Dearest Scorpio My dear passionate Scorpio, my guts are spilling over the keyboard as I type this, effusing out of me are so many things, all at once. So here it is, one thing at a time. On a personal, subjective note, this past year has been tough love for you. I have a Sun in Scorpio in the 10th house myself and I have also spoken to at least 3 other Scorpios who have all attested to one theme having a very large hand in their lives this year: appearance of the promise of ever lasting true love and happiness followed by betrayal of trust and loss of faith in love, for reasons completely out of your control. So, in trying to grapple with what has happened, I found us (yes) yet another mythology to tell us why we experience themes like this, over and over again in the story of our lives. Many people have written about the mythology of the Scorpio constellation and you will find many references to the story of Orion the hunter and Artemis (or Diana, as she is variously known). ...
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