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What's up in January 2013?

Dec 23  - Jan 20

Symbol    The Mountain Goat            Element   Earth          Modality   Cardinal      
Ruler    Saturn

Moods: Serious, wise, evasive, ambitious, achiever, practical, rock-like stability

Colours: Dark brown, earthy dark green, burgundy

Claim to Fame:  Scientist Sir Issac Newton, Boxer Muhammad Ali, Astronomer Johannes Kepler, writers Rudyard Kipling,  JRR Tolkien

The Capricorn Personality

IF..... by Rudyard Kipling

IF you can keep your head when all about you 
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings 
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

I couldn't copy only a part of this wonderful poem, a desiderata if you like, by Rudyard Kipling, himself a Capricorn, born December 30th. It had to be here in its entirety. My mum shares this birthday and I'm one of those I must say, 'gifted individuals', simply because I happen to know a Capricorn native, up close & personal. 

One would have to probably pay one's way to get an audience with a Capricorn, regardless of whether they are 5 years or 50 years of age. This is because they are containers and purveyors of wisdom, of what's left of it and the difference between their wisdom and the philosophers from the previous month is that these people know how to apply it practically. If they see a shortage of water, they won't be stuck in dreaming up solutions that involve pipelines from Alaska to Mexico. They will dig that hole. Mostly. 

Sometimes, Capricorns do suffer from fatigue and do give into withdrawal and when they do this, they turn miserable and miserly with their presence so as to not bother others and don't participate so much in the wider discussions and debates, in which their presence would've seemed essential only a while back. But it doesn't take too much to get them back in action and whatever that magic ingredient is, it is within them. Rest assured. 

Capricorn's are extremely self-motivated and often are independently successful in their careers. They can go for long spells all by themselves and that old man or woman who still lives at his or her own home at 90, tending the garden every other day is probably a Capricorn, working away at his/her memoir. Capricorns figure the magic ingredient they need to make themselves and others happy, every day. That is what they do. Give them a hug. 

Lessons learned the hard way

Capricorns are capricious karmic players like none other, in the field of life. Born mature, they are ruled by Saturn, a strict task master who'll show them the right ways from wrong, and why. This is great, but like every other child growing up, they too have a need to break free from conditioning, from rules and tend to hit rock bottom during their teens. This process of turning lighter, if you like, from being the wise one, continues for many years, sometimes through their mature years, even into their 60s. Capricorns are often said to grow younger as they age, for this reason. 

People involved with Capricorns should know that they are ready for a win, not just a fight. They are seasoned with chivalry, manners and almost always and wherever you find them, a spell of upper classy-ness, if you like, surrounds them. They have refined tastes in wine and perfume before they have left school. They have immense respect for authority and seldom take others for granted in relationships, and they would like you to repay the courtesy. 

Think of a mountain goat, climbing the steep hill side. It has to get to the summit. If anyone gets in its way, it will either ignore you until you get the point or knock you down to the bottom and keep going at it. 

They will reach the summit and celebrate the sunrise. It's what they do. Now, if the moral of that little story isn't clear, save yourself a whole lot of trouble and step aside, even if you feel you have news that will change the way they think. Let them do what they will. If it matters to them, they'll come to you. And this is how to make a Capricorn your best friend and even better, an ally for life. 


Capricorns are not the most romantic creatures, or so they say. But they are the most dedicated lovers one will find. January 2013 sees you in love if you are a Taurus, a Leo, a Libra or a Capricorn and it means you take the lead. 

Do it Capricorn style. They organize flowers to be delivered, they'll book you a taxi home, they'll cook up from the 100 greatest recipes of the world, to the tune of the playlist with all of the songs you've casually mentioned you like. And they're in it for the long haul. 

What could be the catch? Good question. It takes a somewhat wise one to groove along to Capricorn's plan. When the honeymoon is over, life will charge ahead with responsibilities, which in their dictionary = fun. This is where many partners won't see eye to eye with them. They might get bored and leave. That's why, I made the to-do list honey, says Capricorn. 

This is a non-negotiable zone for Capricorns. They cannot mix business with pleasure or they will pay the price. It's a mistake they've made in the past.  And wisdom is about not ever repeating one's mistakes, right? 

They're completely cool with making new ones, though. Here's a hint: Agree to their lists and sign the deal. Then you can have fun by making up all those problems they love to solve! 


In January 2013, we realise with some humor that the world did not end in 2012 and we all have a ship to sail. It's the new year syndrome, when nothing exciting really happens. Suits the goats in the suits just fine. Gives us all time to breathe, read a book, even take that break you didn't take during the holidays. But if we're serious about getting ahead, look who's turning up to work at 9 am, see who's onto the next big deal. It'll in all probability be your Capricorn native, going at it independently, no matter what the stakeholders say about the market being luke-warm, this time around. I can handle cold, I can handle hot, I'll drink whatever's going around, they'll say. 

January is a great time to sign contracts and they will usually last their term. And in organizations, if you are looking at a December/January or February born boss, then you are looking at a long-term commitment with lots of twists and turns. More about that next month. 


Capricorn natives be warned: 2013 is a party season for most of you, because your ruler Saturn is in Scorpio for the next two years. Before things get to a head next year, there is a long period of getting to know the enemy/the plot/ the canvas/ call-it-what-you-want. Many of you will fall in love this year with strong, like-minded individuals, take up a new job, or go your own way with your own business plan. Your health may find it hard to keep up, if you go beyond moderation- whatever your poison is. So get out there and flex those muscles, strengthen your bones, in particular. Stay fit and make the most of it. Party on!

Astro Tip of the Month

Add just one of the following routines to your day and watch it get better:

- A salute to the sun yogasana every morning
- A fruit juice in the morning
-A brisk walk in the evening
-Donate your time on the weekend to a hobby you enjoy for at least 2-3 hours. 

Happy star-gazing! See you here in February 2013!

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