- when we see that amazing moment of things coming together from the mental plane into the physical plane. So we all really have Aries to thank, for sharing these gifts with others. If you do know any Aries in your close circle, you would know these two things about the gift of their spirit- which we acknowledge here with deep gratitude:
1. They never give up on themselves, which tends to rub off on those around them.
2. They is no 'fear' in their dictionary. They are the most daring people on the planet.
Now this month, Mars who rules Aries is in his sign of exaltation in Capricorn and that too in the first house- making them appear truly, very very ready. Ready for what? If you've been thinking about making an appearance of some sort, entering a whole new group or level of expertise, this is the time. A long term project that you shelved many years ago could see the light of day. This is a great time to build on it. Literally building a new house or office or studio could also be the case.
Add to this, the exalted Sun in Aries and this is a whole month of absolute brilliance for native Ariens. Most of you have had to struggle in the past year with a tough situation that has brought out many issues like integrity, ethics and dealing with who we all are, in relation to developments around the world. This can be disconcerting for innocent, child-like Aries, who just wants to be told, that everything is really just fine. Some of you have also been internally juggling the balancing act between your own inner child ( who likes to win) and the adult ( who has to contend with a less-than perfect realities.)
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Event Chart April 15, 2018 Source |
It is also about can reap greater ( not necessarily more) rewards and not always get bogged down by the old-school thought that it always is your effort that needs the work. So go make the most of the shining confidence that the Sun is giving you and the steady focus and determination that Mars is also giving you, all month- with brilliant moon beams in Aries to top it off, exactly mid-month.
WAIT! The biggest of all news is that Chiron enters Aries on April 17th 2018, here to stay until June 19th 2026. Chiron, the wounded healer, whose energies help us heal, both individually and collectively, will make his home in the sign of Aries for the next eight years. This is amazing news for all Aries natives since it truly offers you growth as a soul, and connects your spirituality with your life as you live it, in unprecedented ways. I have a feeling Chiron is really going to enjoy this gig and bring all of us, world over humanity, some much needed relief and healing where are most desperate for it. This is also great news for mental health, an area in which we will make great progress, since Aries rules the head and 'mental' is associated with the head, although many writers have spoken of the mind as being more of a generalized component of the mind-body-soul triad. Indeed, one of my Aries friends, who studied medicine and became a doctor, only last week posed a very pertinent question, in a discussion around healing methods and why a lot of them don't seem to work all that well and are having to re-invent to become holistic. He put it very eloquently when he said, 'the power of the mind has up to now been and is even now, a largely 'unquantifiable' part of healing.' A lot of people who experience healing and describe it as a 'mind over matter' thing, or faith healing. But modern medicine has failed to truly understand how this works. I also remember mumbling to my friend that a day is not far away when this power of the mind does become a quantifiable, measurable part of our healing. And I can almost see it- the day when a meditative state of mind has become a therapeutic index of mental health, with measurable values just like a blood pressure or a therapeutic heart rate is today, which could enable us to be more objective about mental health on the whole and help us manage it better. Chiron is Aries is great and awesome news- watch this space as it blooms into all the things people have been saying for decades now about our collective evolution into 'higher consciousness.' At the very least, this transit of Chiron will end up by teaching us to 'keep a good head on our shoulders.' And that can't be bad.
A Note about the Nodal Axis
This year, we have the North node in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius. Why this is important for all of us, is because the nodal energies tell us in which direction our sense of purpose lies. Leo is also a fire sign, and since we are entering the new zodiac year with fire sign Aries, this month will be crucial for us to know how the nodal energies can help us. Of course, this is a separate subject all by itself and we all each have our own individual nodal axis which gears our own chart energies towards goals that will help us fulfill our purposes. More on this is written in the extremely insightful book "Nodal Astrology' by Jan Spiller.Also this wonderfully well-researched article on the same topic, because you love being in the know: Radiant True Heart. by wonderful astrologer Catherine, who offers her interpretation of the political landscape with focus on the nodal axis this year.
This particular nodal axis is arguably one of the most playful, entertaining and interesting of all- and it has a beautiful energy to it. Anyone who works with this axis and people born with this nodal axis in their charts are finding themselves called to come out and be a part of the changing world. Our friends at say: Last time we had the Nodes in Leo/Aquarius was from September 1998 to April 2000. Go back to 1999, 1980, 1962, years when we had the Nodes in Leo/Aquarius to get a feeling about what to expect in the next 1 year and a half.
While a lot is being said about 'embracing our true self' and accelerating our shift into higher consciousness, and while all that is true, to most people still, this comes across as a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. Decoding the nodal axis is an art and a science, i'll admit. But do give it a go, it can be a truly interesting pursuit once you start getting the hang of it. My own analysis of the nodal axis has me quipping thusly:
Aquarius is a lot of crazy ideas that should make our lives better on a global scale from a far distant future while Leo is a lot of self-centered, self-interested energy, a sign who likes to keep their flamboyant energy self-directed - for them it only works as long as the applause is coming towards them. We're all at a point when the curtains are down, and we can clearly see that these two energies need to start working together. The one needs to convince the other that applause will come, provided we do what it takes to make all of humanity better. The Aquarian energy also benefits from the wise counsel of the Leo rulership, which does always have at its heart, what is best for the people. If we take what's happening in the 'delete facebook' movement as an example of this, initiated by Elon Musk, we have here, clearly a very Aquarian idea to connect people all over the world using technology ( Facebook) which has become now a questionable infringement upon people's privacy or worse, if the media is to be believed. The question is whether it is actually still helping anyone. in this context, a Leo rulership intercession happens- with Elon Musk, whom we can regard as being the current technology and otherwise also, an influential 'leader', if you will- he has called out whether something that started out to help people, is actually currently doing so and if so, at what cost?
Let's find out.
Signing off for now from my little corner. Have a great month and you are welcome to share your experiences with us. Just leave a comment or email me. It truly is going to be an incredible NEW zodiac year:-)
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