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What's up in May 2013?!

Hi readers, this month, we know what's up in May 2013 from the website:

Who smiles through life except when crossed?Who thinks he knows the most??Who loves good things???It is the Taurus.


Taureans are very slow and deliberate in forming attachments but once established they make successful pairs with a dedicated loyalty & endearment. Taurus are not the flirty kind in nature and don't jump onto from one partner to another. Though they are very satisfied in a happy family bonding and they become more habitual and rigid.They are considered to be unadventurous by the other partners for they love to get back from work, eat supper and relax watching TV all night rather than exploring in love.

The opposite mate eventually find this behaviour unacceptable and try to nudge the Taurean out of their chair.Taureans are not the people who look for variety.Taureans of both sex need a great deal of good and earthy sexual bonding to get them through life inspite of them being very sensual. Only the real thing can quench the Taureans thirst when they are aroused. Surveys confirm that the lowest divorce rate is held by the Taureans among the rest of the signs. In a nutshell Taureans in love are loyal, sexy, domesticated and easily pleased.

The opposite mate eventually find this behaviour unacceptable and try to nudge the Taurean out of their chair.Taureans are not the people who look for variety.Taureans of both sex need a great deal of good and earthy sexual bonding to get them through life inspite of them being very sensual. Only the real thing can quench the Taureans thirst when they are aroused. Surveys confirm that the lowest divorce rate is held by the Taureans among the rest of the signs. In a nutshell Taureans in love are loyal, sexy, domesticated and easily pleased.


Prosperous at developing and maintaining wealth, Taureans do well in banking and finance. In business, they shine in fields concerned with the earth and money. Architect, builder, gardener or accountant, financier, banker, auctioneer, real estate broker, are all professions which attract a Taurus. They may even possess a good singing voice as music may be said to be a Taurean art. Many Taureans have a find real pleasure in gardening. Gifted with a natural artistic nature, they also may excel as crafts workers.

Persistence, thoroughness and single-mindedness that can take on dogmatic qualities are the hallmarks of the Taurean personality. No detail will ever be overlooked by the eyes of a Taurean. Motivated by a desire to obtain and accumulate physical possessions, they can be compulsive in their intensity to secure an ample supply of everything they consider important.

Famous Personalities

Elizabeth II (April 21, 1926)
Queen of England
Tony Blair (May 6, 1953)
British Prime Minister
Andre Agassi (April 29, 1970)
Tennis player
David Becham (May 2, 1975)
Famed Football Player
Pierce Brosnan (May 16, 1952)
James Bond Fame


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