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What's up in June 2013?

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller

Gemini Horoscope for June 2013

By Susan Miller

All through the second half of 2012 and through 2013, you have been waiting for your moment to hit that legendary home run, and it will finally happen this month, dear Gemini. You will only have a small sliver of time in which to act - about three weeks - but it could bring together all that you have worked so hard to launch or materialize. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is about to leave Gemini on June 25, not to be back in your sign again until May 2024. If you can think of any influential person you still need to see to present your proposal or ideas, make it your mission to see that person (or persons) before June 25, the date Jupiter leaves Gemini for the coming twelve years.

Mars' presence in Gemini tells me that you are now starting a whole new two-year cycle. The moves you make now will have clout and will affect you for at least two years - possibly forever. Mars entered Gemini on May 31 and will remain with you until July 13, so write down those dates if you like (it's on my calendar if you bought one from me), for that period represents a very critical time for you, perhaps the most important in 2013. Mars will give you energy and confidence - the universe will expect you to DO something to further your dreams. You can't sit back and hope someone knocks on your door - you will have to stay in touch with the people whose support you need. Mars will also give you the courage and determination to succeed, so push forward - others will step back and give you the right of way.

The new moon will be in Gemini, 18 degrees, on June 8, giving you carte blanche to push any venture or relationship dear to you, particularly in the travel, communications, or telecommunications industry. If your birthday falls on June 8 plus or minus five days, this year's new moon is a very important one for you. You will start off on a new path, and the outcome looks positive, as Uranus will be on hand to add his sprinkle of unexpected luck. A friend may be very instrumental to your happy news, so see what ideas your friends, and even casual contacts have for you. Gemini is a double-bodied sign of twins, so you may have two interesting opportunities, not just one.

Not everything will be a cake walk, however, in that Mercury, your ruler, will be in hard angle to Uranus, so you will encounter a few obstacles that will have to be ironed out quickly. You will have to talk though the bumps that come up and find solutions quickly, but who better to do that than a Gemini? You need to be sure the friend you are dealing with is truly a friend, and if you feel undue pressure from this person (that would be Pluto's signature), don't automatically bend to it - address the agreement or relationship (in business or personally) in a way that makes you comfortable.

The reason you need not dally is that you will make very good money once Jupiter enters Cancer, specifically from June 25, 2013, to July 16, 2014 (representing over twelve months of financial reward). Virtually all of your profits will relate to the seeds you planted from June 11, 2012, to this month, June 25, 2013. When Jupiter goes into Cancer you will enter into the next gestation - the second phase of the growth cycle - and your financial bounty will relate directly to those efforts you made earlier, while Jupiter was still in Gemini (June 11, 2012, to June 25, 2013). This month you have FOUR heavenly bodies in Gemini, including the new moon June 8, the Sun, Jupiter, and Mars. Gemini energy is air energy and everything moves at an amazing whirl - very fast! Be ready! You MUST seed your most important actions prior to June 25, but better yet prior to June 19.

There is another reason to work with purpose and focus. Mercury, your ruler, will go retrograde on June 26 and stay in retrograde until July 20. It's always a three-and-a-half week process that happens every three months or so. You should not sign a contract with Mercury retrograde, nor purchase any electronics or machines (including a car) with Mercury out of phase. Things will not go your way if you do, and you may sorely regret the decisions you make during that time. You never should run up close to a Mercury retrograde period - leave a space of as many days as you can muster. The only way Mercury retrograde can work for you is to go back to someone you've not seen in ages and reopen that relationship to find new things to work on together. Mercury will retrograde in Cancer, giving it a business color, and the retrograde may hold up checks - send reminder statements to those who owe you early in the month.

This month, you will see the annual meeting of the Sun and Jupiter on July 19, a day I have always called "the luckiest day of the year." In truth, the two days leading to this day could be even stronger, June 17 and 18. Mark them all on your calendar, but the reason I like the days just before June 19 is that you always want to catch an aspect as it is building and getting stronger, not peaked and going down the hill as it deflates. Every year these two old friends, Jupiter and the Sun, will meet in conjunction in a different part of the chart, and this year they will meet in Gemini!

On June 16, (you have another stellar day, when Mars in Gemini will signal Uranus in Aries, so sudden news will be good news. Gee, Gemini, I love the whole week from June 15 to 19 (and in some countries, June 20, as my aspects often "hit" a full day later in say, Asia - check the world clock on line for noon EDT in New York City versus your city.)

If your birthday falls on June 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19, you will get a triple dip of luck from this sensational five-star aspect, because this event will color your whole year with luck.

Be careful about what you choose to do on these days - you can sign a contract, send a book proposal, have your book translated into other languages, sign an agreement for app development or a social network, or start or finish a piece of software. You may launch a TV show or make an important appearance, or do any other project that is purely communication oriented. Gemini rules travel too, so you may take a short, quick trip this month, even if you have no plans to do so, and that may happen near June 15 to 19, or earlier. You may also get a tip that you act on from a sibling (or do something important in collaboration with your sibling), as a few examples. These are all Gemini-ruled areas, so chances are, you will feel at home with whatever you choose to do.

By the full moon in Capricorn 2 degrees, June 23, you will wrap up a financial deal or send a check to cover a large financial obligation. This is a friendly full moon for a change (not all full moons are friendly, as you may have learned this year.) It is also possible that you will receive a large sum of money that you earned, say in commission, royalty, or as a bonus. It may represent a book advance or back child support. You may finish up talks on the division of property in your impending divorce or get a large licensing fee or royalty. An inheritance may be settled, or you may win a small prize.

The same house, where this eclipse is found, also rules surgery. If you need surgery you may make the decision to have it near this date, plus or minus four days. If the surgery is for urgent, or emergency reasons, and your doctor feels you need to do it, then do it. If you do not have an urgent situation, and you have all the time in the world to have the operation, then wait until late July (after July 20) or in August. Mars is currently in Gemini, not a good time for surgery on Gemini-ruled parts of the body, including shoulders, elbows, clavicles, hands, wrist, fingers, or lungs, not until after July 20, as it is usually the axiom not to operate on the part of the body that Mars is touring as Mars can bring inflammation and pain. (Neither of these are the end of the world - if you need an operation, have it!) When Mars goes into Cancer, it would not be the ideal time to operate on the upper stomach or breasts - in that case, early June would be best.

This full moon June 23 will be in sweet angle to Saturn, adding a large amount of comforting security. Neptune will be very helpful too, giving you the possibility that your picture will appear in the press for a recent career victory. With Pluto not too far away, at 11 degrees of Capricorn, Pluto will be the neighborhood, keeping a watchful eye on the full moon. Pluto will lend you your gifts of negotiation and street smarts.

Romantically, you are the golden one this month. You have Mars in your sign, making you very attractive - people will notice you! Moreover, Jupiter is still in your sign, so you have the #1 planet that can change your life for the better. You must try your luck this month, so go out and socialize! I like June 1-2, 8-9, and 15-19. Aspects this rare and special are rarer than diamonds! In all cases, a friend may make an introduction, and it may happen quite spontaneously and even possibly casually.

Dear Gemini, if you have wondered why the past twelve months were not as spectacular as you imagined, it was likely because you were busy "doing" - planting those seeds for a dream you wanted to materialize. Now, if you worked hard and smart, you will begin to see results once Jupiter enters Cancer. You are likely to make the most money you've ever seen, or at the very most, the most you've seen in years, possibly ever. The world is your oyster this month, dear Gemini - make a dream that is vital to you come true.


The past few months may have brought some exciting developments, but nothing will match the wonder of June. Friendly heavenly bodies, including Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, and new moon of June 8, will have migrated into Gemini, and each will be there to support your wishes. Mars, the action hero planet, is now in Gemini for the first time since August 2011 to mid-September 2011, and Mars will remain with you from June 1 until July 13 next month. Having Mars on your side will give you the rare opportunity to gain control over any area you'd like to excel in or score a victory. Mars will also give you energy and drive, and the kind of determination where you won't take "no" for an answer.

Even though you will receive some extraordinary offers in June, proceed slowly. Your ruler is Mercury, and Mercury will be in hard angle to Uranus in your house of friendship at the time of the new moon. This suggests that as events unfold, you will need to be sure someone in your circle who has presented themselves to you as your friend or supporter may actually be a wolf in sheep's clothing, and might be working at cross purposes to your goals. This is nothing to become overly concerned about, but it would be wise to remain circumspect, now and in future weeks. Whenever Uranus is involved, surprises are in store, but this time, the surprise seems not so welcome. I see this as a hurdle to overcome, not a roadblock to set you back. Consult with your lawyer or other trusted advisor and decide if your trust in this person is well placed. I do not want to make you overly suspicious. Mercury moves quickly, so the fact that the new moon is positive is important!

Still, when it comes to career, it seems you'll be unstoppable. A rare, grand and glittering triangle will appear in the sky, linking a work project, salary, career fame, and applause. Neptune is in your house of professional acclaim, so it appears you may be interviewed in the media or be asked to host or star in your own show. Your face appears to be recognizable to many more people than ever before, and soon, you'll be a household name.

Keep your health strong now, as you might feel depleted with so much activity going on around you. If you need a medical or dental procedure, you may make the decision to schedule it by the full moon, June 23. To be clear, this procedure may or may not be done this month - it's your actual decision as to whether to move ahead on this procedure or done at another time. If you feel you need a second or third opinion from a medical practitioner, start to gather information in early June.

Your happiest day this month will certainly be June 15 to 19, at the alignment of the Sun and Jupiter in Gemini, something that only happens in your sign once every 12 years. (For countries far from America, such as Asia or Australia, add June 20). In the days leading to this day, you will have extraordinary luck. Do not assume the day after June 19 will also shower you with pixie dust - after June 19, the Sun and Jupiter will part, and the energy will start to slide down, and you will no longer have the edge. For that reason, time your actions for before this day sees the energy peak: June 17, 18, and 19. With the moon in highly compatible Libra on the first two dates, and Mars and Uranus in perfect sync on June 17, you certainly will be enjoying a golden phase. A trusted friend may be unexpectedly helpful to you at this time - see what happens. The proceeding weekend of June 15-16 has Mars in perfect angle to Uranus, just made for fun with friends, and spontaneous news and travel.

A financial matter will also come to culmination within four days of the full moon, June 23. This moon will fall close to Pluto in your house of other people's money, so you may feel quite powerful. Saturn in good angle will provide a feeling of financial safety, and Neptune's position will help you get career acclaim if you have recently scored a victory. You may get a legal settlement to your favor or receive a large commission or bonus.

Also within four days of June 23, you may also need to pay a very large bill, such as tuition for the next semester in the university, or to make a large purchase, say, for a car or to purchase a house, as a few of many possible examples. Still, Mercury is about to retrograde June 26, so you will already be too close to this full moon to make any large purchase - do so earlier, or wait until late July.

This same full moon will give you a chance to review your insurance needs, or do savvy mid-year tax planning. There's a good chance you will hear an answer back from the bank or capitalist about an infusion of venture capital for your business or refinance your mortgage for a more attractive rates.

You will be able to grow your finances impressively from now on, as Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will have moved into your second house of earned income as of June 25 and will remain there for nearly thirteen months, until July 16, 2014. The coming phase should herald one of your most lucrative periods in the decade, and much of your bounty will be earned from ventures you put into place from mid-2012 until mid-2013 (now). If you have any project in mind that you would like to present or seed, you must do so now, prior to June 25. Jupiter is about to move to Cancer, so time is of the essence.

In terms of love, you are quite the love magnet, for you have Jupiter in Gemini, which you will have until June 25. Circulate while you also have Mars in Gemini - all month - for Mars will make you catnip to admirers. Attached Gemini will be radiant, optimistic, and so very vibrant that your one-and-only is apt to fall in love with you all over again.

Dates to Note: Gemini

Most Romantic Dates: June 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19 (gold star), 16, and 29.

Mars will be in Gemini all through June until July 13. Mars will give you drive and determination, and help you push your dearest dreams forward until you capture your prize. Go after what you want!

Jupiter will be in final days of Gemini, leaving June 25. Until then, you'll be golden when it comes to love. Circulate as much as possible in the first three weeks of June.

A remarkably wonderful day, the luckiest day of the year: June 19 when the Sun conjoins Jupiter in Gemini - this will happen again next year, but won't happen in Gemini again for 12 more years. The two days leading to this day deserve gold stars, too: June 17 and 18.

You may see a large check within four days of the full moon, June 23.

Venus will tour your house of money June 2 to 26, and be another boost to your earned income this month.

Mercury will be retrograde from June 26 to July 20.

When Jupiter enters Cancer on June 25, to stay until July 16, 2014, you will enter your most lucrative financial period of the decade, to last twelve months.

Mars is in your sign throughout June, allowing you to move forward on a venture, opportunity, or relationship that's important to you (or soon will become so).

Previous Month's Forecast >>>

P.S. for June 2013

Appearances June 2013

Susan Miller's Evening Seminar (Monday, June 17 in New York City)

Planetary Trends and Eclipses of 2013: June through December

Monday, June 17, 2013, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM, and we often stay longer

$45.00 - ($49.00 at the door if you have not called to reserve seats)


META Center

214 West 29th Street - 16th Floor, between 7th & 8th Avenues

New York, NY 10001

META Center is conveniently located near Penn Station and subway stations.

"Planetary Trends and Eclipses of 2013: June through December"

By now it's clear that we are all adjusting to a new normal. The economy is gently improving, but many readers still report that things are not easy. This talk will center on the comings two eclipses later in the year, a full moon lunar eclipse on October 18 in Aries, and new moon solar eclipse on November 3, 2013 in Scorpio. Everyone will feel these eclipses in different ways, and eclipses are always important to watch, for they bring fast moving events and often the biggest news of the year. Susan will also discuss the challenging aspects due early July and late December 2013, and the year's bright spots. She will also discuss the impending Venus and Mars retrogrades and what this means for you.

In a year like 2013, brilliant days and difficult ones lie side by side, so it will be important to plan your key initiations on the very best periods of the year. With this lecture, you will leave armed with all the information you need to strike at the right time for you. You will have lots of opportunity to interact with Susan and others in the audience - Susan's lectures are always lively and fun.

Please come to check in at 6 PM and have a little something to eat ahead of time so you won't be hungry.

The Meta Center

214 West 29th Street - 16th Floor, between 7th & 8th Avenues

New York NY 10001

This event will be in an intimate space that holds only 100 guests.

All Susan's events sell out days prior to the event, so please reserve your space early.

For more information, please call 914.271.3640 ext 14

Feel free to send a message to Susan on her Twitter account @AstrologyZone.


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