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What's up in December 2012?

Nov 23- Dec 22

Symbol    The Archer       Element   Fire       Modality   Mutable        Ruler    Jupiter

Moods: Curious, knowledgeable, boisterous, playful, optimistic

Colours: Red, Purple, Pink, Indigo. 

Claim to Fame:  Writer Jane Austen, Rocker Jimi Hendrix, Martial Arts Hero Bruce Lee, Woody Allen, Actress Bette Midler

The Sagittarian Personality

"The road of excess leads to the path of widsom" - William Blake

That pretty much sums up what a Sagittarian is like and William Blake would know, because he was one too. If you ever find yourself agreeing with someone on everything they tell you in a way that makes you feel like you have not been made to feel small while that took place, then you've tasted the best of Jupiter's lovely bearings. 

Sagittarians are capable of great kindnesses, of amazing feats in finding reason, meaning and the finer things in life. It is almost as if the creator speaks with them everyday. Anyone with a strong Jupiter in their charts will appreciate how all-consuming that need for knowledge, wit and wisdom can be. It could keep you up all night, make you quit your well-paying job, leave your loving family, all in search for elusive things- the perfect moment, whatever-you-want-to-call-it! Sagittarians are born into this lifetime to experience the grandeur of creation, of participating in nature's great secrets. A lot of them, for this reason are very well-learned in subjects ranging from theology, philosophy and the sciences. While they are not typically into detailed art ( more a Virgo thing), they do appreciate works of marvelous art and architecture, looking for imprints of inspiration in everything they see.  

Lessons learned the hard way

 In everyday life, contrary to the popular perception of a Sagittarian (a Sagi for short)  as a happy-go-lucky rotly-potly type of person who is always ready to beam a smile and offer you a bear-hug, they are, in truth, coping. Coping from living in a world where their idealism, optimism and positivity gets tested everyday. And do they cope well! So well indeed, that no one can tell. That is the level of mastery they have attained, through learning the hard way that to become happy, one must, yes, be happy. 

Although their heads are above the clouds they generally approach reality with great confidence, candor and good humor, making many friends along the way.  It's just that the darker aspects of reality are something they'd rather gloss over. They may not have as much integrity or sobriety as Jan- born Capricorn natives do, at such times. Sagis cannot handle  bleakness and can buckle under pressure when confronted with continuous hardship. They'd rather be left along in their loft.  They also expect all those who are not Sagis to understand this about them. 

Sagi natives do have a fiery temper and throw extra-ordinary tantrums to have their way if it is denied them. But is seldom for the sake of petty ego. They have always been optimal, never simply right or wrong. So if you have a way that is more optimal than theirs, then you are either a Sagi yourself or someone about to be struck by the flame of the Archer's arrow, forever a step ahead in the quest after the Truth that is out see?


Sagittarians are great lovers. They are kind, generous and are proud to have partners who can match their wit, their love of a good life, of luxury and someone who can tolerate their excesses. They may at times be too much of a nutty professor for some. But no one can grudge them that. It's just that if you happen to be going through a crisis and you're looking for someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, you might find that you're whisked away to a party and are then dealing with a hang-over and certainly not the subjective, not your feelings! This is true also for those with Jupiter in the first or seventh houses or in the signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. 

Sagittarians can and do live the examined life, and are not afraid of the darker side of life. A part of Sagittarius is that they can be quite insensitive, if they get over-confident and do not let go of the need to win or be the one with the correct answer, at any cost. In reality, this is just a way of saying, I don't really know any better than you, but I cannot live with that. So I'll get rid of you, who knows this as well as I do. That way, I'll be the only story teller left and I'll decide what the truth will be.  

This tendency could be overcome and should be, if Sagittarians really wish to gain respect and authority among their peers and friends. Since Jupiter is all about luck and taking chances, it wouldn't hurt Sagi natives if they gave other people the chance to be right, every once in a while. 


In December 2012, an old game is about to end and a new game is about to begin. It is a remarkable month, with stars aligning at the horizon as seen from Earth, to reveal the galactic centre of the Milky Way. This only happens every 26,000 years. We must count ourselves lucky because we live in times that will be remembered the next time this happens. In this sense, we have a lot of choosing to be done over the way in which we live, and what those choices say about us. Are we humanitarian enough, are we Earthlings caring deeply about our home in this universe? Are we intelligent beings and how do we define our intelligence? It is answers to precisely these sorts of questions that Sagittarians born around this time will be engaged in and indeed are engaged in currently. 

Come mid-month, Sagis and many Gemini, Pisces and Virgo natives too have reason to celebrate. Be prepared for a very exhilarating time at work. Something has conspired to uplift your ideas, ambitions and goals into an exciting territory. 

Those already in professions that allow a full and uninhibited search for answers, like astrophysicists, or  scientists involved in understanding biological evolution, those neuroscientists involved in mapping the mind and of course our philosophers and observers who derive common sense out of it all as writers, bloggers and artists- all find this time of the year part terrifying and part utopian, for the same reason: because they feel as if the life that they imagine and dream about constantly, full of happy surprises, consummate experiences and complete happiness is really about to come true. There are few alignments as auspicious as this year's solstice,  and it is possible that around 20-23 December, realities as yet un-thought of or under-represented may also emerge, be born or forged, including completely revolutionary ideas that could change the way we live. 


Sagi natives enjoy a wholesome month of their favourite things: indulgence in sweet foods, in savoury treats and the company of good friends (and that would be the rest of the zodiac!) And why not? It is a time of rest and rejuvenation for most of us during the Christmas season, with plenty of time for leisure and hobbies. Best way to enjoy this is in groups, outdoors as a picnic or around a dinner table party with something vintage, a special bottle of wine or even go on a holiday to catch up with family, close friends or to some place you have always wished to visit. 

Anything else?

Look for the Geminid Meteor Shower  Dec 13, 14 2012

One of the most active meteor showers of the year, the Geminid meteor shower has a broad peak, so you can catch the peak action in the early morning hours of December 13 and 14, and the nights on either side of those dates may have a decent quantity of meteors as well.

The sky scape is remarkable this month, with stars aligning at the horizon as seen from Earth, to reveal the galactic centre of the Milky Way. Some people have clarified that this happens twice every year and that there is nothing special about it. But the fact is, the Sun has moved slowly away from its point in its arc over the last 26,000 years and now it's position is different and this only happens every 26,000 years. We must count ourselves lucky because we live in times that will be remembered the next time this happens. Some people hypothesize that we will have a situation where our solar system could pass near or through the center of the milky way and create a vortex of electromagnetic energy that would give the surrounding magnetic energy a sudden jolt and change the way our SOLAR system functions. Perhaps that's what might change the way we live. The Aztec 2012 predictions says that on the winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun exactly conjuncts the crossing point of the sun's ecliptic with the galactic plane, while also closely conjunct the exact center of the galaxy. Some interpret this to mean that our solar system appears to belong to another galaxy that is colliding with the Milky Way. Putting it all together, they say it implies these events are natural cycles of maximum solar explosions which could heat up our atmosphere, dry out our lakes or even scorch some parts of the earth. Aren't we already witnessing some of these changes? Isn't the carbon tax a reality in most developed countries? Isn't sustainability the watchword of all developing nations? 

In the past, times changed and people changed with the times. This is one such time and it seems that the change won't be forgotten for a very long time to come. 

Astro Tip of the Month

Step outdoors, walk in the rain or go running in a park. Jump into the ocean for a swim. Adopt a pet. Surround yourself in natural beauty. Be grateful for everything you cherish in your life and refrain from asking for anything more. Gratitude is a graceful way of acknowledging the gift of being alive. And powerful enough to attract whatever one needs into one's life. 

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year! 

See you here in January 2013! 


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