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Dear Reader

I must be the world's laziest bum, because I'm late by a whole month for the November update.
Venus has been retrograde in Scorpio and Jupiter did leave Scorpio this last month. Guys and girls, lots of things have been happening and Scorpio- there is a central axis going through your sting - beautifully represented in the constellation up there as well in the symbol M with the up-turned arrow.

So here's what I discovered and made happen in the last month- as a natal Scorp with a progressed birthday coming up on December 8. 

Scorpio for beginners- Ruled by Mars and Pluto, in modern astrologos, a feminine sign with a yin polarity, second of the three water element signs, others being Cancer and Pisces. Scorpio rulerships such as sexuality, religion, politics and how we approach the ideas behind what seems apparent, being in-depth about the research and the facts, and helping people understand matters in a fuller sense and a wider context- these are your natural traits. Along with your attributions of jealous lover, revengeful when unrequited and making life harder than it needs to be.


So this year, Jupiter in Scorpio has gradually but surely brought great levity to your depths and taken you as high as you could possibly go- and some of what you have reached for is truly astonishing. And the greatest lesson to learn here has been collaboration with other people and letting them into your private world- the one you are used to guarding with all you've got. This is an interesting position, because letting people in, as Jupiter has shown, has given you friends in the most interesting places and has given you a sense of what your power to tell your truth can actually earn you- including money, friendships and the social life that you now find is not so bad after all. Yes Scorpio- there are other people who can match your wits, and equal your excruciatingly sharp incisive thinking, feeling and being. Time to shed your need for privacy and roll with the crowd- because what Jupiter has discovered with all of you is that he is richer for the experience and he is going to take it all the way - doing what he does best, as he transits through Sagittarius- the sign of the archer, all through 2019.


I keep seeing news on the the Brexit Deal and my instincts tell me that with a schedule in March to finalise the deal, Piscean values of unity will uphold and lean towards a no Brexit deal. In my world, I'm finding a lot of evidence for this, but as usually happens in Scorpio world- you are usually the first ones to happen to stumble onto truths and evidence for those truths. If this is you somewhere- put it out there. I urge you not to waste time in idealising a greater return and reward than simply speaking your truth and putting it out there, at the earliest moment with utmost sincerity and help things along. Idealising a great reward only brings trouble because even if people don't know the what of it, they will always say, you should have come out sooner, you should've reached out to someone sooner. Here, you understand that you are in a place not all your own making.

When Scorpios progress into Sagittarius, they finally begin to see how those pieces fall into the bog puzzle and you have a special ( wink wink) ringside seat, thanks to Jupiter's rulership of Pisces and his exaltation in Cancer, to all the action.

And talking about action, Mars in Aquarius all of November and his moving into Pisces has created some truly memorable conversations around things like power, electricity, utilities (a Pluto thing) and also topics like data mining, resource mining, discovering how powerful we are when we release the hidden things in our sub-conscious and bring it out into the light.

This month has been interesting for Gemini, Aquarius and also Cancer. Information and intuition are snapped up very quickly by these air signs and Cancer, because the erratic orbit of Pluto is of great interest to the moon-ruled personalities.

Pluto and his exaltation in Leo

As ruler of Scorpio and a demoted planet, Pluto has some interesting theories about his presence. He theorises that he is actually a burnt out black hole sun, and is offering us a view and experience of two space-time dimensions. One with the Sun shining. And the other, of the Sun as his brother. Hades or Pluto has a great idea here. Aside from the fact that it is mind-boggling, and completely fits the archetype of this mytho-astro-logos, it is worth taking seriously.

A lot of Scorpios have had to sacrifice one thing for another, on a much more human to human level. They say, sometimes, it is somewhat better if what you wish does not come true. How many of you feel like that's something you often do?  Thinking much? Our Gemini friends are constantly telling us not to think so much. But little do they realise how high your standards are ( read how much work that is).

There is a great dialogue open in the entertainment industry to champion the underdog. To give voice to suppression, to work through things we all thought was the purvey of those in command, those in those oles, those with the power to do something about it. Pluto is the zodiacal underdog and the underworld represents a storehouse of not just emotion, but also a great and opposite logos, to the Sun exalted in Aries. My advise to any of you reading or listening to this is to offer what you got, because these are equal and opposite energies and will always balance themselves. You should not try to go too far to fix things without anyone else's help - because you feel drained by doing that and also, other people who are willing to help and win home a little victory for themselves as well are all around you. Just look up and see. Talk to the first person you see. Don't worry about how deep and confused and stupid you are going to sound. Just spit it out. Trust me, you are going to feel much lighter and discover the real meaning behind all those tomes of the power associated with Scorpio by doing that.

And, the exalted Sun in Aries talks to Mars. And you know Mars. So what's to lose?

Mars and Venus blues

Which brings us to Venus, the other gibberating, jiving, half of the Mars/Venus polarity. Mars and Venus this year have not been as lucky as they have been in previous years. The next conjunction of Mars and Venus is anywhere in the near future. I can't lie to you. I get that you both are missing each other and the peace of that. Venus exaltation in Pisces and Mars tapping into that energy this month through December is a small token of that peace. Mars natives across Aries and Scorpio- you have to give credit to Venus who has been through a retrograde Scorpio phase this year and has truly tried to take a bold, brave stand about sexuality, the sacred feminine and preserving what she feels is of great value to her- and in this version, it comes down to respecting the mystery of life, and the right not to know and not to have to know, and have that right respected. So when people talk about data privacy, about independent thought and free speech, and individual decorum - Venus is saying that the most likely face of a god is this deep mystery that we will never know enough about. Venus enters Libra later this month and stays there through December, in her sign of dignity. This bodes well for the Christmas season- expect a lot of social butterflys and sensitive guys with Mars in Pisces- a perfect sync, a perfect recipe and it's a beautiful choice of position going on here. Air and Water, especially with Libra and Pisces involved, will see a lot of talk, taking sides, unifying. Neither of them can resist each other's charms and this is as romantic and dreamy as it gets.

A good plan to make in December is sleeping, going away far, near water bodies, painting, singing, creative expression in writing, and this doesn't have to be fraught with worry or negativity or lack. Its a great time to honour relationships you have been in and offer your words and your happiness to people with whom you have intimate relationships with. What this does is, when Venus goes into Sagittarius on Jan 8, 2019 and Mars into Aries on Jan 2, 2019, the truth and the power of action will start collaborating to bring fruits of their labours, their collaboration. January will see a lot of men championing women who will speak their truth with even more veracity than has ever happened, and without the dig. The dig has moved on and is traveling now.

So, here's to what has been a great year. I will be closing the calendar year with my December update, but as we know, the year will end in March 2019. 

Here's to December and looking forward to another year of understanding, celebrating and putting together the gifts that keep on giving. 

Also, the married moon calender is something I'm still working on, with data that has been lost to us for centuries, probably, a longer time. I should be ready with the basics by February and if all goes well, I'm thinking of pinging the lovely guys at Astrodienst to make this part of one of the Ephemerides they offer. Loving all the support I'm getting for this from all the beautiful people in my life.

Take care and keep your light on:-)


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