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What's up in November 2012?

Oct 23- Nov 22

Symbol The Scorpion    Element Water      Modality Fixed       Ruler Mars/Pluto

Moods: Buoyant, driven, passionate, sexy, private, ruthless, compelling

Colours: dark blue, ivy, deep red, indigo

Claim to Fame:  Singer Katy Perry, Duo Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, Software Mogul Bill Gates, Novelist Kurt Vonnegut

The Scorpio Personality

“Courage is the first to apologize, Strength is the first to forgive and Happiness is the first to forget.”

Scorpios are this, Scorpios are that. You've probably heard a lot of jamboree about these November-born creatures. And many live by the reality of ‘mysteriousness’ or ‘passion in the extreme’. But the truth remains: this is a sign of intensely private individuals with intensely private lives, filled with experiences and reflections brought to them by a probing mind. Think of a Scorpio as a Virgo, except, they are not rooted to the Earth like Virgo natives are. They flow, going wherever the most exciting energy prevails. Scorpios are magnetic creatures, attracting life experiences, people, places and insights to themselves. They tend to be drawn inwards because life happens inside their heads, decisions are made in their veins and their actions generally tend to create an impact in the world around them, out of all this: a visceral experience of life, in all routines. Magic is the stuff of everyday- something those intimate with Scorpios will know about. There are reasons why not only Scorpios, but also the signs to follow are somewhat broody, mysterious and self-appointed creatures of the loft. The signs Aries to Libra belong in a grouping called “Innocence” whereas the signs Scorpio to Pisces belong in the group that are invested with the task of redeeming the human soul from its "loss of innocence". As zodiacal creatures, this is their job: to suss out the journey from loss of innocence to the soul’s knowledge of its oneness with all-that-is. A mighty mission, indeed. This progression is represented by the Scorpion’s M with an outward pointed arrow, representing the quest of the soul for truth.

Lessons learned the hard way

If there is ever an easy way out, trust a Scorpio to go looking to find the other way. Scorpios are born, it would seem, to deliberately make life harder than it needs to be for themselves. But wait, this resourceful creature has a reason why that is so: she likes to sharpen her sting, she likes to build her tenacious will, he loves to explore the darker reaches of the human heart and the deeper meaning of the intellect. If one ever needs to understand the wit of the unspoken, the key to a mystery, the meaning of a cryptic message, or to scourge the reasons for human failure or, vice-versa, to find the totality of meaning contained in grains of sand, look no further, Scorpio’s your man for the job. In this lifetime as November natives, their role to is to deliver these gifts of a probing mind to others. Scorpios often come across as having all the right qualifications to be under the spotlight themselves, but they find true happiness when they step aside and make way for others, guide and reveal others to be worthy of praise. Be assured, if a Scorpio thinks highly of you, you really are a cut above the rest. 


 ‘Follow me where the silence goes, where eyes are all that speak.’

In Relationships, it is time to shed inhibitions and be daring if the object of your fascination is a Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo or Taurus, when all fixed signs start moving their pieces on the board. Whatever’s stopping you from expressing yourself or going after what you want should be easier to convey by mid-month, when Mercury cruises through your personal goal zone. Scorpios in relationships could see new additions, either to the family or to other assets.  Singles seem to benefit from their solitude, even if this effect is slowly waning. On the whole, it is a promising month for romance, adventures and fun-seeking and sharing with Venus transiting Libra on the one hand and Mars in fiery Sagittarius through November. If you are a Scorpio, imagine that your wish-fulfilling tree has grown with something special to give to you, for watering it year after year with love and effort. Go ahead and make the biggest wish you could possible make and then watch the magic unfold through the rest of the year ahead. 


Expect the energy to be high around money and taking stock of expenditure early on in November.  Career growth is magnified from November 11 to 18, as is creativity and personal comfort. It is time to focus on one self, rather than others, with all the major action in the first house. So, if you are the type to please your colleagues or to act in ways that count on pleasing people in positions of power over you, these patterns will cease to work. It is time to add value to yourself in some way. Learn a new skill, attend a weekend workshop, or do something that brings you personal satisfaction, like join the gym, a dance class, produce a work of art, craft or music. The problem with looking for praise and reward from others is that you give your personal power away. The sooner you realize this, the better off you will be. Ironically, when you work on yourself and accomplish an activity to your own satisfaction and when you least expect rewards, they will inevitably follow you.   


Last month, you had the warning that Mars in Sagittarius tends to create vulnerability out of goodwill. This month, although Mars is still in this position, all those sincere intentions to improve on the personal front get put into action, with generous energy from the Sun in Scorpio. Time to get a move on those goals. Time to lose all the excess, in weight, in food and alcohol, in sweet food, in watching TV or whatever it is you allow yourself to do, only to come away with nothing happy to feel.  Yep. No more excuses! Also, don’t try the dangle-a-carrot approach. Give yourself more credit than that of a whim-panderer. If you push yourself, just that teeny-weeny bit more than usual, you will reap enormously flattering results in self esteem. Remember, this is the blueprint for a whole year ahead. So make something of it and you’ll be proud of yourself for another 360.

Anything else?

On an interesting note, since last month, Pluto in Capricorn (power) and Saturn in Scorpio (authority) have entered an arrangement called ‘mutual reception’ which will last until 2015. Most planet-watchers have hailed this as a great relief, because when power and authority work together, a great many good things can result. It is like having a powerful king and his wise advisor rule over the land. Expect expansions of leading corporate empires, greater dividends for employees, fairer laws to be passed, lesser scandals in government, politics and the media. On a personal level, this influence can mean the end of power struggles in difficult marriages, the end of property disputes in families facing these and greater co-operation between members of a family.

Astro Tip of the Month

Have you been paying attention to your dreams?  Hope you maintained this practice from last month’s tip. This month, go outdoors. Take a walk or jog along, if you feel like it. Do it at a time that isn’t too crowded, like early in the mornings or late in the evenings. Get out by yourself and observe a scene at the park or preferably around a water body, at different times of the day, on different days. Draw or write your observations. In your more inspired and rushed moments in the not too distant future, you will find that you already have the ideas you want to work on. 


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