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What's up in July 2013?

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Your July Horoscope by Susan Miller

Cancer Horoscope for July 2013

By Susan Miller
It is birthday month, and you are eager for good news. Who could ever blame you, dear Cancer? You've had precious little cosmic help until now. Jupiter's entry into Cancer is like having a team of Special Ops from the Navy Seals on the way to your door. At last you won't have to fight your way through life all alone, as you have for years.
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and happiness, and now, having moved into Cancer on June 25, will make you his favorite of the zodiac. Jupiter will go out of his way to bring you all kinds of career opportunities, a better financial outlook, distant travel, and better health, and the possibility of great romance. Having Jupiter at your side will make all the difference in the coming twelve months, for Jupiter will help you succeed in areas that you have been tirelessly trying to develop for a long time.
Jupiter entered Cancer late last month on June 25, and will remain almost thirteen months, until July 16, 2014. During that time you will meet many new and influential people who will want to help you get ahead. Your job will be to know precisely what you want to happen next. When a VIP asks, "How can I help you get to your goal?" have an answer ready. When someone powerful wants to help you, it will be no time to drop the ball. Romantically, having Jupiter in your sign is considered one of the best privileges to have to meet a new romantic interest that may turn out to be very right for you, possibly forever.
Not all of life will be perfect. Uranus in Aries, a cardinal sign like yours, and Pluto in Capricorn, another cardinal sign, are not easy to deal with as they are in sharp angle to your Sun. The Cancers born in June have paid their dues to Uranus and Pluto, and both planets are moving on to focus on the Cancers born in the first week of July (including the US, born July 4). Uranus and Pluto will continue railing against each other and will remain at hard angles until March 2015, as they both will creep along the sky.
I mention this because the month starts out with two very difficult days: July 1 and July 3 or 4. On the first day, July 1, the Sun will receive a forceful opposition from Pluto. If your birthday falls close (within five days) to July 1, you may have problems with a romantic or business partner - your marriage partner, established steady sweetheart, or conversely, a business partner, collaborator, agent, publicist, lawyer, or other VIP in your life. Or you may have a problem with an "open enemy" as the ancient astrologers used to call this person - someone you can see who is openly aggressive toward you, as competitor, detractor, or critic. This person would not be on your side and would give you a very hard time. You may feel unfairly forced to accept a position that you find distasteful.
Then, before you can catch your breath, July 3-4 brings up an unexpected career problem, in terms of a VIP who makes a quick move that shocks you. Uranus and the Sun will be at odds, and not only are you feeling shocked by what is going on with career, but you may suddenly be worried about money. You may feel like you faced a setback, but only if your birthday falls near (within five days) of these dates. You do have Jupiter in your sign, and if you read the next paragraph, you will see you will have a near-miraculous kind of protection. Don't let anyone or anything take your optimism away.
The new moon in Cancer will arrive on July 8, an important moment for you. All new moons are portals to a new chapter - here you can use the force of the new moon to create progress in an area dear to your future. It can be related to the start of a new relationship or a new venture. It could allow you to forcefully go after a goal in the weeks and months ahead.
I also love that later in the month, July 21, Jupiter will align with Mars in Cancer for the first time in a decade. (For clarification, Mars aligns with Jupiter every two years on one special day, but with various signs, not Cancer). Mars rules your career and honors sector, so should the events of the first four days of July jar you, stay tuned, because by July 21 you should receive excellent professional news or opportunity, and it seems to relate to work you've done earlier. It may be as simple as having built a fine reputation - now others will come to you. Stay tuned - you should hear this immediately.
Of course, in a year that has great days standing next to not-so-good days for everyone (not just Cancer), this new moon will be in hard angle to Uranus. Something about your career seems unstable and bringing all sorts of vacillating news. It may alternatively be that your boss or client is unstable. This month, if the stresses and strains of your job get to be too much, you may just decide to leave - and with effort, uncover a new dream job nearly immediately. This kind of topsy-turvy month could actually deliver news like this. You have that kind of high-contrast chart where good things can happen quite suddenly. I still think it's too risky to leave a job without having a new one ready in the wings, but if you feel your health has been deteriorating from the stress of your current job, see if you can find a way to stay afloat financially without it. Perhaps you can move in with a friend, or your family will help you. With Jupiter in Cancer now, you stand to gain quite a bit from your family.
You seem headed for a major upswing, and although you will have a few bumps along the way, the overall direction will be on track - onward and upward.
Here is some superb news I have been anxious to tell you. A glittering golden triangle will be at play in the heavens all month, with three important planets - Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune - forming this configuration in the sky to help deliver a breakthrough for you. This triangle will be as rare as it is beneficial - I can't remember seeing anything like this in years. Three heavy-duty planets in water signs like yours will position themselves at different points of the sky. On July 17 to 19, they will be perfect position - all sharing the same, tight mathematical position - which is significant, because what the world will see is pure harmony. Jupiter will be in Cancer (5 degrees), Saturn will be in Scorpio (5 degrees) in your house of love and creativity, and Neptune will be in Pisces (5 degrees).
Here Saturn is being helpful, giving stability to both creative, artistic expressions and to a new relationship. If you are single and hoping to meet a special someone, this triangle of supreme harmony, where one planet helps the other in the smoothest of ways, could do it. If you want a baby, this aspect will help, and if you already have children, you will likely hear good news. Meanwhile, Neptune will offer you help from the ninth house of travel and higher learning / teaching in college or graduate school centers, or from the publishing / broadcasting and digital media area. Matters of citizenship, immigration, green card, and visa are also on the table, and Neptune will be in a position to help you in a big way.
Neptune will offer you vision and creativity, Saturn will offer stability, and Jupiter will offer luck. Anyone who is a water sign - Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces - will be in the best position to take advantage, so that's you! Furthermore, if you were born early in your sign, on June 26 plus or minus five days, you will get a triple dip of extraordinary luck because you were born with a Cancer Sun at 5 degrees, the degree these planets are now. You will note a new lightness in the air, and a warm environment of support for your actions. You'll likely notice that the world is a more friendly place for you right away because life has been so hard for you - the fact that you will have help from a loving universe will be in such contrast from where you have been that you'll likely sit up and take notice.
If you have any natal planet at 5 degrees of a water sign - Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces- you will similarly have outstanding luck. Give a tolerance of plus or minus five degrees. I suppose if you have a natal earth sign planet (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) at 5 degrees, or within five degrees of this degree, you may get special favor, too.
One more note - if you were born in the middle of the peak of this golden triangle, say, July 17-19, or within a day of these days - you will also do well.
This golden triangle is a big deal, so don't brush it off - you need to line up career interviews or presentations for mid-July, or in your personal life, plan something important that relates to your creative or romantic dreams. The latter may include support for a child you have now or a new and very desired pregnancy. You will have a solid chance to make your life happier - don't miss your moment. Keep in mind that each of these heavy-duty planets, including Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, are slow moving planets. Jupiter takes 12 years to circle the Sun, Saturn takes 29 years, and Neptune takes 169 years. To get all these planets in the right place at the right time is nearly impossible, harder than getting three apples lining up in a slot machine, yet you have it now, and it is so remarkable that they all will be in water signs. Circle July 17-19 in gold.
Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer for three weeks (a holdover from June 26), so investigate new leads on any front but don't seal important deals until July 22 at the earliest. Mercury will go direct on July 20, but it would be best to allow some space.) You may be frustrated to have delays from Mercury just as the whole world is opening up for you, but delays will benefit you. It would not be wise to buy a new car, computer, kitchen refrigerator, dishwasher, smart phone, or any other electronic or machine with moving parts when Mercury is out of phase, but later you will be glad you waited. It's possible you will hear about a newer model that you like better or find a place that offers better prices. More often we buy things during Mercury retrograde that never function right or that never fulfill our needs. Wait, too, to buy expensive furniture.
The full moon in Aquarius at 0 degrees will light your financial eighth house. This house rules credit, loans, venture capital, insurance and court settlement payouts, mortgage, refinancing plans, divorce settlements, and bankruptcy (yours - hope not - or another person's bankruptcy that would affect you). Saturn will be in hard angle to this full moon, so if you owe someone, that person may become rather insistent for payment.
This same house that the full moon will appear in rules surgery, so if you need a medical or dental procedure, or an operation, this full moon may have you schedule it, and get it done. With Mars in Gemini, July 1-12, it would be best not to have surgery on your lungs, fingers, hands, wrist, arm, shoulder, or clavicles. With Mars in Cancer July 13 to August 27, it would not be the time to operate on the stomach or breast. Still, if you have an emergency and need that operation, follow your doctor's orders to the letter. Mars adds a bit of pain and inflammation, but your doctor has remedies for that.
The end of the month brings several more tough days again. As you see, this is a year of extremes. On July 27, Saturn will challenge the Sun by being 90 degrees away, and Mars will oppose Pluto. These two very difficult aspects will come on the same day. You may be worried about money on this day, and at the same time, may argue with a partner (in business or love, such as a spouse or steady, established lover). Someone will be very intent on trying to get you to agree to a stance he or she holds that you will be resisting with all your being.
July 31 won't be fun either. Mars in Cancer will be at a harsh 90-degree angle to Uranus, so someone at work, most likely an authority figure, is about to taunt you, and you will be tempted to lose your temper. I would not want you to schedule a performance review with your boss on this day, for example. The chemistry between you is likely to be very bad. Sometimes Mars has an emotional manifestation in an aspect like this (anger), but sometimes it has a physical manifestation. This would not be a day for hang gliding, for example. Be sensible, and make safety a priority. This is a hot aspect and it has a long tail, and so it would have the possibility to affect you for a week in either direction. Just keep your antenna up, and focus on keeping things stable.
Many astrologers are buzzing about a day this month, July 29, that will brim with special, unique aspects. I have read one long white paper on this date, but nevertheless, I am putting my poker chips on July 17-19 as the most dazzling days of the month for you, bringing you the possibilities for breakthroughs and happy circumstances.
I am not convinced that July 29, with all its amazing set of aspects (especially the "sextiles," which are planets 60 degrees apart) will resonate with you. This day comes in the middle of the above-mentioned difficult days, July 27 and July 31, and I feel that those difficult aspects will overlap July 29, because of the plus or minus tolerances of those hard days. I also feel you always need a new moon to launch energy properly, and July 29 does not have a new moon; in fact it arrives much after the full moon.
I could be wrong about this day, so I want you watch the month and note your best days. Tell me on Twitter @AstrologyZone which days in July made you the happiest. If you use the hashtag #July29, all the other readers will be able to see what you have to say, and we will all learn together.
Romantically, as said earlier, you have a VERY bright outlook - Jupiter is looking out for you, dear Cancer, not only now but in the twelve months to come. If you are attached, you will find the turn of Saturn to direct speed to allow you to make more solid plans with your partner in the future, without so much delay or indecision, whether those were due to you or your partner. (Even business partnerships will go more smoothly.) Venus in Virgo after July 23 and Mars in Cancer all month will keep things lively, for your magnetism will be sky high. You see, dear Cancer? Life is clearly changing for the better!

Over the past few years, Cancer certainly has not had it easy. Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, and past eclipses have brought difficult challenges and required you make continual adjustments. Soon you got the message that to survive this considerable planetary assault, you'd have to find ways to re-invent yourself. Think back to 2009 and the years that have transpired since then. 2009 to 2011 brought eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn, so your life began to change. You are not the same person you were back in 2009 - you are stronger, wiser, and more able to handle anything life throws your way.
It was ironic how things were playing out. Most people get one big aspect at a time, with some space after the difficult aspects leave, but you were getting them one after another, with no relief. Just as the two-year series of eclipses ended in 2011, Uranus in Aries began a dispute with Pluto in Capricorn, and instead of things calming down, they actually began to heat up. Your job, your health, your close relationship, and your finances - everything was calling for attention. You were beginning to think you could not get a break.
Now, you are due for some rare and exceptional good luck. Jupiter, the planet of happiness, expansion, health, and prosperity, has entered your sign late last month, June 25, for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter is now gearing up to provide you with a year that brims with opportunity, until July 16, 2014. This will give you an enormous advantage in all phases of your life. Keep in mind that most people get only 6 or 7 such visits of Jupiter in all - this will be one of those dazzling years for you.
Most years, when Jupiter moves into a new house of the horoscope, your astrologer (me) can give you advice on how to take full advantage of Jupiter's energy, depending on the house and sign that Jupiter is traveling in. That is not true now, for Jupiter will be in your solar first house, the house that rules your identity and reflects what is truly important to you. Those feelings are found so deep within you that even I cannot see or guess what they might be, but you know what they are. Focus on your deeply held dreams, dear Cancer. Jupiter rules many things - happiness, good fortune, expansion, financial success, distant travel, justice - and it also rules miracles. If you were disappointed with how things played out in the past, don't assume the future will be the same way. You are getting a second chance to create a new and better life, dear Cancer.
It in the coming twelve months, you can choose how you'd like to use your advantage. You will easily capture the eye of influential people who will want to help you. It will be imperative to have your priorities ordered when these VIPs ask you about your goals and how they can be of help. The danger is that you will squander Jupiter's potent energies by going off in too many directions at once. Like a child in a candy store, you may be tempted to grab as many sweets as possible, and stuff them all in your little mouth in the shortest possible amount of time, afraid someone will suddenly take away your choices, and all the sweetness of life will evaporate. Doing that will only give you a tummy ache! No one will take away your choices, so take your time. You have a year of good fortune, starting now. Think over your goals, and choose the one that will give you the greatest long-range happiness, represents the biggest and best potential, and yields the most inner satisfaction.
Nothing ever is straightforward, and as your chart shows, Pluto this month will be in opposition to the Sun on July 1 and Uranus will be in hard angle to the Sun too, on July 3 and 4. Someone close to you may be intent on convincing you to change your opinion or plans, and conform to his or hers. This person will be forceful and demanding, and quite accustomed to getting his or her way, and so a confrontation like this can be very tense for you. If you are convinced your plan is the right one for you, stick to your guns and present your feelings with all the passion you feel. You are holding all aces for the first time in a very long time. Forget past disappointments, and do not doubt yourself.
You have every reason to be confident, for you have the Sun, new moon, Jupiter, and Mercury in Cancer - powerful support - and soon, you will have Mars in Cancer too, from July 13 to August 27. Mars in one's own sign, a rare occurrence as it happens every two years, is always considered a key indicator of impending success. All you need to do to is supply energy and determination toward anything you want to achieve - the universe will help you every step of the way.
Watch for a dazzling professional breakthrough near July 21, plus or minus two days. On this day, Mars in Cancer will align with Jupiter in Cancer - Mars is the natural ruler of your career, so all that you've done in the past will come to a point and bring big, celebratory professional news.
A financial matter will reach fullness at the full moon in Aquarius. You may have to settle a large bill, or may be able to make a large purchase. If you are involved with a creative project, you may have to deal with an overage. Inform team members that you need to sign off on any spending over that which was estimated, before funds are spent. Alternatively, a social event might become costly, say, if you accepted an important role in a wedding party, or are about to go on vacation, as two examples. Watch spending to stay in control.
Romantically, you have so much going for you - Venus in Virgo plus Mars in Cancer add up to plenty of sex appeal this month. An even more important factor for you if single is that you now have Jupiter in Cancer, the best placement to find true love. Be out and about all month, for nothing will happen if you stay home! Astrology is not about predestination. I can perfect your timing for you, but you must supply the energy, focus, and determination to succeed.
As if this were not enough wonderful news, a golden triangle will appear in the sky peaking in perfect energy from July 17-20, but active all month - wow! This golden triangle of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, all in water signs, will put your name in lights among the stars. Matters relating to love, children, and creativity shine. Travel will enhance romance enormously.
If you are attached, the turn of Saturn direct for months ahead, starting on July 7, will allow you to clarify a decision about your partner - finally you will know what you must do next. If you have been unhappy, Jupiter will give you the confidence to leave and discover a whole new life for yourself. If you are in a strong and loving union, you will want to make something more of your relationship. The choice, as ever, will be yours.

Dates to Note: Cancer
Most romantic dates: July 6-8, 12, 16- 21, and 25.
Saturn goes direct July 7 having been retrograde since February 18 and this will help your committed relationship.
The curtain is about to go up in your new life, dear Cancer. Jupiter is now in your sign, for the first time in twelve years, and Jupiter will stay with you until July 16, 2014.
At some point this month someone may be very insistent that you conform to this person's opinions. If you feel undue pressure, take time to think things over. Reconvene in a week or more.
The period from July 16-20 should be exceptional for you. It will create a rare golden triangle in the sky - love, travel, and other personal desires will get a noticeable boost
Mercury will be retrograde until July 21(it started to go retrograde last month on June 25.) Your plans maybe delayed, so sit tight and things will be resolved after July 21.
At the full moon on July 22, a financial matter will have to be settled.
Watch for an unexpected career development that you have to fix on July 21.
July 27 could be a very intense, difficult day, with a personal or business matter due to Mars opposition Pluto.
Mars square Uranus on July 31 could bring unexpected problems with a client or VIP at work.


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