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Dear Reader

A Very Happy Gregorian to you!

I am pleased to say that many efforts of astrologers all over the world are beginning to pay off. Time keeping and the art of divination itself has a rich and interesting history. In my insights, I observe that in India, people have always worshipped these gods and continue to do so, without the imperiled status of this profession in other places. Perhaps this is because all the evidence has not been ignored, never been rejected, rather it has been revered, complied and taught. So, as a champion of the study of these sciences, it was interesting to note that schools in India have encouraged the co-relation of geometry with sacred geometry, arithmetic with what adds up to good logic and poetry with the soul.

I have been engrossed in reading classics such as the Glass Bead Game by Hermann Hesse and Creation by Gore Vidal, which outline in great enormous detail, these historical developments of which I refer to here above, in coroboree. If you wish to know more, they are a real treat.

Coming to our forecast this month. Straight away what pricks my eye is the number of planets lined up in the right hemisphere of this chart, with only the True Node or North node in Cancer handling the matter of home and family and what is important, on the Ascendant. Ruler of Cancer, Moon is in the 8th in Aquarius. This sign is always good news to me, because I feel that they understand the matter at hand. Here, we observe there is a general sharing of trends everywhere, with even the World Economic Forum putting out its annual forecasts for all the countries of the world. This humanitarian focus of money can do to help us, will unfortunately not have much support once the Moon moves into Pisces and along her trajectory, leaving no major active planet in the Aquarian 8th house in this chart. The focus on money will come from Venus in the 5th house. Taurus is the sign on the 11th house cusp and the 5th and 11th houses have a harmony, in that, they are Succeedent houses, the house of Good Fortune and the house of Good Spirit, according to the ancient legends.

Read more on that here:

Uranus had moved into this sign of the bull, to stay for the next 7 years and bring new ideas to food security, how money helps farmers and the markets. But he has moved back into Aries and will come back into Taurus soon.

Food as a focus

The focus on progress seems more active in the 5th, 6th and 7th, 9th houses. This baton for progress can be seen in the entrepreneurial spirit of Mars on Aries in the 9th conjunction the MC, whose firepower cannot be underestimated. Add to this, Jupiter in Sagittarius, along with Venus currently, in the 5th. Ambition meets the necessary energy to move on things in these next few days and weeks. A great sense of urgency may even accompany some matters, especially concerning governance, states, and defence. I have written a detailed blog earlier on correcting misconceptions about Aries always being an aggressor and how 'Ares', the God from whose name 'Aries' is derived from, actually brought animal husbandry and farming techniques, according to the mythology. So, farming techniques, agricultural development and the agronomy of many countries might see a great upheaval and boost towards production and expansion. Many food retailers may operate new stores since Venus is a business head (Ruler of Taurus) and likes food security and good nutrition. If there is money to be made, look for it in the food industry. Being creative will pay off very big dividends since Jupiter is a giver and likes to multiply, like the good life and growth here could literally mean you could gain a few more pounds. The 5th house is also children, so Jupiter here with Venus means additions to the family should be certainly expected. 

Venus in Sagittarius is a ravishing creature. She loves freedom above all things and cannot be tied down to anything for very long. She's the well-travelled mum, strapping baby along everywhere she goes, she's the jet-setting, she reads a lot, she can be extraordinarily fascinating as a person, but the catch is, she doesn't like to be thought of as anyone's catch. She likes her freedom to be. She's a sage somewhere. She likes people who are honest and speak their truth fearlessly. She naturally likes rebels and visionaries. She believes in forever learning, it never stops for her. Even when they teach, they end up seeking new ways to learn. She loves to travel everywhere, she often looks haggard from all that travel. She may not be your most manicured girlfriend, or the prettiest, but she will listen and certainly be a guide that can take you home.

She likes to have fun, even at the expense of feelings. So, if you are sensitive and require a lot of formality and respect, you may not find a friend in her. She despises hypocrisy and will have no compunction in calling it out. Infact, with Jupiter's support in Sagittarius, you will find compelled to take her word for it. She can be persuasive, but she likes her students to get there in their own time, through their experience and share it back. She's always warm to something new.

This is exciting for Mars in Aries. He's equally independent and equally on point. Together, in the fire element, they make a formidable team.

Sun this month is conjunct the Descendant and joins Pluto in 20* who has been decrying death of ego since forever now. Saturn in his sign of dignity- this whole space is screaming boring, heavy, too hard, horrible, inescapable entrapments, tragedies, and its kind of dramatic in a serious sort of way. For production houses, great epics will work if undertaken now, like Troy or Gladiator or the story of genius gone mad or great riches that were lost in huge debts and the stories of how struggle has made our lives better. This is the mood of this month there's no denying it, everyone's feeling it. Those who feel this too hard, I will say I agree with you, and there's no short-cuts here. Karmic energies rule this mood and what goes around comes around. So be careful how you treat people, and say something nice, do something good with your time. It will also come back a hundred over.

The 7th house Action 

The Sun is crossing over to the 7th House this month, so wedding bells are ding ding for many, especially if you have a personal planet in Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius. Weddings are great fun, and these will be grand and full of important people, since Capricorn governs. They are very hard-working, like to have a lot of fun, sometimes think too far ahead on behalf of other people while not looking after themselves. So, they like to be pampered. They tend not to be physically demonstrative and hold themselves in stature and dignity and an aura of grace. If you love a Capricorn or have a Capricorn child, encourage them to touch, feel, and demonstrative more. They really appreciate being cared for and will always do you a kindness in turn, often for the simplest things. 

If you are in professions like mental health, healing, and practical things like fast delivery of services, helping them to simplify, they will like you and keep you close to them. They grow and always go to the top, never knew a Capricorn that didn't. If they find real value to them in you, you will go to the top with them and see a view that truly is unmatched, unparalled and simply, breath-taking. Both literally as well as metaphorically. Happy birthday dear Capricious Capricorns.

The Connection of the Water signs

Neptune, God of the Sea, dreamer of the zodiac is silent, at home in his sign of dignity in Pisces in the 9th house. He seems to have taken off into his own world and is enjoying this tranquility. He is eyeing Jupiter in the 5th house, Lord of the 9th house. Anciently, Jupiter co-ruled Pisces as well Sagittarius. There has a debunking of several so-called facts and the rise of alternative facts which continue to keep our interest in the quest for the truth. Neptune, seen as an Atlantean hero in DC's Aquaman, for instance, talks about the resurgence of the unity between the people of the land and the sea. Its a fantastic production that brings alive this story in a way that hadn't been told before. I do know that Nicole Kidman who plays the queen Atlanta is a Gemini native and its interesting to note that facts and alternative facts in a Gemini's dual mind is just everyday. As mother of both a human descendant and an Atlantean descendant, this duality is resolved in the story. The human wins- a very Pisces trait, to stand up for humanity. But the same quality of a dual mind in politic, like with Mr Trump, who is also a Gemini native progressed to Cancer, sees the dilemma opening more and more doors and windows. I feel with the North Node in Cancer, and his progressed natal Sun, focusing on family and home and domestic harmony and love and care, which are all Cancerians qualities will put him in a better position to win the next election, rather than if he were to look for a strategy in the fact versus fiction debate, which has nothing to offer. I mean its a just a bunch of people discussing things, which of course matters to the Gemini.

The Case for Trump's re-election.

Communication is their forte, but sometimes, they will need help to say the right things- in this case, that could be how families can benefit from some of relief, what it means to care for loved ones. Could the president cook for a bunch and televise it? Can he talk about what makes him feel at home, comfortable, what is the idea here? A head of State should not have to spy on his own people. A head of State should look after the unit of the state, which is the family, family estates, inheritances, roots. Efforts taken to really belong will work. For instance, Virgin's Richard Branson with his Natal Cancer Sun, grew his empire but always kept people's comfort in his mind and attracted people who had that common sense to put family before profit, put children before ambition, to put needs of the hour over needs of the great calender year. They are very intuitive about these things. In the Virgin corporate world, their employees repeatedly report greater levels of satisfaction with their leader, they were the first to have work from home, to have free gym passes, loads of perks and rewards, and they were happy to support his vision. He's doing something right and I think a page off his book, could work a trick. Interestingly, Elon Musk is also a natal sun in Gemini progressed o Cancer- on a very similar leadership space.

The Crab and his Quippery

I should write more about this North Node in Cancer for the year, since it offers up so much. In fact, I was thinking about a few points and wanted to call this transit, If God were a Salesman. Cancerians are amazing are selling, it comes naturally to them, to be secure in the knowledge that they are looked after, to the degree that they can make you feel it too. This is how deals are made and its security at the end of the day, that has to matter. So how secure do we feel? Do we have enough? Are we too cool to have discussions anymore?  Many young kids feel they must figure things out by themselves, because asking for help means that they are less smarter than other kids. Kids must be taught to open up and ask for help and feel that its okay to ask for help. Its a terribly over-smart culture with the kids these days, since they can just go to technology for help.

There is a counter culture of bullies and life-coaches, mentors, etc....this culture of too many know-it-alls, who keep adding pressure on the kids to do this. To figure things out. And its not altogether healthy because it defeats the whole point of the generation that came before them and what they have already accomplished for them. They don't know because they are not encouraged to think for the first time, that someone out there, can actually help them. In whichever way they need that help.
While its great that a generation that came before the millenials and Gen Z strived for those things, and naturally depend on their experience - we are all still learning how to learn.

And these kids cannot be benchmarked against those experiences. The kids will win because they have powerful back-up in with Sagittarius in the 5th house cusp. This is like having Dumbledore on a direct line, as far as they are concerned. Teaching, syllabus, revisions, adding a completely new way of schooling altogether could well be result of Jupiter in his own sign in the 5th house. For the longest time, this has been an issue. That we have to learn outmoded things in schools and that a lot of knowledge that is being consumed is coming out of Youtube and such. More and more schools might switch to school-at-home, since Jupiter is also exalted in Cancer and the North node, ofcourse, is in Cancer, the home loving crab. This creature of comfort has a lot more to teach us about why the basic and most simple things in life matter more than anything else. Now more than ever. 

See you all next month! We love February. But I get too ahead of myself :-) I must admit, putting out my moon calender has stalled for the moment. I'm going through a lot of shifts and that's a separate book on its own. Love and relationship drama, moving house, unemployment drama, whether to strike out on my own, or to look after my mum, whether to study or work, my health and wellness agendas, isolation from people who are too busy or just too hoity-toity to care, to speak the spells than I need to heal, it's all happening in my world. I really hope that the north node will actually deliver on this idea of home and family. I really don't want to be so stressed and unstabilised again and again and again, anymore. I've become so unhinged, its crazy. On the uptick, I finished editing my book and its ready to go. Instead of mass publishing it, I'm going to stitch it and send it to a writer who has given me extraordinary solace in the past year, Jeanette Winterson, who writes of many singularly important things in her book, Art Objects. I'd like for her to receive it as a gift. That's as far as my ambition goes for my book, but if more people wanted to read it, I could stitch more copies. It's called The Cardomom Chords and it's about food, music, falling in love, cultures, the world, and it's literary about all this.


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