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Most astrologers ascribe exaltation, or the signs in which planets are known to be at their best. There is consensus that although there are even specific degrees ascribed to a planet in exaltation, it is generally said to be exalted, anywhere in the sign of its exaltation. Specific degrees are more helpful while studying personal or event charts. Here, we see how this may work, with some examples of cases where a planet in the sign of its exaltation has influenced the work of people.
In astrology, each sign is attributed with a place among the triplicities and the quadruplicities. The triplicities are formed by modalities, which are three: cardinal, mutable and fixed. These modalities are related to the seasons and four signs of each modality signify the birth, middle and end of the seasons. The quadruplicities are formed by the elements which are four: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. We note this here, in order to understand the sign of each exalted planet better and how it may be that the characteristics attributed to those planets are highlighted in some way, in the sign of its exaltation. In the community, this is considered a balanced, equal system where ALL the signs get their fair share of rulerships (also known as the sign of dignity), exaltations, power and positive traits.When a planet is in its rulership, it is strong— all of its significations, both positive and negative, are strengthened. When a planet is exalted, the planet has less brute strength but provides more refined results.

Sun exalted in 19*Aries

The Sun rules the sign of Leo. It is different from all other planets since it does not
orbit around any other known object. It is considered a star in astronomy, but
for purposes of astrological charts, it is generally also referred to as a
planet. Planet comes from the Greek word, which means wanderer. Although the
Sun is fixed in its position, it appears to move around on its elliptic,
relative to where we observe it from the Earth.

Aries is the first sign of zodiac, a cardinal sign which marks the beginning of the
season of spring. Aries is a sign of great energy, stamina although they aren't
generally considered enduring or persistent (which is a more earth quality, attributed
to Taurus or Capricorn). This energy is consistent, Aries natives can be
profoundly happy when they are in tune with their energy, and can make a lot of
things go their way, once they set their minds to it. The Sun in Leo is in its
own sign, where Leo puts the focus on the self. Leo is attributed with the
self, the spotlight is on the actor on the world's stage and in Aries, and the
Sun is considered exalted, where the focus is even more on "I".
The Sun is debilitated n the sign of Libra, where the focus on "me" shifts to "we" and the energy of this planet in shining the light gets dispersed among many, which is not an ideal use of this energy.

Positive attributions: Happiness, gladness, optimism, strong children, marital happiness, success in new projects, child-like exuberance, energetic movements.

Negative attributions: An inability to share one's true gifts, too introspective,
getting stuck in self pity.

The Moon in 3* Taurus 

The moon is considered exalted in the sign of Taurus. The moon is different from any other planet and its phases have a lot of significance in astrology. The lunation of the moon is said to govern the tides, growth of crops and even hair. The moon is a fast moving planet, its transit through the signs takes only about two and a half days. This planet in its exalted sign brings together the emotional and intuitive nature of the moon and highlights it in an earthy, Taurean way. Venus, ruler of Taurus is also a beneficiary of the Moon in Taurus. Often, gifted musicians, especially vocalists, have an exalted moon in Taurus, since this sign rules the throat. Moon in Scorpio is in its debilitation, and while its intuition suffers no loss in the fellow water sign, the sign is too broody for the Moon's liking.

Positive attributions: Maternal health, many children, material opulence, beauty, gifted in music.
Negative attributions: Bias and prejudice, too outspoken, lacking tact and diplomacy.

Mercury in 15* Virgo

Mercury is the only planet which is both in its sign of dignity as well as exaltation in Virgo. Mercury, known for quick sharp thinking is at his best in analytical Virgo. Virgo is also a sign of earthy purity and this can even manifest in a devotional sense, in a worship of study, and great determination to master and perfect whatever one's sets out to do. Mercury here has the advantage of a relaxed yet alert frame of mind, from a sense of complete comfort, which, as the planet known as messenger to the gods, or as a communicative planet, is hard to come by for him. Overworked and misunderstood for the most part, Mercury suffers in its sign of debilitation in Pisces, from wilfully not having the import or the nuances of his message taken seriously. Mercury's further love of language, of his keen eye for detail, semantic, meaning, figures of speech, and brevity, in short all that he develops here in Virgo is further underlined for natives with this planetary placement in their charts.

Positive attributions: Gifted writer, orator, known for solving problems that others may find perplexing, mentally sharp and smart, appearance-conscious.

Negative attributions: Too critical, impatient with other people's mistakes, abhors shoddy work.

Venus exalted in 27* Pisces

Venus rules both Taurus and Libra and is considered one of the two relationship planets, the other being Mars. Venus is exalted in Pisces since they have a synergy when it comes to art, music and all things that signify wealth, finesse, luxury and opulence. Neptune, ruler of Pisces ( old ruler Jupiter), is considered a higher octave of Venus. Natives with this placement of Venus are considered very gifted, are often artists who paint or sing, since they have a keen sense for the visual appreciation of colours, and of the fluidity of paint and to the harmony and symphony in sound. In dreamy Pisces which often likes to escape away from the demands of the world and the daily grind, Venus discovers herself and her beauty in ways she couldn't otherwise imagine.

Positive attributions: Artistic, creative, dreamers, talented and able to represent ideas in new ways to the world.

Negative attributions: Tend to let their imagination run wild when reality can be very different or opposite.

Mars exalted in 28* Capricorn

Mars rules both Scorpio and Aries and is a relationship planet. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, where he finds a stable foundation that he doesn't get in his signs of dignity. Athletic Mars is a high-energy planet, and gives energy to whatever has a foundation easily in this placement, he brings strength, speed and tenacity to projects here. This is the stuff that makes a good constitution, it has structure and energy in equal measure. Karmic Planet Saturn, who teaches us the lesson of patience and learning from mistakes rules Capricorn and Mars here acquires a sage-like aura from the 'steady hand' and persistence qualities - these influences of the sign of the Mountain Goat (or Sea-Goat) on Mars bring out the best in him, which make him 'think it through'.

Mars in in its sign of debilitation in Cancer where he gets into a murky place, and while the watery emotionally intuitive sign sharpens him, his energy is more instinctual and his attendant impatience makes it hard for him see how to match intuition and his will-to action.

Positive attributions: Sport achievements, posts of great responsibility in high offices, capital projects, infrastructure, strong bones and constitution.

Negative attributions: Too serious for own good, duty over all else, strict and unyielding, can tend to sacrifice oneself in the interest of others with negative consequences for himself

Jupiter exalted in 15* Cancer

Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer, owing to the fact that Cancer is a sign of creature comforts and tends to stick to what matters to him. Jupiter is a benefic planet and his benefactory work is accentuated best when his comfort does not leave him wanting. This is as good as the ability to manifest whatever one wishes for. Austin Coppock says, "In Jupiter’s case, the blessing is abundance, and the signs that are most strongly poised to receive it, Sagittarius and Pisces, (Jupiter rules these signs) are also the most likely to squander it. Both Sagittarius and Pisces are generous to a fault, and when the good times start rolling, they tend to expect them to continue into eternity. Cancer is different. In Cancer, Jupiter teaches the wisdom of mutual nourishing. The man feeds the land, the land feeds the man. A well nourished heart offers its abundance of love naturally, while a well nourished mind offers genius. Abundance is a necessary pre-condition for sustainable generosity."

Jupiter is its sign of debilitation in Capricorn, ruled by his opposite. It is easy how expansive Jupiter would find it hard to be frugal and why this is a constrictive limiting influence of this sign for him.

Positive attributions: Generous, expresses great good will, genius, nurturing, longevity of relationships, wellbeing, very well traveled, has a vast and deep knowledge of many subjects, lifelong learning, well-loved teachers, great wit, great sense of humour.

Negative attributions: Refusal to admit limitations, impatient when things don't go as expected.

Saturn exalted in 21* Libra

Saturn is exalted in Libra, and in this sign, Saturn flourishes in accomplishing the delicate art of balancing the scales, and he has a great many things to choose from to establish this divine equilibrium. Time is a luxury in the world, and Libra's sense for the finer things in life, like doing things for artistic pleasure, music, and other pursuits devoted to exploring things in greater are all met in the right spirit here. Chakarapani says, "It (Saturn) is thought to be the most judicious, unrelenting and impartial dispenser of the consequences of our past actions. It looks at us from the farthest point in the zodiac and pronounces its judgment. Thus, it acts with the attitude of unbiased, neutrality so terrifying to those of us who cling to our passions and attachments. Saturn is also called the “Planet of Truth”. It is concerned with fairness, justice, righteousness, right attitude and right conduct. It creates sorrow, suffering, deep discontentment and enmity with a view to teach the person the real truth of life. To some extent, the more a person suffers, the more he learns. This is the special blessing of Saturn’s influence. As a result, we find in the life history of great persons in the spiritual, material and political fields, Saturn plays a more dominant role than any other planet. For them, failure becomes a pillar of their strength."

Saturn is in its debilitation in Aries where his patient manner is tested by the impatient fury of the sign, where his gifts are not very conducive to be received.

Positive attributions: Art of timing, patience and determination, longevity, justice, democratic ideals, humanitarianism, sympathy, philosophical truths, all-­‐round prosperity, position, careful speech, sense of duty towards man and God, discipline, meditation, prudence, asceticism, patience, self-­‐control, economy, industry, diplomacy, truth, concentration and health.

Negative attributions: taking too much time over simple matters, complicating matters that are simple, prolonged illness, delays.

North Node in 3* Gemini and South node in 3* Sagittarius are exalted.

New world Planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto take a very long time each to orbit through the signs. Since their discovery, they have moved only through 2 to 4 signs of the zodiac and not all of them like the faster moving planets. A lot of speculation, albeit informed and studied, accompanies these attributions and according to one theory, there is symmetry to all exaltations and a balance in the entire zodiac wheel, once these planets too are exalted in the following signs.

Uranus exalted in Scorpio

Postmodern Astrologer Dima Gur says, Uranus whose natural ruler is Aquarius is widely considered to have its exaltation in the sign of Scorpio. One might think: "Now what a sky god, a titan has to look for in the underworld?" but then you remember that Hades is such an aloof character, alienated from everyone else in his kingdom in Tartarus. Scorpios revel in the unknown by experimenting and most experiments deal with evolution of the self. Thus you find Uranus in the lowest of places, probing the depths.Also, Scorpios are fiercely independent and will not tolerate being dominated by another individual. All in all it fits although one can argue that Aries (Mar's diurnal domicile) fits just as well but it has another planet as its exaltation, the sun which is Uranus’ opposite. Uranus’ keywords are proof by themselves for a Mars ruled sign; pioneering, unconventional, independent, individualism. Even the darker aspects: accident prone, violent. Still I do believe that the majority got it right as there's a valid connection between Scorpio and Uranus. Lastly, this will place Uranus’ fall in the stable, conservative Taurus. An antithesis for everything Uranus stands for. About the traditional idea of exalting a planet; Scorpio’s highest manifestation is considered to be the eagle, which is much an Aquarian motif (with its angel symbolism). It relishes helping others while not caring to suffer the costs in self sacrifice, as Uranian as it gets.

Neptune exalted in Aquarius

Marrissa Rodriguez comments: Neptune is considered exalted in Aquarius who's an air sign but named the "Water-Bearer" and with Neptune, he can finally make use of both air and water elements! Aquarius is also an "escapist" sign like Pisces although whereas Pisces is more sensitive and escapes towards his emotions, Aquarius escapes from his emotions! But both signs are on the "highest" ends of the Zodiac wheel and as such usually have the best interests of mankind at heart, Aquarius being considered the "humanitarian" and Pisces being considered the "martyr."

Pluto exalted in 17* Leo

Pluto in the sign of Leo is considered exalted. A lot of old mythologies revolve around a Sun god/hero having to undergo a drastic change or even go to the underworld (die) to eventually become a better ruler for his people. And it fits perfectly with the whole yin/yang concept of the Sun (Leo's ruler) representing life/and light and Pluto (his exaltation) representing death and darkness. Such proof of this is already partially seen during solar eclipses! Pluto is technically really is at its highest point at 17 degrees in Leo!

Read More:

Jupiter in Cancer

Saturn In Libra

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Exaltations

Exalted Degrees of Planets


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