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What's up in October 2012?


Sep 23 to Oct 22

Symbol The Scales Element Air Modality Cardinal Ruler Venus

Moods Cheerful, friendly, light-hearted, easy, romantic
Colours Sky blue, new leaf green, rosy pink, pale yellow
Claim to Fame Singer John Mayer, Oscar Winners Susan Sarandon, Kate Winslet

The Libran Personality

“Two wrongs don't make a right...but it’s not our fault that the lolly shop doesn’t do ‘buy two get two free!”A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip. So true of October born individuals. Their eyes don’t lie, their hearts don’t skip a beat and their tone is one of absolute good intentions, when they tell you that the café you’re supposed to be meeting your girlfriend at has just closed, ‘Why, jump in, I’ll drive you there…’ they’ll say. Only many weeks later when the girl doesn’t answer calls anymore or show any interest will the poor guy realize that the Libran basically swept her off her feet, accidentally of course. Never mind that our hero knew her as a friend for four years in high school. Or that she confided everything in him. And he was there for me! Alright, we’ll overlook the shoddy bits. After all, it does take two to tango. Which brings us to Libran redemption when things go wrong: You were never forced. It was your choice! I never asked you to do that! All the same, Librans are unconditionally friendly, they are the original keepers of the saying, 'never judge a book by its cover'. They also have the strongest sense of justice, fairness and equality. Many Librans occupy coveted positions within the United Nations or NGO's to serve people where these qualities are mandatory. Libra is traditionally also the seventh zodiac sign within a grouping called 'the age of innocence'. All signs from Aries to Libra have a certain right to naivete and claim to innocence, in the biblical sense. Libra itself signifies the garden of beauty, of enjoying the fruits of creation and bliss, before the next stop arrives, that is. More on that next month!

Lessons learned the hard way

If the contest is one of Libran charm versus thorough planning, Libran charm will win by miles, when it comes to career moves, relationships, money or just about anything. It takes more than a plan to even entice peace-loving Librans to war and the take the spoils of war with you. Let me give you a clue: Venus rules Libra. She’s hot, she’s got it all, she can charm her way through the strictest, most pedantic rules. Mere flattery won’t get you anywhere either.  (According to Greco-Roman myth, Saturn had a weakness for her, Pluto imprisoned her awhile, Jupiter is always composing poems of praise for her...As for Mars, now we’re on) So a little counter charm will at best make her squiggle in a delightfully girlish way (ever noticed even Libran guys do that?) What she’s hunting for is not a witty match, not another sexy legs, not another anything that he/she already is. Be the bold opposite and disagree with him/her more than you’d care to explain why, then watch them being attracted to you…beyond the spells of their charming ways.  It could mean heart-break, but in the long run, Librans always replace their hobby of collecting girlfriends/ boyfriends with contemporary art. So, there’s the blow but if you are clever, you’ll know what to do with that choice piece of information. No, I didn’t mean dump him straight away….remember he won’t feel bad. Not the type. He’ll probably reason with himself for a second at best and decide you were too ugly for him anyways. So, I was suggesting that you ‘oomph up the artist’ in yourself and have something more than the present in mind, if you want to last as long as a life-time with your charming Libran.

Forecast for October, 2012


‘I should've known it wasn't going to work out between my ex-girlfriend and me. After all, I'm a Libran and she's a bitch.

In relationships, it is time to Rise and Shine! There is nothing uneven about this month’s discussions, (throw those discus’ at each other as much as you like) or meetings or heated debates in social circles and at work…thanks to  a Mars in Sagittarius and Venus in Virgo. This means: two very different points of view could clash with no clear winner. Mars is Venus’ opposite, her lover and in particularly fiery form this month, while Venus is very keen, hard-working and somewhat not turned on by all the claims being made. He may feel social, but she may feel right at home working away till late at night. Guys, it may be hard to convince her, but in only 3 weeks, she will be the one making bookings and getting busy socially…it’s just that right now, she feels called to do something a bit more serious with her routine. All exceptions to the rule: singles, the committed and the bored- get talking; get doing because nothing will happen unless you appear absorbed in what you’re thinking, or what you’re doing. I know, that’s silly cupid for you!
And those of you who remain stubbornly disinterested in all this, it’s time for your inner creative to meet its match! So, even you have a great reason to get out and mix with people, because this is when you finally meet that person and/or group who believe in the things you do. All in all, it should be very interesting! Watch the sparks around October 18!


Career wise, needs at home and needs at work meet each other with congratulatory smiles, with a Sun conjunct Moon. Come October 19-21, people in professions involving art and craft will be found at parties celebrating recent achievements, promotions, raises and why not? Hard work pays, and it pays well in October. Don’t be piqued if it doesn't show up at this time. Jupiter Retrograde could be holding things back a bit, but when it comes, it’ll make you twice the happier.


Health wise, this month can be dangerously accident prone, even for those who are generally careful. Mars in Sagittarius tends to create vulnerability out of goodwill. Don’t ask me to explain any further! There may be delayed progress on weight loss programs, a tendency to relapse into over-indulgence this month. Don’t go on a guilt-trip, just enjoy and remember that satisfaction is the first cure to over-indulgence. Your motivation will come back in a few weeks.

Anything else?

On a more serious note, Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn moving into Scorpio is the background against which these events are transpiring. Although this is more long lasting, generational influence, in your own neck of the woods, you may have noted a particular trend of power and authority that is not transparent or some part of your progress in career very hard to understand, with very few details being offered. Pluto (power) and Saturn (authority) are about to enter an arrangement called ‘mutual reception’ in November 2012. For more on this, stay tuned!  But for now, make the most of October.

Astro Tip of the Month

Pay attention to your dreams. They will point the way to success in your career. Simply keep a pen or pencil handy with a notebook next to your bed. As you wake up every morning, write the first words, phrases or draw what comes to mind. You may even recall what you dreamed of, jot this down. As you keep up this practice, your dreams will also become more vivid.


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