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Showing posts from 2013

What's up in August 2013?

Your August Horoscope by Susan Miller   By Susan Miller It is birthday month, but you will be celebrating in a new and very different way. As a Leo, you love to be with friends, for you are gregarious and warm hearted, and the pure joy you take in life makes others enjoy being with you. This month you will be filled with ideas for your future, and you see them in your mind's eye like a series of snapshots that, when strung together, form a series of storyboards that could be your future life. This month, take time to envision your future. Don't let anyone tell you that daydreaming is a waste of time - the only people who would dare tell you that are people without any vision. With Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your highly creative twelfth house, the time you take away from more mundane matters to think, muse, and imagine your future will pay off in a big way. You also have Mars and Mercury in this same area of your chart, energizing ...

What's up in July 2013?

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Your July Horoscope by Susan Miller Cancer Horoscope for July 2013 By Susan Miller It is birthday month, and you are eager for good news. Who could ever blame you, dear Cancer? You've had precious little cosmic help until now. Jupiter's entry into Cancer is like having a team of Special Ops from the Navy Seals on the way to your door. At last you won't have to fight your way through life all alone, as you have for years. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and happiness, and now, having moved into Cancer on June 25, will make you his favorite of the zodiac. Jupiter will go out of his way to bring you all kinds of career opportunities, a better financial outlook, distant travel, and better health, and the possibility of great romance. Having Jupiter at your side will make all the difference in the coming twelve months, for Jupiter will help you succeed in areas that you have been tirelessly t...

What's up in June 2013?

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller Gemini Horoscope for June 2013 By Susan Miller All through the second half of 2012 and through 2013, you have been waiting for your moment to hit that legendary home run, and it will finally happen this month, dear Gemini. You will only have a small sliver of time in which to act - about three weeks - but it could bring together all that you have worked so hard to launch or materialize. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is about to leave Gemini on June 25, not to be back in your sign again until May 2024. If you can think of any influential person you still need to see to present your proposal or ideas, make it your mission to see that person (or persons) before June 25, the date Jupiter leaves Gemini for the coming twelve years. Mars' presence in Gemini tells me that you are now starting a whole new two-year cycle. The moves you make now will have clout and will affect you for at least two years...

What's up in May 2013?!

Hi readers, this month, we know what's up in May 2013 from the website: Who smiles through life except when crossed? Who thinks he knows the most?? Who loves good things??? It is the Taurus. PERSONALITY  Taureans are very slow and deliberate in forming attachments but once established they make successful pairs with a dedicated loyalty & endearment.  Taurus  are not the flirty kind in nature and don't jump onto from one partner to another. Though they are very satisfied in a happy family bonding and they become more habitual and rigid.They are considered to be unadventurous by the other partners for they love to get back from work, eat supper and relax watching TV all night rather than exploring in love. The opposite mate eventually find this behaviour unacceptable and try to nudge the Taurean out of their chair.Taureans are not the people who look for variety.Taureans of both sex need a great deal o...

What's on in April 2013?

Hi Readers,  This month, we catch up with Susan Miller, one of many stellar planetary interpreters, for what's on this month.  Aries Horoscope for April 2013 By Susan Miller The first part of 2013 has been, so far, highly unusual in that the planets seem to have a movable party, moving like a group of drunk little planets from one house to another, unwilling to go home. Apparently they like to be together! They started out in January in Capricorn, headed to Pisces in a big way in March, and now there will be a remarkable FIVE in Aries as of the new moon, April 10. You've been trying to gain control of things, but doing so in March proved difficult. Now, in April you get your chance. March was a hard month for you to gain control not only because Mercury had been retrograde from February 23 to March 17, but also because planets in Pisces filled your twelfth house, indicating that all the action was taking place off stage. Whil...