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Showing posts from March, 2018


Dear Reader I'm really delighted to be presenting this April's forecast for a few good reasons, good because we are working with some truly amazing planetary energies, and also because some of the insights from working with Aries people in the past have soaked and matured well, yielding something truly remarkable that I wish to share with you. This month, from around March 18th to April 18th, the Sun transits through the sign of Aries ( anciently, from Ares- the Greek god of war). The Sun is exalted in Aries, and moreover, Mars, ruler of Aries, is also exalted in Capricorn, all month! Image Credit: I have in past blogs researched the mythologies surrounding the Ram, the animal that represents this sign- since I was curious about this docile animal, (as opposed to a ferocious one) chosen to represent something terrifying like war. It turns out that the ram ( from whose horns comes the symbol for Aries) is actually a symbol for the story...


Dear Reader I'm a big fan of following the lunar calendars of the world and constantly refer 2 to 3 different ones to find moon positions. Being a student and teacher of astrology, exact positions of planets, especially of the moon becomes very significant, for all purposes of astrology and other related disciplines. For the longest time, I have noticed that Vedic calendars do not include the signs of moon transit, example, Moon in Taurus on so and so days. Conversely, the western ephemeris of the moon has never charted the Vedic nakshatras or 27 lunar mansions, aka asterisms of the moon, in the same document. Researching on this topic, we find that there are 2 systems in practice today, which are the 27 asterisms and the 28 asterisms. What is 12* 51’ 3/7 = 360 divided by 28 days. That number is 12.8571428571428 7 days multiplied by 4 weeks = 28 days How many hours does the moon’s movement through each nakshartha take, in Sun hours? We know the moon takes 2 and a...


Dear Reader Welcome to this special blog on Jupiter's transit through Scorpio in 2018. One of the places on the web where there are a great many writers interpreting transits( plus a wonderful go-to resource, for their 'chat over a coffee style') is Cafe I wanted a brisk update about how this particular transit pans out for people, and especially me, since I have a Sun in Scorpio in the 10th house and my natal Jupiter in is in Libra in the 9th House. I also want to collect something very special that has been happening, which I record here below along with the interpretations offered by our friend  Annie at Cafe Astrology.  Here's what I found: Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10th, 2017 and stays in this fixed water sign until November 8th, 2018. Annie says, with Jupiter in Scorpio, we attract the most success and good fortune when we put our “all” into a project or undertaking, and when we use our magnetic powers to heal others. Jupiter’...


Dear reader I've decided to write a special blog focusing only on the very interesting transit of Venus in Pisces this month March 2018. Venus transits all the signs as she moves in the zodiac, and arrived in her sign of exaltation which is Pisces on February 17, 2018. From what I observe, there was an exact conjunction of Venus and Chiron in 27' Pisces around exactly 5th March 2018, where Chiron has been. Chiron being a slower moving planet, from our point of view on Earth, has been in Pisces since April 2010. 27* Pisces is the exact degree of exaltation for Venus in Pisces. Most astrologers will consider a planet as being exalted anywhere in the sign, but each planet is actually fully exalted in a particular degree of the 30 degrees. What are the odds that this conjunction of Chiron with exalted Venus happens to be in the exact 27' degree of Pisces? Once in forever. So , pay attention. I have long been a fan of classical interpretations of Venus by artists lik...


Dear reader Coming back after a month-long hiatus from updates. It's something of a tradition for me to skip February predictions, I've noticed, from the few years of practice I have of writing updates. I noticed that the reason this happens is related to February itself. Aquarian ruled energies of the month tend to take me away into a very interesting zone of developing debates, arguments and often, new ideas that no one has ever heard of, from this pool of scientist-skeptic party goers- in a nutshell, I find the act of writing or concluding thoughts in a blog or anywhere else a pretty challenging thing to do in Feb. I'm actually writing this in March, but this will also be my update for February 2018. Let me bring you up to date with my sojourns, having many 11th house planets myself, especially with Uranus in Sagittarius in it. Following where it took me, during February's Aquarian wavelengths all coming at me at the speed of light,  I have found that many ideas...