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“I don’t dream at night, I dream at day, I dream all day; I’m dreaming for a living.”

– Steven Spielberg, born December 18

Dear Sagittarians,

In the past, I have written in this very monthly update, celebrating the extroverted nature of the lot of you. In fact, as a fellow Sagi said, the road to excess leads to the path of wisdom. 

But this year, there seems to be conspiracy among the planets to keep your focus very much upon yourselves and what concerns you, both in terms of introspection and also, your personal wealth and your family. 

We're beginning the journey of the Sun through Sagittarius today and already, we may all want to breathe a sigh of relief- no one can deny that a spell of dark, brooding self-inspection ( watery, emotional energy of November) has given way to a clear resolve, more energy of the fire sign, bringing action to what hope remains. 


On many levels, we are noticing a broad shift from complacency to a culture of asking questions and having the right to have them answered- this is taking centre stage. Since Pluto is in Capricorn, the idea that authority or persons in authority can go unquestioned is being tested by demanding Pluto, whose sole intention is to have no question go unanswered satisfactorily, especially pertinent to one's own growth, or concerning the growth of our collective unconscious. 

Now here, we have Saturn leaving Sagittarius this year and that ends the cycle that began in 2014, which has left us with 3 years of Saturn as a guest in Sagittarius. We have all felt already, the weight of the world give way to a counsel of mirth and fun. In fact, Saturn here champions the cause of fun. And this has been a welcome break for anyone who has a strong native Saturn, like all Capricorns who are born between December 23- January 20. This also applies to anyone who has a Saturn aspecting a personal planet like the Moon, Mercury, Sun, Venus, or Mars in their charts. On the other hand, Saturn has a lot of foundation to give our inherent talents and gifts we are all born with and he teaches us frugality and sharpening our focus on our long term goals. In the sign of Sagittarius, he taught us how to restrain ourselves in order to make the best out of our valuable time and resources and to use knowledge of a subject or knowledge where it helps others, where it matters most. On a world level, there have been a lot of events that have opened up the discussion around how we use our resources ( oil, energy, health) , our knowledge ( both information and wisdom), and while we continue to ponder about climate change, environment protection, safety, equality, Saturn has just set the stage for the real action. 

Now on December 19, 2017, Saturn will leave Sagittarius and enter his own sign Capricorn, where he will remain for the next 3 years. There, he will join Pluto, who is a champion of causes and we will see many remarkable changes in government ( Saturn rules Government, Authority figures, Law & enforcement)  and hopefully, we will also a lot of changes ( reforms) to the way we live, which results in better long term outcomes. Since Saturn especially, is the one planet that does NOT make changes easily and without due consideration of very long term effects, this is good news for the environment, for electric vehicles or other sources of energy ( although innovation is a slightly more Uranian field in contemporary astrology, Saturn is the old co-ruler of the sign of Aquarius, which is attributed with advances in technology). 

That is a lot of big action in December, to continue through to the new year 2018. 

Now, for Sagittarians, what does all this mean? 

A lot of Sagittarians have experienced in the last 3 years, the constraining, but equally growth oriented phase of having Saturn as a teacher. He may be harsh, but he always leaves us better off than what we would have been, without his influence. We become aware of our own limits and we also learn to be productive, finding new strength in something we would otherwise have ignored. Many of you will have acquired new skills, new friends, new perspectives, that could have far reaching consequences on your career and relationships, in a good way. You should know that all your friends have seen you go from strength to a new strength, through a period of trial and tests and you should also know this:  because you understood it was in the highest good, people are proud of you. 

On a personal note for you, this is the time to approach close relationships again and you will find, that with your ruler Jupiter in Scorpio, through October 2017- October 2018, you will reach depths and heights of intimacy with yourself and your consciousness- which can be rationalized as a period of immense personal development and growth. The key to remember here is, that people in close relationships feel that the truth is easy to speak ( which Sagis love, they are considered to be the most honest of all the signs). Sometimes, the truth can reveal unpleasant or difficult things and here, while having Saturn in Sagittarius gave you a steadying patience to adjust to this, Sagittarians, you are now on your own. Saturn's special focus to give you this precious patience is now moving into Capricorn, but not without first teaching you its importance and leaving you with a firm sense of faith in how you will now be its torch bearer. 

Now you recognise that you live in a world where this gentle patience is something you can come to appreciate, not just because you have been the recipient of it, but also because you see how a great many things could  be very different, if you can always give things some time, some patience and some room to grow. 

This does run against the natural fire energy of Sagittarians, always blazing into those rooms and conversations to add sparks and ignite yet more, which is why, Venus comes blazing through Sagittarius this month, along with Mercury, to add dazzling fireworks to the celebration, to celebrate a job well done. Indeed. Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius around 15th December 2017, are very much, holding your hand, giving you new ideas, and helping you transit through what can even be an emotional parting with a patient teacher. Let's not forget, that Sagittarians are among the world's best learners, who often grow to become great teachers, themselves. 

But Venus here, mid-month, will shift your sharp focus, especially towards making your personal wealth grow. With Scorpio in your second house with Jupiter there to stay for a year and Mars currently supporting him, many of you will have concrete plans to grow your own personal worth, you may acquire property, you may move into larger roles like leadership or parenting, especially those involving younger groups of people or ideas. You are invested in making the world a better place by using the power of the intellect in an honest way, and in a transparent way so that others can learn how to learn and use their own intellect. You may find that these efforts finally pay off in some way that lands you recognition too. You will find that you feel a great surge of optimism, that you take care of your health goals and this brings you an aura of well being that others will take note of. 

CHIRON & JUPITER: What's the connection? 

Jupiter is also co-ruler of Pisces, anciently, although contemporary astrologers assign Neptune as its ruler. If you feel that there are issues, especially those concerning a long 18- year cycle or longer, from childhood or early adulthood, that keep resurfacing, you should know that Chiron, the planet which is ascribed as the wounded healer, is in Pisces, which is a universally loving, healing, intuitive, water sign. Chiron, is also considered a moon of Pluto, which rules Scoprpio. Jupiter is in mystic Scorpio, and loves a good story, as much as the next man. Sagittarius is represented by the archer, who is symbolised as  centaur, half man and half horse, always galloping ( what you often call having itchy feet), travelling through worlds and aiming for the eye of the truth. Interestingly, Chiron, is also a centaur, whose story goes like this : 

In mythology, the centaur Chiron sustained a wound that never healed and he was said to have suffered unceasingly from it. And yet, it was this suffering that drove him to search for relief, and that search brought him the knowledge, wisdom and experience that expanded his knowledge about healing. This enabled him to counsel, teach and heal others, earning himself the label of the Wounded Healer. And it was through an act of compassionate negotiation that he was finally relieved of his suffering, by trading his life for Prometheus' freedom from torturous punishment.

This has the love of knowledge and the eternal seeking of the end to all knowledge ( into unquestioning humility) that Sagittarians seek through debate, through learning, study and unparalleled attention to discovering things as yet unknown, through the powers of reason, logic and great intellectual effort. And what's even more interesting is that the wounded healer Chiron, ultimately trades his life, his liberation for a great cause: that of liberating another one of our favorite heroes, Prometheus- who is said to have brought the fire of the gods to help humanity, which is why he was punished by the gods. 

Prometheus of course, is more associated with the signs of both Sagittarius and Aquarius, for both these signs, one fire and other air, are the last of their triplicities and are invested with bringing to fruition the work of their element- fire, to breed the quest for knowledge and air, to spread, share and exchange ideas, both of which have the power to change the world for good. 

Here's a little more on this subject in this very interesting blog.

Moon & Mercury Retrograde in December 2017

This month's full Moon is in Gemini on December 3rd, considered by what planet and star gazers call the super moon, since it comes so close to the Earth. 

New Moon comes around 14 days later, in the sign of Sagittarius, on December 18, 2017. Be sure to pen your new ideas, set new goals or make new plans, plant new things around this energy, since it helps you to grow on those ideas or projects during the fortnight ahead.

Mercury goes retrograde for the final time in 2017, from December 3-22 and will be guiding all of us to reflect on the year gone by. Check everything twice and be prepared for delays, especially if traveling or you are busy attending appointments. Retrograde Mercury is a great time to reconnect with old friends, catch up with ones you barely get the time to talk to, or do things that have been pushed to the back burner. It's the planet of communication begging for relief from our 24/7 world, less thumb twiddling and more heart to heart, mind to mind would be a great relief, and replenishing,  especially for Gemini and Virgo natives, since Mercury happens to be your ruler.

Here's more on this subject here:

December is also the time when a lot of people get back on their diets, and gym classes see a new rush to work on their health goals. We all want to catch up with our year long resolutions. This time, come new year, here's hoping that the trend won't change for the worse come February, when most people drop out of their resolutions. 

The coming year 2018 too is poised to be very interesting, in many ways- 

 For Capricorns, Saturn finally arrives after 29 long years, back in his own sign, cementing a very long list of accomplishments on both the personal and the world stage. For many people, this is their definitive year in the limelight, and truly, for people who are as hard working as Capricorns, their fully deserved year of Saturn's return (which is a karmic return, signifying the total value and worth of your efforts or karma of the last 29 years)  is a home- coming of sorts. Follow this if you have a Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus or Mercury in Capricorn. 

For Aries and Scorpios, and anyone with a strong Mars in their chart, since Mars not only comes closest to us since 2003, but also finds himself listening closely to life lessons that Jupiter is teaching him, in his year long stay in Scorpio. 

Leo North Node

Also, a mention about the True Node or North Node in Leo, which is a prevalent shift from May 10, 2017 – November 6, 2018.

The Leo north node/Aquarius south node person is a powerful changemaker, but in this lifetime, they can get lost in a crowd. These people need to channel their Leo “roar” to reach a wider audience. Once they do, they can claim the spotlight and shine, spreading a message of justice. While Leo north nodes care deeply about society as a whole, they can be a bit cool and detached on a one-on-one level. Technology and cutting-edge ideas can be their forte. Aquarius also rules computers, math, science and quantum physics. Aquarius south node people can bring their “mad scientist” brand of genius to the world, especially through digital innovations and media.

While all of us influenced in one way or another by the energy of the node, which tells us in which direction our soul is growing, people with their Sun, moon, Venus, Mercury or Mars, even Jupiter and Saturn in Leo and of course, those with a natal North Node in Leo, should all follow a few simple rules to help themselves and not get in their own way:

Behaviours to Release (Aquarius south node):
People pleasing, the need to be liked, hiding out in a group, emotional detachment, being overly intellectual, “head over heart,” not showing your feelings, too much nomadic living with no roots, rejection of material and sensual pleasure

Behaviours to Embrace (Leo north node):
Unbridled self-expression, collaborating with the elite, leading by example, following your heart, luxury, tuning into your desires and sensuality, spoiling yourself and others, open displays of affection

Read more about this here:

Thank you to our featured celebrity, whom I will always remember for bringing ET to us, Steven Spielberg,who is the highest-grossing director by worldwide box office ($9.360 billion), who also says, 

“I’m not really interested in making money. That’s always come as the result of success, but it’s not been my goal, and I’ve had a tough time proving that to people.”

Chart details below and a very big thank you to Astrodienst for all the knowledge and tools they give millions of people like us to know ourselves better. Towards this end, you should know that Liz Greene and Robert Hand, two of the world's most dedicated astrological writers and researchers publish short term and long term forecasts for anyone who signs up. While the long term is generally only for those who sign up for a paid subscription which helps them maintain the service, the long term forecasts are free on Thursday for you to view, read and learn more about how planetary transits work. I hope this helps anyone who is curious to know more, get going. 

A very Happy Thanksgiving. 
A very Merry Christmas and 
A very Happy New Year to everyone :-) 


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