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Dear Reader

It is with much trepidation and a perplexing few days that I come to you, bringing news of what to really say, about Cancerians and their lot. My tone is somewhat despondent, because i have beautiful Cancerians all around me, whose entire souls are plain visible to me ( thanks to my empathetic Scorp Sun), but I honestly feel that Cancerians are suffering the most of all the signs, when I look at the size and depth of the travesties in their enormously emotional lives.

I found out most significantly, that Cancerians are always though to be caregivers and nurturers and ever-loving mothers but really, at their heart, they want to be looked after. And this is the harsh truth about their lives: that most of them never get to receive the great love and affection they dish out to others copiously in their lives. Most of them grow resentful with old age and embittered, they die, often not even peacefully, but in the violence of this- of a lifelong sentence of being poorly understood and yearning still in their dying breaths to have someone who can feel what they feel, at the very least.

It is really with much moody bluesy sadness that I croon with our crab friends here, many of mine dead and living relatives and also some of famous people, like Lady Diana or others head big businesses, like Virgin's Richard Branson, for example. I croon and cry here, that there is something very very wrong about how bad the picture here is.

Often we find, great and small people, with a very remarkable Moon position, especially related to Cancer, wherever we find an invention or an institution that has gone a long way to really help people- not for profit or for fame, but truly to help others and lift them out of suffering. This special ability that Cancerians have is truly something to experience to know how indeed, to live a life.

They live by example and have the need, the emotional need for others to concur with them, to see that their affection is literally limitless and to also understand that everyone can live in this way. But unfortunately, for them, this thought, which is at the heart of everything, the central idea of being rooted, the most important ingredient holding it together in family, in business, in politics, in labour, in anything you might want to extrapolate it to- this core belief goes misunderstood, and often openly challenged- which really hurts their soul, as opposed to ego, which would be true in case of Aries and Leo.

Whenever we see a Cancer progress into Leo, we observe that they get remarkable detached and learn for the first time, the use of their shell and how the world deserves no better- just the same ego rules we have too much of anyway. Humanity really loses something so very precious, every time this occurs, which is inevitable. And Cancerian memory will always remind them and re-inforce this belief that their beautiful nature was just not worth the tears.

Paradise lost.

I for one, fully mean to turn our corner of the universe here in this blog, to highlight and scream out loud, this utterly despicable state of the heart of Cancerians. How many more such instances like those of what happened to Lady Diana's life will it take to shock the world, and all us, really, out of our limits, to truly just deal from the heart?

I remember reading in the journals of Don Juan Matus, the Mexican shaman, that it is the path with the heart that we must really rely on. Practically, I couldn't understand what this meant for the longest time. Much later, certain things became easier to say, to acknowledge, about what my heart really wanted- which I was setting aside for things like- 'hey, this isn't the done thing', 'nobody does that', 'what will the consequences be for others' and the whole thing was to do with just a few hours I wanted to spend with someone I loved- but couldn't bargain the ask. How poor have I been? How many people live in this way? To Cancerians this must be a joke, that others have yet to figure out what their heart wants. And to them, knowing it doesn't make it easy.

It must be the something like the biggest elephant in the planet-room, to have so many people, so much advancement in technology, and not to have the simple words to ask to be looked after, to be loved, to give and receive affection.

I was thinking also about how motherhood especially, is attributed to Moon ruled Cancer. Read more about this here. It came as a bit a shock to me, when I realised that this is such a skilled job, and it so nuanced and yet, we don't see any funded institutions to help parenting become a serious subject of study and learning, in the way a cookery has, or anything that has a high skill and competence value attached to it. I sat for a while with this thought and discovered that parenting has not even begun to come of age in this world- what it needs and where it is right now- this is the kind of despicable status of the Cancerian heart too I'm referring to above. When you really think about it- that is how far under-nourished they themselves are, and yet continue to keep at it. Somehow.

That is how undervalued, under-nourished and under-serviced this whole debate it, discussion is, and having a Mother's Day highlight how much we all love motherhood isn't going to cut it. Most young people are running shit scared thinking of how risky the whole business of setting up a family has become. And sorry to break this here, the ones who're willy-nilly going there anyway- what gives? Do you not want to live better, stop burden the of it, which is how it really is, and be able to make better decisions and shouldn't we all really be thinking of the whole tribe of us, all of us on the planet we call home, which is also a very Cancerian thing? The Earth as our home, how can it not bother you that we've all but destroyed what we have and how dare we continue to think that it's okay?

If you're following this, you'll realise why Cancerians are so so sad- what they need and where reality is- such a big divide. And when you talk to any Cancerian, and if they trust you enough to really open up to you, they'll tell you in very exact terms, what they need, and in minute detail, exactly how those needs go unmet, when it almost always could have been met. Even if you are a neutral listener here, you will certainly see their colour on the issue and almost always agree with them. This is because they do not talk to ego. They are so so advanced they can see what makes other people truly happy, when those people themselves cannot- and they tell it like it is, without any fear or holding back.

This is why they're such good problem solvers, psychologists, creators and inventors and naturally, leaps ahead into things I possibly could not even imagine. I try to grapple with their problems and end up in the same frustration that they do- that something which need not fail them at all, keeps them awfully most horribly and wrongly stuck. I too go through severe periods of anger and sadness when I think of how they've really been robbed of what is their due.

I have personally observed how the generosity of heart goes unappreciated by others. Where people should really count their blessings that a Cancerian has gone out of their way to understand you and help you, whereas the world out there is harsh, people instead begin to get greedy and start abusing the crap out of them. This naive role that Cancerians play in their early to mid years leaves them destroyed emotionally and yet, they'll continue to say insane things like they still love that person, or rationalize it in some balmy way that suits these perpetrators of crimes against the human heart, just to be able to pick of pieces of their former selves. If nurtured, just imagine what a world they could live in and in turn us! If you don't have an idea what this could be like, let me tell you. With affection and your attention, they can really take you to a magical paradise. There is hands down, no other person that can hold the space of enormous and more love for another person like a Cancerian can. It feels like all your Christmasses and all the chocolate in the world, but in pure feeling- which has to be the richest experience one can aim to have, as a human being, in this world. 

So while these words are harsh to hear, I would really encourage Cancerians everywhere to make a clean surgical cut from causes and people that drain you and don't feed you back. You deserve all the world's nourishment, in every nuanced way with all that insight, skill and love that you show others. You deserve every support when you care for your tribe and you deserve every support when you cast away what doesn't serve you- this more importantly, because it isn't easy for you to do this. But you have to be fair to yourself. The one question I would say you should ask yourself when you see things going wrong: if that was happening to someone else- what would you ask them to do? I say this because, when it comes to looking after what you need, you tend to become self-sacrificing or give yourself the raw deal, because it's somehow okay for you to take it. Well, it's not.   

As a Scorp, progression into Sagittarius also has similar tones of the Cancer progression into Leo. I took think to myself, if you saw how Sagittarians lived their lives, your life would turn upside down, and I would say for the better, since I too feel many a time that feeling and empathy and forgiveness has lead me to emotional depletion. So like me, please swap notes with other people, while the big issues take their time to solve into the world as you imagine it. Keep the optimism, but that cautious nature of yours and your intuition is never wrong, so take heed with much much more confidence. And save yourself the tears.

I've learned a few things from Cancerians and here I jot it down, because it has landed me endless benefit:

1. Always, you are guilty until proven innocent. ( Suits my suspicious Scorp nature, have a ball with this)
2. Always, cook with love.
3. Always, listen to your heart. It'll take you a much better place, even if you cannot see it straight away.
4. Always, save for a rainy day.
5. Always, in a battle of who is right with a Cancerian, give up. They have an ammunition of memory and the logic of memory like no other. Learn to lose gracefully and rapidly become a friend, student and learn how to think from them.
6. Always in a relationship to a Cancerian parent, boss, in business, in marriage, know that your best interests are at their heart, so give up control to them and focus on nurturing them back.

I've seen many happily married housewives and now stay-at-home dads too, who derive great satisfaction from looking after the home, the partner and the kids and giving their everything to the role and keeping it secure, a happy place of warmth and care and love and affection in abundance, so much so that a visitor feels like a member of the family instantly. If this is not a reality for any of us, there is something of the richest nugget in this, to experience, to make manifest and to create, starting with each of our homes. Where so many people prioritize other things over time with family, could we re-prioritize? Are you spending enough time with your loved ones? Is there an open honest relationship with those you love? Are we able to talk freely of our problems with someone in a family? Are we too busy to care? Are we too scared to care because it is the province of trained experts and not of friends?

When we notice something if off, I've found repeatedly, it has always been a Cancerian friend who has found a few minutes at work, or my Cancerian father at home who opened the channels of communication, to ask, what is the matter, in a genuinely caring way, without fear that another person's trouble is too much, or without attitudes like why bother.

When everything's going well, people will go for the ride with you. As they say, it's those people who really count who are here when the shit hits the roof. There is something very healing about the mood of concern, the words of empathy that comes from shared experience, and a great ability to find strength when your heart is broken and Cancerians really truly deserve a very helping of all this for themselves and I hope the community realises it's something the rest of us ought to recognise.

Listen to 'Thunder only happens..' 

Aside from all this, many happy happy returns to all Cancerians. And whoaaa, there's so much to celebrate, with you lot sharing your birthday with Elon Musk and other stalwarts like him, on the world stage. And hey Jerry, from Jerry Maguire, career role for Cancerian Tom Cruise, I followed the Kwan as you made it happen and I made it happen too. Cheers!

Here's to paradise, as you imagine it!


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