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1. What is a horoscope?

In astrology, a horoscope is a chart or diagram representing the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, the astrological aspects, and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth. The word horoscope is derived from Greek words meaning "a look at the hours" (horoskopos, pl. horoskopoi, or "marker(s) of the hour.") Other commonly used names for the horoscope in English include astrological chart, astro-chart, celestial map, sky-map, star-chart,cosmogram, vitasphere, radical chart, radix, chart wheel, or simply chart. 

A free horoscope charting service is available at:

2. What is the difference between astrology and fortune telling, sooth-saying and other predictive methods? 

An astrologer can only report accurate predictions with a chart, using the correct time, place and date of birth for a person or an event. It is a study based upon positions and movements of celestial objects and in this respect, shares much in common with astronomy. Other methods may use other techniques. 

3. How does an astrologer know the positions of planets for a given date, time and place?

An astrologer consults an ephemeris (plural: ephemerides; from the Greek word ἐφημερίς ephēmeris "diary", "journal"). It is a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time or times. Different kinds of ephemerides are used for astronomy and astrology. Even though this was also one of the first applications of mechanical computers, an ephemeris will still often be a simple printed table. 

A free 6000 year Swiss Ephermeris is provided by Astrodienst here:

4. What is an Ephemeris? 
    See 3. 

5. What is an almanac? 

An almanac (also archaically spelled almanack and almanach) is an annual publication that includes information such as weather forecasts, farmers' planting dates, tide tables, and tabular information in a particular field or fields often arranged according to the calendar etc. Astronomical data and various statistics are also found in almanacs, such as the times of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, eclipses, hours of full tide, stated festivals of churches, terms of courts, lists of all types, timelines, and more.

6. What is a panchāngam? 

A panchāngam (Tamil: பஞ்சாங்கம், Kannada: ಪಂಚಾಂಗ, Sanskrit: pañcāṅgam, Malayalam: പഞ്ചാംഗം,Sinhala: පඤචාංග) is a Hindu astrological almanac, which follows traditional Indian cosmology, and presents important astronomical data in tabulated form. It is sometimes spelled Pancanga,Panchanga, Panchaanga, or Panchānga, and is pronounced Panchāngam. Pachangams are used in astrology.  Tithi, Nakshatra, Rāśi, Yoga, and Karana depend upon the Moon's movements, which are five in number. Panchānga is a Sanskrit word, literally meaning "having five limbs". 

7. What is the difference between solar and lunar astrology? 

Observations related to the position and movement of the Sun in from its entry into the constellation of Aries through all 12 signs of 30 degrees each, culminating in Pisces, every year, is known as solar astrology. A sun sign ( or star sign) is the zodiac sign in which the sun is found at the time of one's birth. The sun sign represents one's ego, the masculine, yang side of one's nature. 

Observations related to the position, movement, phases of the moon in its 28-day cycle is called lunar astrology. A moon sign is the zodiac sign in which the moon is found at the time of one's birth. The moon sign represents one's emotions, the feminine, yin side of one's nature. 

The sun takes 30 days approx to move from one sign to the next, thus giving us 12 months of 30 /31 days each in a year. The moon moves much faster, taking only two and half days approx, to move through ( transit) one sign, thus giving us a 28-day cycle, every month. In horary, predictive and electional astrology, the temperamental changes caused by changes in the moon's position are considered very important. 

8. What are the phases of the moon? 

The Lunation type assigns a type of personality based on the moon phase on a person's date of birth. It was introduced in French astrologer Dane Rudhyar's book The Lunation cycle in which he argues that the lunation types are just as important as the sun signs to understand a personality. Rudhyar defines eight lunation types: New Moon Type, Crescent Type, First Quarter Type, Gibbous Moon Type, Full Moon Type, Disseminating Type, Last Quarter Type, Balsamic Moon Type.

In Chinese astrology, the moon's phases are four: new, waxing, full, and waning, upon which personalities and life purpose are said to be based. They are also related to their signs and elements. 

9. What are lunar asterisms? 

Lunar astrology also includes the concept of lunar mansions ( aka 'nakshatras' or 'asterisms') in which the sky is divided into  27 or 28 divisions, identified by the prominent star(s) in them. The Moon passes through these divisions during its monthly cycle and every person/ event has a specific asterism associated with their date, time and place of birth. 

10. What are the moon's nodes? 

Lunar nodes are the two points in the elliptic of the moon that touch the elliptic of the sun. These are the only points in the sky where eclipses can occur. They are always exactly 180 degrees apart from each other. So, if the north node is in 11 degrees Libra, the south node will be in 11 degrees Aries. 

The North lunar node (called Rahu) and the South lunar node (called Ketu) are considered to be of particular importance in vedic astrology, and are given an equal place alongside the seven classical planets as part of them. The north node, called Rahu , is considered to be inauspicious and to be associated with mystery and cruelty whereas the south node Ketu is connected with karmic collections (both good and bad) and with spirituality. 

In western nodal astrology, the positions of the North node (also called the True node) and the south node of the moon in a chart represent a particular karmic journey for that individual. In Jan Spiller's book on this subject, detailed information about each of the 12 different positions of the nodes and their karmic lessons can be found.

11. Where can I learn more about topics in astrology? : A free resource for beginners and practitioners of astrology where you can compute your own chart, read through short report forecasts and more. 

    Ref: Birth data and chart for George Clooney Source: astrology pages,

What are the Qualities?:

Like the Elements, this is a grouping of signs, but this time it is quadruplicities, or groups of four. Each of the four groupings has a distinct "quality" and they are known as Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. The quality groupings each have a unique way of engaging with the world.

When were the signs first put into these groups?

The qualities are found in the writings of Ptolemy, and seem to have come out of early Greece.

What is the relationship to the Elements?:

Each grouping by quality has one of the four elements. So that means that for each element, there is a Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable sign within that group, too. Cardinal Fire behaves in a different way than Fixed or Mutable fire, and this adds nuance to understanding a particular sign.

What do the qualities have to do with the seasons?

Each quality is linked to a particular point in the season. The cardinal signs initiate the season, fixed signs hold it in continuation, and the mutable signs wrap things up, and prepare for the seasonal change ahead.

What are the Cardinal signs?:

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

What are the Fixed signs?:

Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus

What are the Mutable signs?

Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo

How are the qualities used to understand a sign?

Once you get a grasp of the elements, and can observe them firsthand in people you know, the quality offers more shades of difference. You can refer to a natal planet being in the quality and element, such as Fixed Air or Mutable Water. Once you get a sense of how these qualities behave, merge that with what you know about the element, along with the essence of the sign. It's part of the synthesis that is vital to understanding astrology.

Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable:

The Cardinal signs are like the oldest in the family, and full of the self-initatory spirit. They assert their particular style of leadership through their element. By element, they are Aries (fire), Cancer (water), Libra (air) and Capricorn (earth.)

The Fixed signs dig in, and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. It's hard for them to change, which gives them a reputation for being stubborn. But they are respected for their self-containment and sense of purpose. By element, they are Leo (fire), Scorpio (water), Aquarius (air) and Taurus (earth).

The Mutable signs are flexible, adaptable and restless for movement, change. They are able to see life from many perspectives, making them great communicators. They represent the break-down before the next season begins, so there's a touch of chaos to their natures. By element, they are Sagittarius (fire), Pisces (water), Gemini (air) and Virgo (earth).

When learning about astrology, try noting the difference between the qualities by observing two people with planets in the same element. For example, you might have two earth sign friends, giving you a great chance to note the different "quality" between a Capricorn and a Virgo. It takes time to note these subtleties, especially since we are usually a complex mix of many signs.

What are Lunar asterisms or Luanr mansions?

Nakshatra: Asterisms or Lunar Mansions

The Nakshatras are the central axes around which Indian Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology revolves. Their origin is unknown. Even the Vedas give exhaustive references to them. Planetary influences are significantly altered the impact of the asterisms. These lunar mansions, as they are called, should be studied carefully.

The Moon has a special relationship with the Nakshatras.These association of the moon with different asterisms fundamentally alters the character of a horoscope. The very nature of the moon becomes different in certain Nakshatra.They a planet is placed under the direct radiation of a lunar mansion, it is not necessarily the planet’s basic nature which flows to the recipient; instead, a Nakshatra influence reaches the individual. The Planetary periods in the life cycle of 
an individual ,which are a peculiar contribution of Hindu astrology or Indian horoscope, flow from the position of the Nakshatras.These characteristics of the Nakshatras make them very special, requiring careful examination of their nature and mode of operation.
At one time there were twenty-eight Nakshatra forming the circle of 360 degree, but at some historical epoch of which we know but little, one of them was ommited.Presently.Indian or Vedic astrology recognizes twenty-seven Nakshatras Beginning with the initial point of the zodiac 0 degrees of Aries, each Nakshatra consists of 13 degree 20’ on the path of the ecliptic. Each Nakshatra is further divided into four parts known as padas, which means ‘feet’. Each Nakshatra as well as each Pada is associated with a different planet. All these factors must be carefully appraised in order to predict the future of the individual.

The three gunas-Sattva, Rajas and Tamas-also affect each Nakshatra differently. Within the primary flow of a guna, there will be a secondary and tertiary flow from the other two. These attributes reveal the inner propensities of the asterisms in their various shades and nuances.
The Nakshatras are also categorized according to the four basic motivations of a human being,Artha(Meaningful action),Kama(Passional action),dharma(righteous action) and Moksha(liberation, karma-less action).When a Nakshatra is categorized, it reveals the general impulse of that Nakshatra.

Each Nakshatra has a dual role. When an individual passes through evolutionary stages of development, the effect of the asterism will be of one kind, while its impact on those who are on evolutionary paths will be different, though related to the same basic impulse.
There are 27 Nakshatras (asterism) or Constellations are considered in Indian astrology as follows...

1. ASHWINI Birth star
2. BHARANI Birth star
3. KRITIKA Birth star 
4. ROHINI Birth star
5. MRIGASHIRA Birth star 
6. AARDRA Birth star 
7. PUNARVASU Birth star 
8. PUSHYA Birth star 
9. AASLESHA Birth star 
10. MAGHA Birth star 
11. PURVA PHALGUNI Birth star
12. UTTARA PHALGUNI Birth star
13. HASTA Birth star
14. CHITRA Birth star 
15. SWATI Birth star 
16. VISHAKHA Birth star
17. ANURADHA Birth star 
18. JYESHTHA Birth star 
19. MOOLA Birth star 
20. POORVAASHADHA Birth star 
21. UTTARAASHADHA Birth star 
22. SHRAVANI Birth star 
23. DHANISTHA Birth star 
24. SHATABHISHA Birth star 
27. REVATI Birth star

Useful Links:
Explore Astrology Signs in your Birth Chart. Calculate and interpret Sun Signs, Moon Signs, Rising Signs, Astrology Love Signs, Chinese Signs and more!

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