Your August Horoscope by Susan Miller By Susan Miller It is birthday month, but you will be celebrating in a new and very different way. As a Leo, you love to be with friends, for you are gregarious and warm hearted, and the pure joy you take in life makes others enjoy being with you. This month you will be filled with ideas for your future, and you see them in your mind's eye like a series of snapshots that, when strung together, form a series of storyboards that could be your future life. This month, take time to envision your future. Don't let anyone tell you that daydreaming is a waste of time - the only people who would dare tell you that are people without any vision. With Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your highly creative twelfth house, the time you take away from more mundane matters to think, muse, and imagine your future will pay off in a big way. You also have Mars and Mercury in this same area of your chart, energizing ...
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