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Dear Virgo

If the heavens could write you a letter, it would go something like this for you this September. Of all the signs, you really can't stand bullshit ( oops, I just said it!) and if you are looking for some affinity and sense of being understood about how you feel, then you can look to you sibling Scorpio for some relief. I have two things to explain here. One- the symbolism for Virgo, which is an M with a tail tucked to the side in a beautifully modest way that all Virgos are attributed with is the same M to denote your symbolic sibling Scorpio, where the tail is pointed upwards into an arrow.
This symbolism has quite a beautiful meaning, M ofcourse, is a glyph that represents in-depth study, reverence for structure, and is the letter that begins Modus, or the way how, found in the Latin Modus Vivendi, the way how to live, or Modus Operandi, the way how something operates.

So, when I say that you command the phrase, cut the bullshit, you really mean it. This month, secondly, of all the planets and aspects, I have to bring to your attention, a very special position of Pars Fortunae, which is an Arabic calculation to establish the position of fortune in any astrological chart. This point lies at 27*and 2 minutes in the third house in the sign of Scorpio. So, while your shared symbolism and values should have already established your synergy, this month, you are in for a real treat into the workings of some of the universe's deepest mysteries. Your own probing mind and your charming chatter will uncover something that is deeply satisfying, a fit reward for your endeavour.


Now, coming to other action this month, it is rare to find the conditions to make an impactful presence, the kind that you need to get ahead, to push a new idea or an old project you have had in mind for some time, but if the Ascendant in Virgo and the Sun moving into the first house, from a very reflective period in the twelfth house in the same sign are anything to go by, you will be heard coming miles away, which should please you, since you are meticulous about details and constantly check and double check appointments and meetings. The first week of this month, till about September 10th, you should bravely dismiss the worry, having found strength in your convictions and lead in with your best conclusions, summaries and perspective- because people are expecting you to do this.

You ruler Mercury is enjoying, literally, a royal time in the sign of Leo, where he has been last month and by September 17th, he enters Virgo and he remains there for the rest of the month. Again, two things here, Mercury is considered an androgynous planet, who is neither male nor female and as such, if you are a Virgo, you don't particularly identify with gender-based thinking and you will find a lot of your fellow Virgos easier on topics like gender diversity, LGBT rights and so on which put a spotlight on you in the context of the changes sweeping across governments in most countries. Since Jupiter is in Libra, influencing fair outcomes in legal and court related matters and also our sense of fairness and justice, together this combination makes a strong case for thinking beyond a subjective and individual level. Mercury in the sign of Virgo is less chattier as in Gemini, and more shy and likes to keep to himself. But Mercury and Mars are trevling together and some of that bravado may rub off on you this month and this could be great learning curve too, because sometimes in life, you act and then you contemplate. Mars is a great teacher of this tenet which really puts your confidence in the front seat. You needn't worry about where this might land you, since your career house, MC is supported beautifully by the sign of Gemini. This is like having the perfect sidekick, getting the best second opinion ( because you will, even if you know you are right :-). To top it off, the Moon in Cancer mid-month in the 10th house of career, honours and awards makes you a complete winner. Rational Mercury in Virgo and beautifully intuitive Moon in Cancer makes one of the best conditions for major decisions, confluences or meetings of people and minds, where there is more than the sum of parts on spontaneous offer. Make the most of magical September.

Luckily for you this month, your sixth house of health and routine falls with Pisces, your opposite sign. This couldn't be better news, because this is where you really need that support- of Pisces brilliantly unifying sense and sensibilities. Its truly amazing, since any other house polarity would have meant that you don't get to focus on yourself ( with the Sun in Virgo in the first, which places you in the center of all consideration) while all else that really matters in  your life takes ample care itself. Neptune, ruler of Pisces is in his own sign, making this comfortable, while the Moon in Cancer mid-month, also in her own sign, make it ultra-comfortable. Mid-month seems like a great time to set aside a few days or even hours to engage in something artistic, healing and invigorating.

You don't normally jump to putting yourself at the center since you like being self effasive, but more so, the first house is the house of personhood, ego ( in a healthy sense) and of "what is mine." So you've earned it, and since you'll be leaving with notes on how to take care of yourself from your ruler Mercury's time away in the sign of Leo last month, its only right that you continue this and put some of that self- loving first and practice on it for this whole month. If last month showed you the highs of self-worth, and really seeing how you are not a slave, you are not just a servant, and how you can be master too, this September's stars are really here to tackle how far you can push this in your own favour.

Older Virgos progress to Libra, and Libra is really about balance. Virgo's greatest inner balancing act is the servant and master polarity and while you are progressing, you may as well learn to balance this act, in your relationships with others.


The chart used here follows the Placidus system of houses, also formerly known as the Ptolemaic Method, is a system that can be described as "Time-proportional House System of Movement". This is in contrast to the space-based systems that are built on astronomical great circles, rather than on time curves. As far as the eye can see, if you look at the night sky above in the northern hemisphere, using an app such as Google Sky, you will note that the position of these planets are traceable from this chart. Source: AstroWiki


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